And the other two routes seem to work, I've gotten four endings now (Broken, Submissive, Revenge and Domination), and I've poked around in the files for the game so I've found stuff related to the other endings.
Recent community posts
Things that came to mind while playing, and would be best to implement now before the scope of the game grows. I'll focus on more mechanical aspects instead of wishing for anything content wise.
1) I'd be nice to lessen the amount of clicking you need to do for daily tasks like going to work or streaming, something like a "go to work" button on the living room screen.
2) Think about how many of the screens are truly needed, do you need to have separate screens for all the rooms of your home? Or would a more streamlined approach be better with all/most of the actions you can do while home in one menu, with possible sub-menus for stuff like using items
3) As others have said, some sort of a gameplay mechanic tied with growing. Could simply start with getting higher wages from the cafeteria, but possibly after getting big enough it could also have some adverse effects or something
4) Progress bars of some form on the books and growth would be nice
And as a sidenote, there are a few notable typos with the goggles. on one screen they are referred to as "Googgles of Pleasure" and another as "The Googles of Pleasure" (Bolded letters added for emphasis.)