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A member registered Apr 16, 2018 · View creator page →

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That’s how it work yeah. Purchasing them on itch grants access to every update as long as the price remains the same. The price can only increase in the future if a new expansion is included. As for ASD, that is a different game, our conversation applies to Aolta after all. The other games are routinely updated every two weeks or so to keep it fresh for subscribers. As for Aolta, you currently have the latest version I believe but since it works differently over there I will now have to revise the information on the itch game page. Thanks for bringing this up. Please contact me in the Hornblase discord so I can send you the link to the Aolta page.

I’ve sent you a message in subscribestar, thanks for the contribution.

You won't have to, it's in subscribestar, part of the accumulated pledges!

You will still get all updates for that game as well, through the page that you already have access to.

The browser version now matches the latest version of the game. :-)

I'm deeply honored to have a long time supporter! All of the contents are entirely consensual and they only display various sexual themes for artistic and entertainment purposes. I will never stop creating games and they will only get bigger in the long run. <3

As for titty fucks, they may not be implemented in RMR but there's plenty of the theme in the latest game, tourist tap.

I see, a lot of fixes were made since that version so you may find a few bugs here and there. I guess it's time to update the browser version  as well! Stay tuned.

I've just tried several levels of the latest version of the game and everything's working as they should. Which version are you using btw? And can you let me know which levels had the problem? Thanks for playing the game.

Hmmm, that’s new, I’ll look into it as soon as possible.



1. Removed the whites surfaces around the new sex scenes

Got it, they won’t be  jumping out of nowhere.

Thanks for your input as well.

It could be a fun addition somewhere down the line.

It should be fixed now, if you want to use the same save file, load the game, go to the main menu reload and talk to her normally. Appreciate you mentioning the bug!

Hmmm, thanks for posting, I will look into this as soon as I can.

None at this time, you can join the Hornblase discord for constant public updates or become a subscriber for the exclusive data streams <3

There are tentacle creatures lined up, some of them already drawn but no futas in this set. I do however have  a pure futa game but it's currently disabled due to excessive bugs.

That's possible as well.

It’s not a bad idea so it’s possible.

Glad you liked the style, the latest game will have more of that theme as well. stay tuned!

I’ve neglected putting any tags on it apparently. Thanks for letting me know, dude.

You're right, that will be a great addition in a future patch. For now, all positions are available in the free version, the only difference is the cheat mode and the item is downloadable.

Hi, yes, you will get the game as a $12 subscriber. And as it is downloadable, you get the copy forever. <3

(1 edit)

One of the endings features procreation. The other games have the theme yes. The Pzzaboy games…  The simseh  series is mainly about impregnating but they’re older and they’re not on itch but all of my works are archived in the subscribestar.

1.  Options: sex + more money, sex, no sex

B/c: Currently, no.

2. Both items, noted.

3. Currently, no.

4. There’s an icon on the title screen, otherwise go back - suggestion noted.

5. 4 new girls are coming out in the next version, the character will be included.

These notes will be considered before the next public release, thanks for the feedback!

Noted, thanks.

Up arrow - missiles

Left arrow - machine gun

Down - bombs

Thanks for bringing this up, i noticed left arrow is not mentioned in the instructions screen.

(2 edits)

This will contain links to the solutions to the hard mode solo runs. If you love figuring them out by yourself, please skip these videos.

Level 9: Final Boss

Level 8: Solo Hard

Level 7: Solo Hard

No plans atm but we’ll see.

Got it, I will be making a spoiler section soon that contains videos on how to beat hard mode levels.

Hint: Last boss is easier without companions. I will be posting a spoiler section soon which will contain videos of how to beat each level.

I’ll check it out, which level? Thanks for posting.

3.1 Updates

- Subscriber version: new sky turtle sex set

- Subscriber version: new sky turtle sex set

Alien Sex Date 3.0 updates:

All versions:

New Sex Scenes:

Sky Doll - Beat level 8 Hard mode without companions

Sarar - Beat level 1 Hard mode without companions

Organa - Beat level 2 Hard mode without companions

Etsura - Beat level 3 Hard mode without companions

- modified level 1 hard mode: new full level boss-like object: Reinos

- modified level 1 hard mode: new full level boss-like object: Santar

- modified level 1 hard mode: new full level boss-like object: Sarar

- level 1 hard mode: removed the spinners

- level 1 hard mode: reduced the spawn rate of the kamikazes

- the sex scenes now rest after ejaculation

- level 8 hard moode: removed the kamikazes

- fixed the kamikaze bundling glitch everywhere

- fixed blue hyperbot's normal sex animation

- Claire rest frame done

- Jules rest frame done

- Blue hyperbot rest frame done

- Hard terran rest frame done

- Normal terran rest frame done

- Evil robot overlord rest frame done

- Arkasian normal rest frame done

- Arkasian hard rest frame done

- new enemy boss/sub-boss: sky doll

- level 9: removed the spike head sub-boss

- level 9: reduced the number of spinners

- Sky doll sex sprites complete

- level 9: replaced the first sub boss with a weakened version with new sprites

- level 8 hard mode: the second juggernaut only appears if there are no heavy gunners present

- fixed an important dialogue error that causes only the solo hard mode rewards to appear post normal game

- Sarar sex sprites complete

- Shotdown Skyturtle rest frame complete

- Milkanian rest frame complete

- Hard Milkanian rest frame complete

- level 5 hard mode: changed the brute sprite into the unlockable bunnylite

- Reduced the spinner hp for all levels

- fixed the spinner spawn points for all levels to cover every part of the screen

- level 2 hard mode: updated the juggernaut sprite with the special boss Organa

- reduced the missile reload time

- Furtase hard rest frame complete

- redossi normal rest frame complete

- akrishe normal rest frame complete

- akrishe hard rest frame complete

- bunnylite rest frame complete

- new loading screen

- matched the levels nearest shadow parallax to each theme

- going back from controls has a louder beep sound - fixed

- going back to base from the sky turtle aid screen without cumming automatically makes you cum

- Furtase normal rest frame complete

- redossi hard rest frame complete

- ghost header rest frame complete

- 6 remaining rest frames complete

- in the collections area, clicking an option repeatedly won't spawn multiple copies of the sex scene

Alien Sex Date (18+) community · Created a new topic Bugs

Please report any bugs to this thread, thanks!

Toy Chaos (18+) community · Created a new topic Bugs

Please post any bugs or inconsistencies. Thank you.

1.6: Vindicator bug has been fixed.

Thank you, will check as soon as possible!

Wouldn’t be a bad idea.

Scarlet Simulator community · Created a new topic Bugs

Please report any bugs and errors here, thanks!