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A member registered Jul 22, 2020 · View creator page →

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Fixed, thanks for letting me know

I worked on this on Day 3 Nice job!

My submission isn't on the collection yet, so I'll leave the link here:

I worked on your project on Day 2:

Great use of the Theme, also love the minimalist aesthetics!

Great use of the theme, solid sound effects and pretty unique artstyle. With a bit of quality of life improvements and more levels this game is ready for publishing. Serious contender for #1, great job!

The changing graphics and soundtrack really helps to set the different tone between both time periods, great job!

They are relentless


Thanks! The dungeons are definitely scary, especially the corners!

Thanks, hope you have a great jam too!

Great game! As a bit of feedback, the player could've been a bit faster, that would allow for more dynamic gameplay, but game balance is something impossible to sort out in a jam. The graphics and soundtrack are on point!

Different take on the theme, but cool game, nice job!

Float makes you less agile to dodge moving traps and it also makes it slower to get to higher scores, but maybe it's still easier,  couldn't balance the game. Thanks for the feedback!  I'll be sure to check ur game out.


Great graphics! Because of the randomness of the egg laying and the simplicity of the gameplay, I think that failing is mostly decided by RNG and not by decision making. Some coding to make sure tha every egg layed could be collected would've been apreciated, but I understand that's trick to do in a jam. Really nice entry though, great job!

Amazing game, first place material. Couldn't get my biscuit wet but still had a blast!

After the first wave was defeated no other wave appeared, pretty sure it's a bug, checked the console and there was a fatal crash associated with lootlocker, unfortunate. All the other comments mentions this, but the stars really made it difficult to see the enemies projectiles. Still, good job! These things are to be expected on game jams.

Well done on the progression, though I found the start to be somewhat slow, specially when trying to beat an already advanced highscore. Inertia on the ball would have been cool fo some aditional polish, but maybe that was a design decision. Overall, really nice game!

Cool idea! Maybe I didn't understand something, but it would be cool if the cube had more bounciness to it. Well done!

Diving can be useful to dodge moving traps or to try and get to your highscore faster, but it's possible to play without using it. Thanks for the feedback!


Due to me being dumb, I had to submit my game with seconds remaining, so I answered all submit questions with "a" and managed to submit with 1 second remaining. Sorry about that, I'm pretty sure those questions are important

Thanks for the detailed feedback, and for putting so much effort into the game, I appreciate it a lot! The music don't actually sound like that, something went wrong with it, when I played it on itch it sounded normal, so maybe it's a bug with chrome or something, anyway sorry about that. About the difficulty, you're right, the instructions were poor with some information and the game could really use a tutorial, and a easier first level. Those are the things I'm going to work now that I have time. Loved your feedback, don't know how many followers you have right now but you deserve more!

The ideia is great, the execution is a little janky, but that is to be expected from a jam, definitly a game you should iterate more after the jam is done, great potential!

Thanks for the feedback! I will try your game as soon as possible!

Sorry about the confusing instructions, i had to rush them. Thanks for the feedback!


Thanks for the feedback!

This game is awesome! Nice job! The only slight problem is the difficulty, I think the game should be harder.

Nice game! The art and the sounds were on point. Congrats!

Thank you!

Although the jam lasted for a week, I only used few hours to make this game, as the rest of the time was taken by college, so I definitely agree with you about the originality of the concept, or the lack of. It was a quick idea just because I wanted to submit something. Thanks for the feedback!

Thanks for the feedback! 

A really solid entry, I found the game a bit hard, but I'm kind of a noob. Nice job!

As a fellow Godot user and fan, I love to see the engine put to such a good use. The graphics are as retro as it can get, really nice to see a 3D entry following the limitations of this jam, amazing work! I don't know if anyone else reported this problem, but the mouse sensitivity was a bit high for me.

Thanks for the feedback! Also 14 is a huge score, I've only managed 11, congrats!