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A member registered Feb 03, 2014 · View creator page →

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Wow well done!!

Ihope Tammmy gets her dreams to come true and the economy 2 becomes real.

Some of my favoutrite interactive works I've ever played, thank you for making them.

Oh, I'm sorry to hear you're feeling down, hope you can learn to enjoy things and be happier in future. I certainly found happiness in making this :)

Well why wouldn't the only robot still running in the end times be a piece of shit?

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First off thank you for taking the time to play, this game was released years ago and has seen no real updates since launch, it is complete as envisioned at the time and doesn't require revisiting as I'm busy making new games. Please consider this if you are thinking of asking developers to update their old free projects in future. We all only have so much time on this planet and leaving something in a concrete state is often more important than fussing over perfecting it in retrospect.

To address your feedback directly, replays *are* redundant unless you just want to take in the atmosphere, in which case leave the story stuff alone, that is the nature of this work. If you felt you missed some items, that's the intended experience, one of uncertainty :) Personally I feel that if a piece of art makes you wait it's the viewers choice to get impatient with it.

Anyway I hope you managed to enjoy your time exploring Bleakshore personal frustrations aside.

Wonderful work dino!

you can already use the auto harvesters to automatically harvest and replant and the sprinklers automatically click the crops for you.This game isn't going tobe developed further but I'm using it to help inspire the farming mechanics for a bigger 2d survival game project.

Just a Hyph taking selfies with her songs :3

Hey, if you hover over the seeds the tooltip will tell you the next blueprint you can unlock by growing that plant.

Yeah I didn't end up looking into it because I assumed it was just poor communication on my part not an actual bug.

Appreciate the feedback. My response to the 2 points raised:

1. What does it mean that you can never know if you've collected all that was left behind?

2. I considered putting a map on a signpost in the world but was tight on time. The more time that passes, the more I like how people feel lost in this work.

Glad you enjoyed the game, thanks for playing!

Thanks for sharing your experience. I felt the "I live like someone who wants to die" line deep in my heart. 

I had a very similar experience to this last year, and it cleared the space in my head to start making some genuine progress when I'd always felt paralysed with fear. Knowing what it means to be happy within yourself reassured me and gave me strength and this brought that back to me for a few moments. 

Things still kind of suck all the time, but I know they don't have to, I know there's other ways to feel, I know I wasn't crazy lying awake all those nights thinking something was wrong!

I hope you're doing well. Your art is not only visually beautiful but it so clearly communicates a psychedelic experience that is maybe not universal but at least shared by many.

Completely fair feedback, hopefully I can get back to this project and make some usability and balance upgrades in future. Thanks for taking the time to play and leave a comment!

I love to see them, go ahead!

Not a bug a feature. There's plenty of cases where it's a bad idea to do that but in other places it can be very useful.

Congrats you win!

(1 edit)

Yeah I'm planning to make it a more guaranteed drop after a certain amount of time as opposed to completely RNG. Sorry you got unlucky with it, it's happened to me a lot in testing so I'm well aware it's an issue

Yes I'm working on a big overhaul of the timing code right now to allow for better performance optimisation. I will add a pause button in for sure.

Yeah I was wondering if this was the issue people were having, it's challenging to make things intuitive on a game jam deadline but I already have a lot of ideas to tackle this in future versions. The plan is to make upgrades spawn on a more set timeline and show the player how close they are to unlocking something. Thank you for playing I hope you enjoyed it regardless of that unintuitive element!

Thank you! This is super helpful I'll have to check if it's a Mac thing.

(1 edit)

Hi, following a report of something similar in the comment above yours I'm thinking this may be related to the browser or operating system you're  using. Could you tell me what browser you use and what operating system?

Hi I just double checked and I'm not able to reproduce this issue on my system with windows 10 and chrome, what operating system and browser are you using?

Okay I need to look into this might be an issue with a new build I made although I'm almost certain I tested this build to the point where I could place buildings.

Hmm I'm really curious about this issue. I assume you're selecting the sprinkler in the Build menu, have enough money to afford the one you're trying to build, and then left clicking on a tile? If so please give any additional information you can so I can try to fix it and ensure others don't have the same problem in future.

yeah sorry about that, I haven't gotten saves added yet because it's a game jam entry, will be working on that next week most likely. 

Have you considered just letting this game take over your life and accepting your terrible fate?

Don't worry it's just adding to the lofi beat vibe :P

More seriously I believe that should be less of an issue in the windows build I just put up.

Thank you for your kind and thoughtful review, I'm glad to hear you had a nice long playthrough. I'm definitely going to try and make some updates.

Yes this is a linear narrative told through non-linear exploration.

Haha I'm not entirely sure I remember adding a way your compass gets messed with. Glad you enjoyed and glad I was able to terrify you!

What a wonderful little game. Love the graphics, love how chill it is!

Yeah if I'd had time I would have let the player dramatically throw him off the top of the castle at the end.

Well done on finding this, can't really help you but the plans we had around this are dead so I wouldn't worry about it too much.

That's okay you're not required to get it. <3

Wow thank you so much for this. The article really made my day, thank you so much for taking the time to dig into the game and I'm glad it appealed to you so well. I really liked how you mentioned about the walking backwards thing, I still don't know how else I would discourage it but my general rule nowadays is that if someone doesn't want to engage with a game on its own terms it's their fault if they don't have a good time ':D 

Anyway  thank you so much for this, it's always nice to be reminded of the high points of some of my older projects.

No the demo discs are a separate thing from the jams the discs are a once a year thing where we promote projects that are planned for a full release or have recently had a full release. Of course a game from one of the jams we host can continue development and have a demo submitted to the disc but this isn't what happens in most cases.

Okay well from the looks of it you just tried to post it again and again. If you needed help you should have stopped and said it wasn't  working. You also responded very disrespectfully to someone who  told you not to post a gif like that without it being marked as a spoiler.  I understand this may be frustrating, but the posts here and the way you have interacted with people in the server does not make us likely to unban you any time soon.

I'm never happy when we have to ban people but we expect a degree of cooperation and respect from our members and do not feel like you lived up to that during your time on the server. I hope that makes sense to you.

Hello, I have discussed this with the Moderator who Banned you. You repeatedly posted a flashing image in our server, something that can be really physically harmful for people with Photosensitive Epilepsy. You were warned about posting such images without a spoiler tag and you did not listen. So the situation is that we warned you about posting the image how you did and you did not listen these are perfectly reasonable grounds for a ban. I don't know what you think you're threatening us with but I can easily also ban you from here too if you persist. 

I will also say that from looking at your messages you were not acting very mature or respectful towards the other members of our discord, we actually also have a rule about this. That makes at least 2 breaches of our rules which you agreed to when you joined the server. So no we will not be unbanning you from our server for the sake of our other members.