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A member registered May 26, 2020 · View creator page →

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A very interesting game idea with charming characters and art... And I got scared with 'that' scene at the beginning, the sounds and how everything happened impressed me a lot! Great work ^^

Very charming and charismatic characters, the visuals are wonderful and mix very well with the sounds, well... A amazing VN, the only problem is having to wait for more! ^^

First of all, thank you so much for playing my game! 

And second, sorry if it got a little confusing, actually the protagonist's name is H, or Hto, and the word "Future" is above some numbers (In the menu)... What I mean by that is: in the full version, the player will understand how to find and how to use the future... In the *Future*. Maybe I'm making you more confused but... That's the idea hihi

Just know that it has nothing to do with the protagonist's name and you will be on the right track. ^^

I'm very happy that you liked it and understood the idea I wanted to convey. You can expect something even better in the *Future*.

I just played and loved the experience, the only negative point, for me, was the enemy HP. If it were a little reduced, it would be perfect. The songs match the art style very well and the use of colors is charming, great work! ^^

Thank you so much for playing!!! ^^

Thank you so much for playing! Although the game is incomplete, I'm really glad you found it interesting. 
The tileset used, and the fact that there is no music and sound effects, is purposeful. 
My idea is to make players feel like the main character, someone who is wandering in an empty mind with only the company of a few colors. 
And about the portraits, there are many other expressions I made for each character, I just couldn't implement them in time ^^ 
I'm really glad you liked them!

Very interesting level up mechanic and aesthetic choice! ^^

Impressive and expressive writing and storytelling, with well balanced battles. Wish you all the best! ^^

Fun, short and creative, great work! ^^

Very interesting, I'm looking forward to getting to know more about your universe! ^^

I just finished and found it fun to play.  
+Positive points -  
*great pixel art 
*level design 
*good difficulty  
-Negative points -  
*It takes a while to see the entire map 
*Little time to prepare 
*Continuous waves of enemies 
*After finishing the game, the other difficulties remained locked (I would like to play the expert difficulty one more time, without having to play the others first ^^) 
*Fixed units until the end of the level 
*Only a few enemies dropped money, but if they all dropped it would make it much easier, so the ideal would be to increase the drop chance a little 
++ Additions that could improve the experience  
+A pause button, thus giving you time to analyze the map 
+An overview of the map, no need to "scroll it" 
+Having the option to sell or reposition units, as it would help to deal with the third wave better, where, at the end of it, there are no more enemies appearing and those that have already appeared are halfway across the map  
Sorry for disturbing so much with details and congratulations on making the game!!! ^^

Very fun mechanic and cute visual,  congratulations for the great work ^^

it's really a interesting game with great potential, Just keep improving it, certainly will be worth ^^

Challenging and great game, I'm excited for more levels and improvement ^^ Amazing  game from a amazing game developer, congratulations!!!

For a first game it’s pretty cool, the only problems I had were with the gun’s aim, which didn’t seem to be following my mouse cursor and the fact that every time I die, I need to restart the game, because it gets stuck in loading screen. I managed to get past the zombies, as they made a line it was very easy to just pass by the side, even though I killed some.

I just played and captivated me right away, a beautiful pixel art, funny dialogues and everything well fitted in a 64x64 resolution. Congratulations ^^