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Thank you! I wanted the pickups to mean something so I created the upgrade system, though I had more upgrades in mind when I created them that I couldn't implement on time.

I'll for sure add a few things to make it a bit more complete, thank you for the kind words!

Thank you! I did my best to make a basic but fairly complete game with a consistent game loop. 

There were sadly a lot of systems that I couldn't get to work on time, but that's part of the learning process. Thank you for hosting this Jam!

While I like the idea, the game is a bit rough around the edges. As others mentioned, some bugs made it hard to play and understand what you were going for.

I enjoyed that there was a gem system, you can expand that by making it so you can get something from collecting all from the same colour or type or something.

I love incremental games, and I love that you thought of this idea from the "collecting" mechanic. Well done!

I don't have a lot to add other than the game moves rather slow, especially for a game jam game. In most incremental games, your first upgrade is between 50 or 100 clicks. It seems like this one takes about 300.

Great job!

What an amazing game. I can tell this is not your first rodeo with game making! 

The controls were smooth, and the game is very coherent in all audio-visual aspects - there is a sombre ambience to the game since you start it.

I believe this is a good base to even make a commercial game if you want to expand on it.

I really don't have much to add other than I wish it had more levels and maybe add some optional "challenge" collectibles like the bandages from Super Meat Boy.

Outstanding work, I hope to get to your level one day.

Great idea for a game! I'm glad to see we are still hunting oil in the far reaches of space!

I liked that you could buy upgrades (I did a similar system in my game as well so I'm a fan of the mechanic).

Just some constructive feedback: 

  • I would invest a bit into the aesthetics of the game in the future. This is not a knock on the game art, its because at times it was hard to see the oil can against the black space, and even the astronaut can get lost against the white stars. If you don't want to use pre made game assets, you can still change the colours to make it more readable. For example, the astronaut can have the classic orange suit and oil cans can be red so you have some contrast.

Good job, keep it up!

I'm sorry this didn't get in because its the game I enjoyed the most so far!

Not only is the art style very charming while being minimalistic, but the mechanic is very impressive. I really like the zoom feature in this sort of game (though I would have switched the buttons jump with zoom).

The only feedback I would leave is that I would like to have some control after jumping. I know its on purpose but a little strafing left and right could increase the enjoyment. Maybe a jetpack with very limited fuel.

Don't get discouraged by not being in the Jam because you did an amazing job! Keep it up!

Thanks man! I'm glad you enjoyed it.

The varying gravity per level idea is actually great and its not too hard to implement I think, so I might use it on a future update.

Good effort on a game! 

From what I got this was a fully collecting game (pressing other keys didn't work other than moving). I like the idea and it could be really cool if expanded, kind of like a Bullet Hell game but with asteroids! 

I have some constructive feedback:

  • As others mentioned, hitboxes were a bit off. Its usually a good idea to make them smaller than the sprite so the player doesn't feel like the game is being unfair. In a lot of Japanese Bullet Hell games, the hitbox for the ship is actually just a single pixel even. This is especially important in this game because avoiding the asteroids is the main core mechanic.
  • If you fix the hitboxes, I would just triple the game's speed. Make it really fast so we can focus on avoiding things and being challenged there. If you did this, I would also add a "lives" or "health" system so people can get hit sometimes. You can also consider gradually speeding up as the game goes.

Good work!

A humble game but a good start for sure!

The control is very responsive with the mouse and I like how the health bar animates when taking damage.

Some ways to expand on this idea: Maybe making it so the collected materials change your gameplay, altering your way of firing (more shots, more damage, maybe even altering the shoots to cover a cove instead of just in front), maybe healing you. 

Also consider adding some moving enemies on the future to make it more challenging.

Keep it up!

Really cute game! I was not expecting to fish a horse today by answering about timezones in Russia.

I really like the varied mini games, the fact that you added so many means that you can keep the fairly simple gameplay mechanic intact while still offering some challenge and diversity.

I also really liked the different items, and I liked that you chose other stuff than just fish. 

And especially the fact that you made a "collections" page for them! I was always a huge fan of collecting stuff, including bestiaries and fishes in any fishing mini game.

Finally, that's an... Interesting interpretation of the theme of "Space".

Some quick constructive criticism:

  • I feel like some of the minigames are a bit hard to understand the first time you see them, as they go quite fast. I could never get the "Jump" minigame for example, because I don't know what is exactly happening and when this space should be pressed.
  • There's a bit too much downtime between fishes. The game could be sped up a bit more, especially because getting the last ones take a long time.

Overall I really liked the game, great job!

I'm not sure if its an issue on my end, but sadly the game wasn't working very well for me. I tried with different browsers but no dice. It's also not very clear which buttons to press, I pressed space and the symbiote moved, none of the other keys worked. It eventually reached the end of the hallway and the game was restarted.

Regardless, let me say that I'm a huge fan of Inverse Kinematics, and making a procedural walk cycle is very impressive. Great job there!

Just some quick constructive feedback: Consider adding some clarity to the game mechanics (objective, keys, etc) and more gameplay elements. Maybe some enemies, or maybe the symbiote needs to stop at times to avoid obstacles that get in the way.

Keep up the good work!

What a great classic game! 

I really find the orbs coming down as you "free" them as a really great twist and a good interpretation of the Jam's mechanic!

The game has great game feel and really feels impactful with the sounds effects and music. 

I also found the different levels and orbs placement really interesting - the final level being a skull with the orbs being eyes was a great touch!

Just some quick ideas:

  • I feel like you should punish the player by not picking up the orb, or rewarding him if he does pick it up. After I learned you can shoot the orb to finish the level I just shot all (I know you don't get score if you shoot them but I feel like losing life or something could work better). I would even go so far as to remove the ability to shoot the orbs and focusing on the "catching" part.
  • Collision detection is sometimes a bit off on the shots. Very important because I did try to free orbs at times without shooting the orb and had some issues.

Other than that, great game!

This is incredible work. The gameplay idea is very simple but it works well.

I was impressed with the amount of effort you put into each level and how many different gimmicks you were able to create (like the dark holes and the ghosts), despite not changing the core game too much.

Just a quick constructive feedback: I found the gameplay a bit too janky at times - I understand that is the idea of the game, but that being said, I feel like there were times where it just became completely out of control and it became frustrating. Slowing down the cat's spin speed or maybe adding an additional boost could help get control under player's hands and make it a bit more fair and gratifying.

Great work!

Impressive work! A Wizz mentioned, there isn't a lot of collecting, but the shooting is very solid.

Enemies explode in a very crunchy and satisfying sound, it has really good game feel. Also impressive that you managed to include a Versus mode - I couldn't test it much but it seemed to work fine.

Just some quick constructive feedback: 

  • Try to make the gun autofire instead of firing per each click (this also serves to regulate attack speed)
  • Give some invulnerability frames after being hit to avoid insta dying when an enemy hits you
  • Add more powerups that affect the gameplay to keep it varied.
  • While the Versus mode was interesting, working on the main game could have been a better use of time (unless you wanted to learn about developing versus mode specifically)

Great job!

Cool game! Nice reference with the pufferfish sound effect on the enemy death.

The game is simple but really responsive and I particularly liked that you added a Dash. Good job!