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A member registered May 01, 2021 · View creator page →

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A bit of fun! It was surprisingly satisfying to adjust to the small world and memorise the locations of all the crafting materials, and the little dash puzzles were enjoyable as well. I did think it was a bit disappointing that some of the recipes crafted the same item, for instance at one point I thought I was finding a new recipe but it turned out to just be slip, which I already had. But aside from that finding new recipes is exciting. This was certainly an enjoyable 20min of my life.

(1 edit)

I love the idea! This would also have fit quite well with the "out of control" theme as it gets a bit chaotic when the molecule is so big you're picking up every atom that goes across the screen. I'm sure I'm not the first person to say this but it would be nice if it was a bit easier to break off branches (although having everything done by hitting atoms is a good concept in my opinion). Also it would be nice if the game wasn't quite so pedantic about which way up your molecule has to be for it to count as correct, there were some times when I had the correct shape but the molecule I was meant to be copying was a different way up, which was quite annoying. Overall great though! I was able to get a score of 144 before giving up.

Edit: I forgot to mention that just making the biggest molecule possible was really fun, maybe that could be a goal or a different game mode?

Swinging the mace around is very fun! I do wish it's momentum wasn't reduced by quite as much when it hits a target though. Good fun though!

Honestly quite fun, however I have absolutely no idea how this relates to the theme. Also even though in theory the player being affected by the gravitational pull of things in space is cool it just made it feel like the player was turning in random directions which was quite annoying. Also the pictures telling you what you are looking for could be clearer, and I have no idea what the "boost charger" does. Aside from all that it was pretty good and I had fun, but it really did not fit the theme.

Amazing! The elasticity is very fun to play with (though it could be a bit flingyier if that's a word). it would be nice if you could move the camera, and some of the levels could be better but I'm just impressed there are as many as I got up to. Nice work!

Unfortunately there seems to be a .pck file missing (in the windows version).

Incredibly interesting idea! But I kinda felt like when there were lots of enemies on the screen there was basically nothing i could do about it and the protagonist would just die over and over... also it would be nice if enemies couldn't shoot you if they weren't on screen.

Quite fun, though it could usesome fine tuning. Having a defensive option would be nice, and maybe having the heal as just a basic ability and not an attachment might be better (although it also might make the game to easy). I think having a system that allows you to pick up fallen enemies could also be interesting (unless that's what the "grapple" does, I wasn't able to use it because I was on keyboard and mouse). Also it would be nice if the next wave didn't appear until you've finished off the previous wave. And it would be nice if your projectiles were a different colour to the enemies.

I overall enjoyed it though!

What a take on the theme! I really liked having your number of carriages linked to your speed, though it could probably use a bit of fine tuning as with very few carriages the train becomes incredibly difficult to control, which I assume was not the intention. It would also be nice if there was a way to choose which carriage to eject as well, and it would be nice if upon collecting a carriage it immediately attached itself to then end of the train rather than moving slowly along the other carriages, which I think may be the cause of the glitch where the carriages get tangled.

Also I really like the music, the calm theme suits the atmosphere very well and it is cool how it seamlessly goes from calm to "you are getting shot!!", however during one of the days I happened to run out of fuel while getting attacked which caused the bandit music to continue playing, and when I ran into another bandit another layer of the bandit music was added on top until I went out of range.

Overall great stuff though!

Unfortunately the game is not opening so I cannot play it, I get an error saying there is a missing or renamed .pck file.

Quite good! I was initially questioning the duality of space invaders and breakout but it worked quite well. However I do think it would be a bit better if either there was only one ball (during breakout mode) or the balls were somehow programmed so that they would reach the edges at the same x position or at different times because sometimes it was impossible to avoid losing a life. Also I think it might be better if switching "modes" was on a timer rather than based on score because when you get to only one or two blocks left it becomes very unlikely for one of the balls to hit them. Another more minor thing is that it would be nice if we could have some visual indication of where the blocks will start moving in the other direction, as it is very difficult to tell and makes it hard to line up shots. Also the sound effects are a bit loud compared to the music imo but that might just be personal preference.

Overall quite fun, definitely original and a lot better than I could do in 48 hours lol

Good stuff!

I think the jump was too high, it made it difficult to get around as the deadly black squares were very frequent. Also I found that the platforms often didn't stay red, and sometimes fell when they were white, I think this needs to be fixed and more visual indication of when the platforms are going to fall is needed. I'm also not entirely sure what causes the platforms to link which makes it difficult to nagivate with the very high jump. Interesting idea, but not great execution.