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A member registered 32 days ago · View creator page →

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Fun game , although aiming with mouse and being able to click felt like more inputs . although i can see how it can be cosnidered as one 

Love it xd , played it , enjoyed it . But i can understand others comment haha of ppl finding it confusing . but i was follwoing development . so i understood it . and pretty fun and unique take 

Hey , this is one heck of a fun game , reminds me one of the games my frnd made this jam , lol 

love chicken games by the way xd



Lol spiderman but with graples haha , thats fun . game could go into a main game for sure . are you planning to keep continuing . would love to see it without gltiches , and maybe with taller buildings

Thanks to you , ppl wont get flash bangs

Dragon is strong and very badly scaled for sure , ya should have added tutorial for sure 

is there something wrong with input recognition , i was having issue with that abit . other than that . this is a unique take on the theme . here i came expecting a write platfromer haha or something , ya you need a better name for sure

thanks , yes ! i plan to work on it in future . love the project myself . yup story need to be improved at least 100x , and more explantion . Thanks for trying . 
i was going for this mystical vibe , same as life you don't know what your decisions bring for you . 

ya thanks fixed it

haha whats fancy , very simple

thanks that was aim !!!