Really fun and cute game! I like that every level has a different gimmick, which makes each one unique. I would love a full game if it’s possible.
Creator of
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More updates:
- Devlog is live!
- Made text boxes functional. Thus Mimosa can now interact with NPCs and objects
Some updates on the game’s development (Copy pasted from the video’s description):
- I made the title screen show up upon booting the game. Therefore it no longer sends you straight into the test room.
- Upon starting the game, Mimosa starts out as a helpless egg. You need to make him jump at least three times with W/Up Arrow to let him hatch. Aside from that, he cannot move while in this state. The animation is very janky, but I’ll get it polished eventually.
- Text boxes have been added. I’m still following Shaun Spaulding’s tutorial on how to make them work properly.
- The sfx no longer sound obnoxious (Took that advice from two people on another server hehe)
- Finally, I have replaced the sketch placeholder BG with one that I’ve drawn with procreate. Therefore, it looks more like a GBA/DS Kirby background.
That wraps up everything. I will make a devlog post outside this forum soon.
Okay, so it’s been a while since the last post, huh?
For anyone wondering, yes I’m still working on the game. I just can’t find time to work on it at the moment due to irl stuff as well as having returned home from the Philippines a few weeks ago.
For now here’s some recent updates:
- A long time ago, I got to figure out how to make the attack animations work. I also had to rework the test levels and edit the stage music, but of course, that too needs to be fixed because right now, it’s repetitive and grating.
- Speaking of music, I have also made additional songs for the game, and you can listen to them below. I should probably make a better title screen song because the current one just isn’t great.
- Lastly, the official worldbuilding wiki has been opened! It’s basically made as a lore companion to the game. Right now, it’s a huge work in progress, and I also need a better layout for it.
And that’s pretty much it.
Whoops forgot to update this, but his breath managed to work fine now!
Also, I’ve added enemies to the game for once. Here’s Mimo mercilessly killing these unfortunate popples and flepas.
Now, I need to learn how to actually have Mimo’s attack animations to work ingame (I tried adding them as sequences, but every time he shoots, the game crashes).
Today, here are several pieces of concept art I’ve made yesterday:
This is a page displaying two things.
- The top sketch is an interaction between two characters, with a dialogue box at the bottom. Dialogue will only appear whenever you talk to NPCs or during cutscenes. Only major characters can have dialogue icons. This is something that I’ll implement in the prototype build, as long as I learn how.
- The bottom sketch is what most save points look like. Not all of them share the exact same layout (i.e., the hub areas for each stage), so this is just the default one. On the left is Steamy, who can restore Mimosa back to full health if talked to, and Bingo the Dog, who runs a shop that sells items that could help Mimosa throughout the game. On the right is Wee Willie Winkie, who only appears during nighttime that reminds you to go to sleep, and the Happy Boat, who can be used to transport you to an area that you have visited previously. At the center is a Jackie, a species of living jack-in-a-boxes with weasels inside of them, that serve as check points, and also makes the area now accessible with the Happy Boat. A Jackie can also be talked to save your progress.
Here’s another piece of concept art, this time demonstrating Mimosa’s ability to triple jump. I use Gamemaker, and I really don’t know how to make him triple jump, so any help with that is appreciated.
Oh hm. I’ve been here for quite a while, but I never got to introduce myself properly before, so. Hey.
I’m Historia-KQ (You can just call me Tori). I’m 20, and I love drawing and playing video games. Fire Emblem is a very big special interest of mine, but I also enjoy other media (i.e. Saint Seiya and Bee and Puppycat). I also love making OCs and cute critters.
Currently, I’m developing a game titled Mimosa and the Clocktower, and it’s a metroidvania with nursery rhyme-themed characters and the ability to manipulate time (how many times did I say that now…?). I’ve been working on it since 2022, and you can learn more about it here. Right now, I’m actively seeking for advice, help, and feedback about developing this game, so feel free to offer me those.
TH World (Might be moved to its own site in the future) / Project Page
Mimosa and the Clocktower is a project that I’ve been working on since 2022, and is currently in a mix between both concept stage and prototype stage. As the title explains, it will be developed as a Metroidvania, and most of the items and characters (i.e. Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star and Hickory Dickory Dock) are themed after popular nursery rhymes and theme songs. Right now, I am currently working on making concept art for various mechanics and additional enemies, as well as writing the plot and script for it, but for now I’ll explain what the game has in store. (I have no clue if I should either tag it as just started or 10%, so I settled with the latter just in case)
(Image featured is concept art)
The summary:
Mimosa, a magigon, hatches out of his egg, only to find himself in the planet of Timesea, where the water is filled with illusions of clocks. He learns that he was taken from the moon by a mouse named Dock. Dock plans to reach to the top of the ancient clocktower, and freeze everyone and everything in Timesea, so in order to stop this from happening, Mimosa starts his journey throughout the planet.
With his ability to triple-jump and change breathes by eating berries along the way, Mimosa uses these powers to save Timesea from the hands of Dock. However, the clock of fate will know if he’ll ever reach the clocktower…
Features (Not finalized):
(See here for further information of the rest of the mechanics)
- The protagonist, Mimosa’s ability to change breaths and upgrade them. In this game, breaths are considered the only weapon Mimosa can use, and new ones are collected by eating berries. Right now, I have only completed eight of them, but I have more berries and breaths that will be made in the future, so it provides a bit more variety.
- Rewinding time, which can undo either your last action or mistake by pressing and holding the ENTER key.
- Stopping time, which allows Mimosa to freeze most enemies for a limited amount of time.
- Plants, which provide temporary power-ups that could help Mimosa on harder areas.
- Random events based on your system’s current time, which is normally cosmetic.
Right now, here’s the only prototype footage of the game, which I recorded at the start of this year, alongside a song I made for it last year. Note that both are not final.
This game is being developed by me and me only (Historia-KQ) and uses the GameMaker engine. However, since I’m still amateur with GameMaker, I greatly appreciate some feedback.
Okay, so just yesterday, I discovered a 5-year-old game I made when I was 13 at the time, and I decided to do a lot of rework on it, such as toning down the sprite contrast just so it’s more accessible. It’s released, but I appreciate some feedback by the community.
The game in question is Chameleon RUSH.
Also, I should ask some things:
- I tried fixing an issue where sometimes the fruits can’t be collected at all, and it’s still persisting. I’m still trying to find what’s causing it. Can anyone who uses Scratch look into what’s causing the bug? I can privately message you the dropbox link to download it if you wanted to look into it, but I encourage using Scratch for it, since afaik it’s the only program that can run it outside of HTML. (Video footage below)
- I’m also considering adding some more hazards as the game progresses. Right now, the only two hazards are the bad fruits and bombs (which causes an auto game over when touched). What do you think I should add?
- Lastly, does anyone find the stock SFX from Scratch’s sound library a bit annoying? If so, I can replace them, and does anyone also have good stock sound suggestions?
I think that’s all I could ask, but again, I appreciate some feedback on the project, even though you don’t use Scratch.
So, I need some help here.
I was looking forward to trying this program out, but when I downloaded it and tried opening up the installer, I was greeted by this instead:
I went to a website called VirusTotal, which I use to scan viruses in files, and when I uploaded the installer there, it had this as the result:
I’m already worried that running it while having these security vendors could potentially infect my laptop, and it’s not supposed to be malicious, but because it apparently is, I can’t run the installer unless there’s a solution. What do I do now?