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mabook downloads not working??

A topic by LeafyWeafyPawz created 39 days ago Views: 96 Replies: 4
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starting today, whenever i download a file and open it to play, it gives me the simple message in my finder app saying that it can't be opened. im aware of simple issues like needing the mac version of a download or needing to open it two times to bypass security, but it still refuses to cooperate. any idea why it may be doing this and how to help? any feedback is appreciated. love u gamers. (sorry if this has been a question before, searched it and nothing is showing up for my issue :'')

It only says that it can't be opened? Sounds like the file type may not be compatible with Mac. Have you tried it with multiple games? It could just be one developer's error in formatting a distributable for OS X. Can you screenshot the error, give information on the file type, etc?


i've tried a few different games to still continued to give the same error. i've made sure that i downloaded the macbook version each time i'd try a game but same error would pop up. i don't know a lot about video game files but they either end in _osx or something along the lines of or 

Alright I just fired up my Mac to try and help you figure this out. I downloaded the game and got the same problem. What kind of mac do you have? When i look at the file info of helltaker, it says it is an "Application (Intel)" which makes me think it may not run on apple silicon chips such as M1, M2, etc. is that the kind of mac you have? If you don't know, go up in your left corner, click the apple, and his "About this Mac". If it says anything other than Apple Intel, it's possible that the application can't be run because it was designed specifically for Macs that run Intel processors.

I'm a PC guy, and just happen to have a mac to try to help you troubleshoot on, so hopefully I'm wrong and someone else can chime in and help, but from what I'm seeing it looks like it was designed for the architecture of Intel processors only. I also see in the project files that it was made with Unity, so maybe Unity doesn't support export to apple chips, or maybe the developer needs to create a different distributable to be run on Mac's with the apple chips.

For M1 Mac users, please see note regarding Unity 2021 versions - Announcements - Niantic SDK for Unity Community

The above link says Unity ended support for these apple chips, but it may have just been the M1, as the M2 and i think M3 are also available now.

Sorry, I wish I had better news but it looks like Unity builds a file type that only runs on Intel Macs.

If your Mac is Intel based and it still doesn't work, I'm not too sure


Which Mac os are you running.? 

Are you using stuffit? Try unzipping with the unarchiver. Make sure all games are 64bit if using Catalina and higher which looks like you are. Do a system update check and check drivers. If you are running and Intel based Mac install windows on it aswell using bootcamp. It's much easier having the best of both worlds.