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A member registered Oct 19, 2022 · View creator page →

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Very intriguing song filled with good uses of speech in a soundtrack. The instrumentation did very well capture a cyberpunk feel as well. Also a very interesting idea. Not sure what kind of mind thinks of Cyber-Dog but, I'm all for it.

Though I can't really imagine this in a game setting, that could just be a result of a lack of imagination. Some of the audio snippets at the end are also somewhat jarring and unfit in my opinion, but that is just my opinion. I appreciate the creativity and the ambition with the use of speech. I always like generally unorthodox approaches to music.

Overall, great OST! Just interesting enough to be an ambient track in a game, which is the goal of the jam; make an OST for a game. I'd be proud of this if I were you.

Thank you! Not sure how I could touch on everything you said here-- I can say that the grating sound in Metro is probably a result of my inexperience mastering music. For me it sounds fine, though it's very likely other audio devices don't process the high pitch very well. I actually can't really hear it through the more full portions of the song.

Overall I'm glad that I at least hit the target on the theme. I was a bit worried when I opened up the jam and saw the theme, honestly. I normally feel like I know how to reply to a comment, but you touched on so much here i dont know where to start. Gonna go listen to your OST now though!

You had my utmost attention when my eyes glanced on the word "lyrics." Then I read further, and then already I loved the take, then I listened to the song. Now, I personally don't like rap, but there are some exceptions of rap that I do actually enjoy. Welcome to the list. Amazing job, I was hoping for something really unique somewhere in these submissions and I think I've found my favorite in terms of uniqueness. But there's one thing that's bothering me...

what does plastic and plate even mean????? im just a tad dense

Very astral and cyberpunky. Guess that is what you were going for. I quite like the song; my favorite part is the break, where there is a brass-like synth playing the lead, and then more acoustic drums.  I love the choice to use those drums there.

okay... this is my favorite submission yet. I can already imagine this in a game, and I really like the idea. i dont even really know what to say-- and in 24 hours?? you say this was simple but im still blown away. i struggled to pump mine out in 48 hours! this sounds perfect for the game idea you described. i really hope to see you in future jams.

I loved how you made an alternate mix for low health, that was a very good idea and honestly I'm a little jealous I didn't come up with a similar one.

woah, the second segment of the song shocked me. i knew it was supposed to change in tone but damn. i liked this track a lot.

thank you for the advice! i’ll try this and maybe start messing around with those things more in the future.

yeah, like i said in the paragraph i put on this submission, i have absolutely no idea how to master but i bothered to try this time 💀

Thank you! I'm pretty proud of what I did here in 48 hours. It was a busy weekend. I also appreciate the comment; it's really nice to get all these compliments. It really boosts my musical ego (maybe a little too much hehe.) i might not have emphasized how much i was impressed by your work too, it did really blow me away for a fourth ever composed track. you have some serious potential. keep it up!

(Neon Streaks was actually the first song I began to work on, it was the foundation of the rest of the project.)

I put a lot of work into the story, because I thought that would really help making the songs, and it did. I'm glad people find it fitting!

(also yes, bastion is my second favorite of the bunch)

Thank you! I did my best to not make the song feel like it has a climax while also being entertaining and satisfying to listen to, and I'm pretty proud of the dropoff as the chase dies down.

Thank you! I love to hear things like that; "this could very well be a soundtrack to an actual existing game". Seeing as that's exactly what I want to do in the future, it's very encouraging.

and i see you also noticed my leitmotif work as well. i am a really big fan of leitmotifs, so i'll always try to incorporate them in the best ways possible. glad it worked in my favor!

Thank you! I make it a point to emphasize leitmotifs in my soundtrack work. (i love leitmotifs done well)

I like this submission quite a bit. I could really see your talent shining through in Deadline. I also liked the other songs, but they mostly all felt like they were missing a little touch; I found most of your other songs mostly looped the same thing for a minute or so, with minimal additions. I'm not saying it's bad though-- it was very fitting, and so far you're a top 10 on my submissions list-- all I'm saying is, as a constructive criticism, if you're going for a simpler song such as many of the ones in this submission, there needs to be a little extra spice, otherwise attention is lost, and it gets repetitive. You could do this by shifting the melody a little sometimes, or adding another melody on top of it at times that supports the main melody.

I love this idea, and the vibes the music gives off totally fit it. This has been one of my favorite submissions to listen to. I hope to see you in future jams!

i just dropped in to say this swept me off my feet. absolutely amazing work. i expect to see this in the top three

This is the fourth track you've ever composed?? Damn, my fourth track was absolutely nothing like this. It took me a year before I could make anything in the same realm as this. Good work! If I had to give any feedback, it's that the main lead somewhat stands out against the resonating pads/synths, due to it's lack of reverb and the like. I would add some reverb or something, but honestly, even that is just an opinionated criticism, I could totally see keeping it the way it is for a reason. Overall, great job! If this is your fourth track, I can only imagine what you can do with a DAW that isn't Garage Band!

I really like the idea of a survival/defense game, with the two themes. I also really like the choice of instruments; they're unique, but the other instruments make it just cyberpunk-y enough. Good work!

alright so i left the house in a rush bc i have to be somewhere, but i have the files and i have the time that they were made so i can prove that it was done before the time. i guess i’m just wondering if there’s anything i can do to still qualify. i’ll be back home in around two or three hours.