I've been very swamped with IRL work and the canine player coding that I have not at all had time yet, sorry!
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Recent community posts
1 - I'm not sure I'm following. Can you send me a screenshot to better understand the issue?
2.5 - There is no day/night cycle. Special events will change the background when you've got choices to make.
3 - I probably could do a better job of stating that they have knotted cocks, but in the writing, it should specifically mention that they are knotting whoever they are fucking.
3.5 - Overall there's two levels of characters with above average penis size.
4 - This is helpful. I'll dive into this. Can you share where you're seeing bunnies that shouldn't be there?
5 - This is super helpful. I've added it to my list of problems to solve. If you find any clear trend, let me know. In testing, things are working fine for me.
Small updates drop monthly on the main site. For big updates, those are chosen by the subscribestar supporters. The latest poll should give you an idea of things that are likely to get added in the future. Elves and Spiders are both guaranteed updates. The rest are fully up to the player base to support. This poll will run until the end of December. Whichever option gets the most votes will be the next big update I start.
Do you mean the main map or the global map?
There's def a need for more group scenes. If you're looking for more, returning to your hut after lots of travel will also spawn a few special scenes.
Canines do have knots! Make sure you turn on the enhances furry settings! If that's not showing lemme know cus stuff broke.
I'd never thought of that, but it totally makes sense! Oooof. Overall censoring too many races will likely break things, but I'll work on improving that
It's just a single file so download away. I update the game monthly on the main website, FightFuckFeed.me, and that'll always be the most up to date