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A member registered Aug 16, 2019 · View creator page →

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I'm at the boat as you my brother, sad time for brazilian folks

Parabéns pelo seu jogo.

Cut-scene, a utilização do drone justificando a história ficou bem coerente, a mistura dos instrumentos e o boost que elas dão no player ficaram bons demais.

Me lembra muito os tempos de Newgrounds e jogos em flash como o jogo "Burrito Bison". Dão uma nostalgia e a simplicidade dos controles com a dificuldade de conseguir utiliza-los direito ajudam muito na replayability.

Fico feliz que tenha gostado do jogo! 
O seu vídeo se encontra privado no momento, mas já achei seu canal e vou me inscrever.

Tem muitas funções do game que eu fiz e deixei no ponto, mas que na versão da game jam não estavam total do meu agrado então deixei de fora nessa versão. 

Está vedado o uso de assets pagos? Somente assets gratuítos podem ser usados?

A real good game. But since i didn't play the first, i have not finished this one

Great game . I love the way you put those "lava" handles. I just don't understand the Spheres, they suppouse to hit me when i'm climbing that path?

The game was great. I had some issues when you forget to add a run in this game. It's too long for such slow pace from the player. Another issue that i had was from the camera. In Yahaha you can  put a Third Person Camera that you don't need to hold the right key from the mouse to rotate the camera. Besides that is a great game. Congratulations

It's really a hardcore game, but the 10 seconds respawn it's just frustrating and without checkpoints the game gets boring real fast. Remember that Yahaha have a lot of ping depends where your player are running from. Besides that it's a great game . Congratulations

I got lucky running from the monkeys, good game dude

Congratulations on the art, realy cute. I really enjoyed the minimap but, since the minimap shows a good angle  of things around the map, the another cam is too close. About the socks minigame, it's a great idea but 3 lifes get really hard to play. There's something that I saw, that you made the cursor, but in the game almost never I saw then in game.
Nice game man

Actually the presents are spawned when you start the game (after the intro). Try pressing H to use the help arrow. And thanks for the comment 

I had a really great time playing your game. it was very polished and very beautiful. Congratulations

Nice game. I had an issue with the player when changing screen get stuck in the wall and missed a little about a health bar or another indicator that i had taken any damage. But it was a fun game with a lot to replayablity 

Really enjoyed the concept and the final was a great pleasure. Nice game

That's fine. In a jam we don't have that much time to think about every detail to explain to the player. An future update (if you might) you could make an box popping in the screen telling that you conquer an achievement (like in steam games) 

Thank you for the feedback. That problem occurred here in the export, it was working fine in the editor, glad you see thru about it. About the bullets, it suppose to be physics based (like splatoon), but I had an issue with the Shaders and the mechanic as well. Glad you liked 

Glad you liked. 

Thanks for feedback, I didn't know about the bug and still don't know how to fix it yet, but I'll look for and future updates. About the controls, it was my first attempt to make an third person shooter, that's why is so jaggy 

Good game. It was hard to understand the camera system in the first time, but has a great experience

Great concept . The music was fun and the movement based on gravity makes a good experience in general

I've enjoyed the style and the concept of the game. Kinda deep to understand everything

Really cleaver playstyle. I've enjoyed the game, but had issues to understand the movent commands at first

Nice game. Really enjoyed the gameplay. Suggestion - you should place somewhere in the scene a "future" next color (like in tetrix), but this is for an future update

Really liked the among us minigames style. The art are great and good gameplay

Really great game. I just had an issue thinking in CMYK not in RGB haha. Clever idea

It's really hard to control the character, but overall is a great experience the music mixing with the style on the walls. Nice game 

I really enjoyed the game. The effects, sfx, post processing and beyond fits well the style and gameplay. 

That's a great first game. The music is chill and I liked the particles you used in the game. Didn't get to finish yet, but i'll try again later. The conversation with characters are great, but in the tiny time you have, you should make it a little faster.

Really liked the game. Fast learning curve and catchy.

I really enjoyed the game and always lost some puppies during the game. But i could'nt understand that we can move vertically until the 3rd level. (I'm a brazilian and don't speak a thing in russian. sry)

Nice game! The catch is when you look close to center, you won't be able to disguish the another color (which is great for the mechanic). One additional thing it should make the compass of the music is increasing with the time passing (for an future update)

The gameplay were great. Nice puzzle and very polish. But that were not made for 1 minute solve

Great plataformer game. Really enjoyed the mechanics and the different levels each time

Great game! i really could'nt finish the game in one minute. But that is an idea to make a full game about it. 

I really like the concept. The art and the gameplay were great. There are some part of collisions that blocks movements. Nice game.

I liked the overall game, but i missed a button to exit your minigames. (and I didn't found how to get to blue collor haha)