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A member registered Jan 27, 2023 · View creator page →

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It's ready: https://hechlok.itch.io/buzzing

Dzięki za relację. Bardzo się cieszę, że się Wam podobało

Hi, I've sent you a message on twitter

Hi, I would like to translate it to Polish. Would it be ok with you?

It's ready: https://hechlok.itch.io/bunt-na-montgomery

Yes, there will be an English version

Hi, I would like to translate it to Polish. Would it be ok? I can't find any info about the license

I think that 'let's go and check it out' would work here in most of the cases

I think it's well-thought-out and prepared. I like the map and I like the list of clear goals the players get. I'm not that big fan of giving solutions and sometimes but the difference between 'there are leaks in the tank' and 'you need to fix holes in the tank' is a small one. 

I love the usability of this module! Color coding + icons and the map as a diagram are really great ideas. And I like the little mechanics behind the Danger table. Nice!

Just one thing: If I understand the rule correctly position no 6 from Danger table/Omens will never occur because 6 would never be lower result and if there are two 6s the encounter would occur.

The countdown, map and tables with the icons, the danger table with omens and encounters. Everything is so useful and helpful. OK, it could be prettier, but it doesn't really matter. There is a lot to learn from it

I love the idea and it's well written. The only thing is that the hook is quite weak and I wouldn't know why I should go in there and if I go there, why should I go through another portal instead of going back to my ship. But still I think it would work great as a random encounter on the way of an adventure. It's really nice and fun

I really like the challenges roll idea. The ship looks interesting and the drawings are cool. It feels that it's not that system agnostic

I think that the idea is great and I love aliens that are different from people with big eyes. It would be an interesting place to visit and examine. I had a bit trouble with joining the descriptions with places in the ship 

The map is beautiful and the rooms are very imaginative and interesting. I think the hook is somehow a weaker side but I still would like to go there and explore this strange creature

It's funny, it's full of great ideas, it looks great!

I think it's worth it because the premise  is really great!

I would love to translate it to Polish if you agree. (it would be great if you could send me the editable files then)

It's fantastic! Wow! Beautiful map, great hook, great story and a lot to do around there. I will definitely try this one out! 

It's fantastic! Wow! Beautiful map, great hook, great story and a lot to do around there. I will definitely try this one out! 

I love the hook and the questions part. I also wish there were more of them and maybe a random table or two to help fill the ship with ideas

I think that the idea is very creative and different from usual dark sci-fi themes. The rooms are somehow empty and there is a lot of work a GM has to put in to play this. It would help to add at least some random tables for encounters, 1-3 items you can find in each of the rooms and so on    

Thanks for the comments! Especially for the 'good detail in only a few words' because this was my main focus when writing about NPCs and rooms. CC-BY-SA is set at metadata but I will also update the file after the jam is finished.

It's beautiful! The planet and the species idea are fantastic!

yes, of course

It's beautiful! The planet and the species idea are fantastic!

It's well written and easy to understand. The map is smart. The dog is a great idea.

Hi, I've made ZEBRA, a 1-page sci-fi survival horror module. It's free and I hope you will like it.


Topic: A crashed research vessels sends SOS signal, an alien race of telepathic plants
System: can be used with any OSR/NSR sci-fi survival horror
Time of play: around 2 hrs
Inspired by: Hothouse by Brian Aldiss, Fiasco by Stanislaw Lem, Deathworld by Harry Harrison

Your ship picks up the SOS signal sent from the research vessel Zebra, which has crashed on the planet UP-223S. The PCs are ordered to lead a rescue expedition using a small planetary lander, while the ship remains in orbit. In fact, the signal was sent by a race of alien thinking trees, who have taken control of Zebra and gained access to the crew's consciousness through telepathic abilities.

tak, bardzo mi sie spodobala. Pisalem dzisiaj o niej u siebie na fb, w srode bedzie 

(1 edit)

Wydają się naprawdę fajne na taką małą niezobowiązującą grę bez przygotowania. Postaram się wypróbować

Hi, I'd like to present you a new gothic Monster of the Week adventure, which I've prepared with the help and guidance of Marek Golonka, co-author of Codex of Worlds and Tome of Mysteries.

The mystery will allow the hunters to uncover the secrets of a haunted mansion and the great tragedy that took place a few years ago.

You can download it for free from: https://hechlok.itch.io/she-who-burns

I've prepared a set of random tables based on MotW to help creating an interesting boss monster for bastards. game. 

You can check it out here: 


I've liked it so much that I translated the pamphlet and now the Polish version is available here: https://hechlok.itch.io/tura

:) no problem,  It's just Polish translation of TG


zacząłem to robić, ale część tych czasowników nie ma formy dokonanej, a przy bierniku w tabeli rzeczowników czasem wychodziły dziwactwa, więc stwierdziłem, że lepiej zostawić niedokonany i mianownik i wtedy trzeba po prostu sobie zrobić z tego właściwe połączenie, ale dzięki za pomysł

Dzięki, brzmi jak dobry pomysł. Spojrzę na to w wolnej chwili

It's ready at: https://hechlok.itch.io/badacz-kurhanow
Thanks for helping me with it

No, actualy this is translation of the English one: https://manadawnttg.itch.io/barrow-delver