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A member registered Mar 13, 2017 · View creator page →

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Thaank you so much! I had honestly given up on trying to get the AIR runtime installer to play nice under Wine, this is much easier and works great out of the box on my Linux setup.

This was cute! Thanks for making it.

Thrilled to see the Linux version in my updates today! Thank you!

When trying to launch this game on Ubuntu 22.04, I get an error message saying "error while loading shared libraries: No such file or directory". I've tried working around this by placing the library in the same directory as the executable but no luck. Based on what I found by Googling, it appears to be part of an older SSL implementation that is no longer standard.

This was a cute demo and I hope to see more some day.

Tested, and it is! Thank you very much.

Ah, small note, the Linux download isn't flagged for the platform on Itch, so it can't be installed with the app. Not a breaking issue but an inconvenience (I previously had it installed this way), so I figured it was worth mentioning.

Oh, sweet! How much work needs to be done for a Linux build?

I would, since for some reason I can't get sound from the web versions on GameJolt and Newgrounds.

Will the full version be available on Itch at some point?

Hello! I'm on a post-Catalina version of macOS and the mac version doesn't work anymore. Is it possible to get the Mac build redeployed with a newer version of Pico, or else a standalone copy of the cartridge?

Yeah, just lost my previously installed games due to an issue when updating the itch client, and since this was previously free I didn't have it attached to my account to redownload. Oh well.