Hey, thanks for the detailed feedback!
We had some trouble with the initial level design, where you could often hold the mouse in one place and still be safe because of reappearing lights. I guess there's still some issues we need to sort out.
The idea of taking over the opponents notes is interesting, but I feel like it leads to an imbalance - the player that does well will do even better with access to more notes, making it hard to catch up for the other player.
The combo completely resetting on a miss is a bit brutal I think, maybe it should decrease instead.
The graphics were really solid and I love the chosen color palette.
The music was kinda putting me to sleep, maybe that's just my taste in music though 😅
Thank you! If you lift the terrain behind you it's pretty easy to keep moving forward. On the 3rd and 4th level you have to collect all the fish to advance to the next level, it's technically a feature, though it was meant to restart the level. After the 5th level the black screen is normal though.
Thanks for playing!
Glad you enjoyed!
I added ctrl+r during pre-prep for the jam, it was intended for development purposes but turned out to be useful. I think it refreshing is a firefox-only issue.
When you go into the water and emerge, you get a little speed boost. Also don't forget you can also lift the terrain behind you, this allows for continuous movement.
Thanks for playing!
Thanks! I'm not familiar with tiny wings, but part of the inspiration was this game - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gKJNtgJlOdk
Actually now that I look at it someone mentioned tiny wings in the comments of that video :D