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Idrelle Games

A member registered Sep 30, 2020 · View creator page →

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There is no judging, the draw is a random selection!

"Quality time" is just a humorous way of referencing how much time you spend with Aeran in Episode 3.

(1 edit)

Hi there!

Your character needs to have a visible scar in order to unlock that dialogue option. Not all scars count as it needs to be a place where others can see it, so what your character wears can affect this option. Lydia will comment on it specifically, so her dialogue before the option changes depending on what the scar is.

There's no right or wrong way to romance Aeran! If you like how your playthrough is going, I would keep it the way it is. But if you're looking for a more standard romance, high approval + high romance is the way to go. 

It's hard to say at this time how old saves are going to work with Episode 3; it depends on whether any major game-breaking bugs come up for Episode 1 and Episode 2 in the future. I think both episodes are stable at this point, but the game is very large and things can be missed. Ideally I want to keep the transition as smooth as possible so folks don't have to replay from the beginning, but it's not a 100% guarantee. Keep an eye on patch notes--they'll tell you if restarts are required based on the date your save was made. 

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Hello! Thanks so much for checking out the game! 💖

There are currently no official guides and I will not be making them as I do not have the time or the resources to do so while Wayfarer is in development. 

Wayfarer is not a typical RPG in how it handles success and failure--failure is not a punishment, simply another path through the story. There is no game over; your choices will not lead to your pre-mature death. The gameplay is not about good routes vs bad routes, good endings vs bad endings, wrong choices vs right choices, or maximizing the path you are on for the "best" version (what is "best" is going to vary wildly from player to player, and the game is designed to have a high replay value so there will be small variances on every playthrough). The gameplay is about the journey and where your choices take you, even when events spin out of control; it is about seeing what happens next, not deciding the result you want and trying to achieve it.  There are hundreds of choices that impact each other in a domino effect, which gets even more complex with stat checks involved. When approaching this game, you may need to reconfigure how you see failure, character relationship, and faction relationship progression. 

If you are frustrated, it could be that this style of gameplay is not for you. But if you do want a guide or if you are replaying and trying to replicate your path, the best place to ask is other players (or members of the playtesting team) in  Wayfarer's Discord server. There are many people who are more than happy to give guidance about how to replicate certain events, or if you are chasing a particular result.  

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Thank you very much!

Wayfarer is a browser-only game while it is in development, which means it can't be downloaded. Could you explain what kind of issues you are experiencing with compatibility between your browser and the game? And also which browser you are using and what kind of device you are playing on?

If your browser is refusing to run the game after you click "Run Interactive Novel", check your adblockers and other extensions. If you run something like UBlock Origin, you will need to whitelist the game page for it to run properly.  And there's a post here with some guidance on troubleshooting common game launch errors here!

If you do want to play offline, the game is available on the app (desktop only). This is not recommended as you may run into save, UI and loading issues as the app doesn't play nice with HTML games.

Episode 1 is ~532,855 words and Episode 2 is ~348,930 words. Episode 3 (not available on the public build yet) is well over 360,000 words. This does not represent the amount you read in a single playthrough, but rather represents the total amount across all variations, continuities, and choices.

There won't be! I don't have the time or the resources to make one myself. If you're looking for gameplay help, the best place to ask is Wayfarer's public discord server. 

No worries at all! There's a character roster available on my development blog here.

Hi, thanks for reaching out! 

Wayfarer is not dead, it is absolutely being actively worked on. I am a solo developer, so making something of this size and scope does take a very long time. Delays happen. Estimates are hard to do in normal circumstances, but also because I am the only developer, if something happens to me (illness, injury, family emergencies, etc) then it inevitably sets the project back. 2023 was an extremely rough year and I am trying to get a handle on things and get back to normal development, but I also need to adjust what counts as "normal" for me so I can make this game without burning myself out. 

I share progress reports every two weeks on my Patreon that updates patrons on what is happening behind-the-scenes, what is being worked on, and where things are sitting. I try to keep that information contained for patrons only. I don't tend to post updates here on itch unless it's a big announcement, but my development blog is active; I answer questions over there and occasionally do generalized updates.

Additionally, the Patreon build contains way more playable parts of the game than what you can play publicly. Episode 3 is about halfway done. I know it's a long way for public build players, but it is very important to me that I get the patreon build one episode ahead of the public (which means getting Episode 3 and Episode 4 done before this version of the game gets updated). Because Episode 3 is taking a very long time, there isn't going to be an update here for quite some time. 

Any roadmaps are estimated timelines and the estimate is not always what ends up happening.

I greatly overestimated how much time I needed to develop Episode 3. Though I do try my best to stay on target, at the end of the day I am a solo developer, not a team, and sometimes things are delayed.

I'm sorry you lost your saves. Unfortunately the name can't be changed as it's part of the engine and isn't editable. It's a core part of how SugarCube functions and all Twine SugarCube games work like this. Browser saves and Save to Disk saves are separate entities; as outlined in the Troubleshooting Game Launch & Save Errors guide, Save to Disk only saves your current session on the passage you are currently on. If you are backing up browser saves, you need to load each save and save them individually, it cannot be done en masse.  

Thank you so much, Deadpotatos! I'm glad you found the chalice. It is a genuine joy to read your account of figuring out where it could be. 

You can decode Twine saves with an online save editor, but the information may not make much sense unless you are familiar with how the game was coded. It's not a good way to track what choices you have taken because there are hundreds of small choices outside the major ones that are recorded in a number of different ways. 

If you want a summary of your character's most important actions in Episodes 1 and 2, check the Story Log  (available in the Journal).

Melchior hasn't been unlocked as a companion yet as he hasn't officially joined you (companion profiles that include the relationship status can't be viewed until the unlock happens). Phaedra and Veyer are not companion characters and don't have profiles. 

The #1 option here requires you to have found and read his private letters in Episode 1 (or when you first reach the palace in Episode 2, but the option there is more easily accessed when you have low approval). 

Getting knocked unconscious and almost dying in Episode 1 will give you +60 romance points. 

When Aeran is introduced in Episode 1, you have to select the option:

#4. You are friends and you are partners. You can’t imagine this life without him at your side. Though nothing romantic has happened between you, you can’t help but wonder…

This is the only chance you have in the game to flag his romance.

If you are playing on an old save (from before Patch 2.6., which required all players to restart their playthroughs), then his romance bar will not show up. 

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I absolutely understand why a feature like that would be helpful! But unfortunately it's not possible because of how some continuity flags are referenced and coded. I know how daunting it is to try to re-capture your original playthrough, but it's the cost of having variation and replay value. When it comes to replicating playthroughs, I would try to focus on triggering the broad strokes of what you did before and let the smaller details fall where they fall. But if you have specifics that you are struggling with, the community in Wayfarer's Discord server is more than happy to help out with walkthroughs.  


The server is still very much active and the invite link has been recently updated. 

Refresh your browser. If you loaded a save while any of the game menus were open, it messes with the controls for the close button and causes it to disappear. Refreshing the page is the current fix. 

If the problem persists, then it may be an issue with a browser extension or your browser itself and you may need to experiment with using a different one. 

The close button is the X in the upper right corner on desktop, on the left-hand side on mobile. 

Both. There is one three-way polyamorous option in the game, but it is also possible for the MC to maintain multiple partners. However, it greatly depends on the partners in question and how the MC handles their relationships. Not all romanceable characters will be open to polyamory.

Polyamorous options aren't implemented yet, but when they show up they will have a special marker (which you can see on the tutorial page). 

Episode 3 is currently in development. It will not be released on the public build until Episode 4 is finished on the alpha. The next update won't be until we're well into 2023. 

Hi Stephen,

Patreon has a list of accepted payment methods and currencies here. This includes:

  • PayPal
  • Apple Pay
  • Venmo
  • Visa
  • Master Card
  • Discover
  • JCB
  • Diners Club
  • 3DS

Patreon creators have no say over what payment methods can be processed. I hope one of these will work for you. Even if you're unable to support through Patreon, I appreciate your enthusiasm for my game all the same! The game will always be available to play for free; Patrons just get early access to new episodes early. Thank you so much for checking it out!

Walkthroughs are no longer a Patreon benefit as they were far too time consuming to create. I will not be making game walkthroughs at all.

The Wayfarer Discord server is the best place to ask for gameplay help. Other players (including members of the playtester team who know the different variations very well) are happy to help others find specific outcomes.

It does not!

Try failing your skill checks and getting knocked out during the boss fight. ;)

You have to have either:

  • Romance reconciliation: +60 approval and +60 romance.
  • Friendship reconciliation: +60 approval and 0 romance. 

If you have +60 approval and a few romance points, you will not be able to trigger either reconciliation scene. You also cannot have told Aeran about the letters (if you found and read them) and you cannot have killed Rhodarth in Episode 1.

There are no romance locks in the game yet. 

Choosing Aeran's romance flag sets the continuity for your player character having feelings for him. This is necessary ONLY if you want to pursue any of his romance content. It does not lock you out from romancing or pursuing other characters. (For example, you can flag his romance in Episode 1, but do an intimacy scene with a completely different character in Episode 2. This may have consequences for your relationship with him, but it is something you can do).

Discussion thread for Episode 2. Spoilers for ALL routes are fair game, so read at your own risk!

If your browser saves have been deleted, it is an issue with your browser or browser extensions (or you manually cleared your cache). This is specifically a problem on iOS as iPhones automatically clear the cache after a certain amount of time. 

Clearing your browser history, cache, and cookies will delete your browser saves!  

  • If it is not a browser extension causing the problem, then try the following: 
  • Use a different browser 
  • Save using Save to Disk. This will create a manual save that is stored on your device, which you can upload into the game at a later point. You can make as many Save to Disk saves as you want and you can rename the save file after you download it. (Note: some phones may not be able to download saves, it depends on the individual phone and its features). It is highly recommended that you make Save to Disk saves periodically regardless in case something happens to your browser cache. 
  • If you're playing on desktop, try using the desktop app instead of a browser 
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Please adhere to’s community rules when posting on this discussion board. This means:

  • No flaming, trolling, spamming, or other disruptive behaviour
  • Do not create posts about sensitive topics that may instigate argument
  • Harassment of any individual, regardless of if they are a member or not, will not be tolerated
  • Do not attempt to impersonate any user, or pass yourself off as a moderator/administrator
  • Do not post unsolicited or bulk advertising/promotion.
  • Do not violate the Terms of Service

Additionally, please adhere to Wayfarer’s community guidelines: 

1. If you have issues with saves or launching the game, check the Save & Game Launch Errors post.

The post goes over common launch and save errors. Please read the post and troubleshoot on your own before reaching out with an issue.  

2. Please do not post bug reports to the discussion board.

All bug reports should be reported through the bug report form here

3. Please do not make posts advertising your work as a translator, artist, or writer.

Thank you for you interest, but I am a solo developer and I am not looking to expand the team at this time. 

4. If discussing spoilers, tag your thread with the appropriate spoiler tag and do not put spoilers in the thread titles.

People play at different rates and there is a lot of content in the game. Please tag your topic accordingly. Do not spoil the experience for anyone else by putting a spoiler in a thread title.

(8 edits)

If you have encountered an issue with your launching the game or with your saves, please read this post before filing a bug report.

Wayfarer is built with the Twine engine, which creates HTML5 games. This means that the game is intended to run on a web browser. Game data is saved to your web storage. If a browser extension interferes with the game’s ability to access your web storage, you may encounter issues such as not being able to launch the game or losing your save data. 

Game Launch Errors 

1. Error: No Storage Adaptors Found

 This error occurs when the Twine engine cannot access the local storage. It may occur because:

  •  Your browser’s cookies are disabled
  • Privacy extensions and adblockers
  • You opened the game in incognito mode or another non-standard mode 

UBlock Origin and Privacy Badger are often the cause of this error. 

To fix it: 

  • Enable third-party cookies
  • Whitelist the game page in your privacy or adblock extensions
  • Try a different browser
  • Do not run the game in incognito mode 

2. Error: Cannot read property ‘toLowerCase’ of undefined

Similar to the above, this error can be caused by pop-up blockers, especially on Chrome. If you encounter it, try disabling your pop-up blocker on the game's page or use a different browser. 

3. Error: localStorage quota exceeded

This error occurs when your browser doesn't have enough room in its local storage. It can happen if you are playing multiple HTML games on the same browser with multiple save files. This is primarily an issue for Chrome-based browsers as all web pages opened from local HTML files share the same local storage space. It should not be an issue in Firefox (see this thread here).

  • Use Save to Disk to save to your device rather than your browser
  • If you are playing multiple Twine games, backup your saves for all the games you are currently playing.
  • Clear your cache and browser history. This will delete your browser saves.
  • Upload your save file from your device using Load from Disk. 

If this does not resolve the problem, try the game in a different browser. You can transfer your save data by using Save to Disk to download your saves and then upload them into the game using Load from Disk. 

4. Long Load Times or Loading Without Images

This issue happens from time to time on Chrome. The game should load within 5 seconds, with its background loaded. If it does not, then there is an issue with the images getting sourced from their directory (usually due to too many people trying to play the game at the same time). 

The game is still playable, but its backgrounds and other images may be absent. 

I have only encountered this issue occasionally on Chrome and Edge. If you cannot load the game, try another browser such as Firefox. 

5. Popups do not close when clicking outside the box. 

This error occurs when there's a conflict between your browser and/or browser extensions and the Twine engine. 

  • Refresh the game page (this will keep you in the same spot)
  • Whitelist the game page in your adblock or popup blockers. 

If that doesn't work, try the other solutions suggested in #1 or try a different browser.  

Save Issues

1. Deleted or missing saves

If your browser saves have been deleted, it is an issue with your browser or browser extensions. This is specifically a problem on iOS as iPhones automatically clear the cache after a certain amount of time. 

Clearing your browser history, cache, and cookies will delete your browser saves!  

  • If it is not a browser extension causing the problem, then try the following: 
  • Use a different browser 
  • Save using Save to Disk. This will create a manual save that is stored on your device, which you can upload into the game at a later point. You can make as many Save to Disk saves as you want and you can rename the save file after you download it. (Note: some phones may not be able to download saves, it depends on the individual phone and its features). It is highly recommended that you make Save to Disk saves periodically regardless in case something happens to your browser cache. 
  • If you're playing on desktop, try using the desktop app instead of a browser 

2. Loading a save brings you to a blank page

You may be trying to play the game while it is undergoing an update. Close your browser and re-open the game to refresh it. 

3. Save slots not accessible on the app 

The app blocks the popup that allows you to name your browser saves. To use the browser save slots on the app, the Autoname Save setting must be enabled. 

4. Loading a Save Brings You to the Final Passage of the Public Build

Save data CANNOT be saved on this page. If you make a save here, your progress WILL NOT transfer over. If your save loads directly onto this passage, you will not be able to retrieve your save data from that save. 

How to Use Save to Disk

Save to Disk & Load from Disk are available from the bottom of the save menu. 

Save to Disk functions like a regular save, but instead of saving to your browser, it saves to your device. You can use it to save as many times as you want and you can re-name the save file once it has downloaded. You can load it back into the game using Load from Disk. 

Save to Disk saves ONLY your current session. If you want to backup your browser saves, you will have to load each browser save individually and make a copy using Save to Disk.

You cannot make a bulk backup of your browser saves using Save to Disk. This just creates a single save on whatever passage you are currently on. It does not download your saves en masse.

Wayfarer community · Created a new topic Wayfarer FAQ
(9 edits)

1. How long is the game?

Because of diverging paths and the emphasis on player choice, the full game will ultimately comprise millions of words. However, that doesn’t mean that a single playthrough will be that long. One playthrough will only see a portion of what the entire game includes.

There are three stats listed  with each update:

  • Average Playtime: the amount of time it will take to do a playthrough
  • Average Word Count Per Playthrough: the average amount of words the player will read during a single playthrough
  • Total Word Count: the total, cumulative word count of the game. This includes all paths, routes, outcomes, codex entries, tutorials, and notification text.

Currently, the public build contains the Prologue, Episode 1 and Episode 2.

  • Average Playtime: 8.5. hours
  • Average Word Count Per Playthrough: 156,000 words
  • Total Word Count: 927,000 words

Wayfarer will be 3 acts and 15 episodes. The game will likely be several million words long by the time it is complete.  

2. When will the next episode be released?

An in-progress version of Episode 3 is available to play on my Patreon. Its public launch date is TBA. 

3. Why am I failing skill checks?

During the main game (Episode 1 onwards), all skill checks take your current skill level and add it to a dice roll. Your skill level alone is not enough to pass a check. The higher your skill level, the more likely you are to pass a check. However, passes are never guaranteed. On some playthroughs, you may be lucky; on others, you may not. While you may end up failing skill checks you thought you could never fail, you may also end up succeeding skill checks you never thought you would pass. There is an element of risk with every action. 

There are some rare red herring skill checks that result in an automatic fail; this is to encourage players to really consider the situation at hand and choose the skill they think best serves the scenario they are in. Sometimes, the right choice will be to try a skill you don't have a lot of points in because the other options may backfire. In this case, you will get a Skill Ineffective notification and it will count as a failure in your character's records. 

I highly encourage players to take their player character's failures in stride and continue the story. Failing skill checks provide alternative content to successes. Succeeding a skill check is not the same thing as "winning" and failing a skill check is not the same thing as "losing." This is not a game that you can win or lose. Success and failure changes the story content you see and how your character's journey progresses. Failing skill checks may lead to desirable outcomes and story events you did not anticipate. 

4. Why am I not levelling up?

The Prologue serves as an interactive way for the player to set their stats. Certain specific choices you make during the Prologue increase your skill level (you will receive a notification about which one after you take your action). 

This is only true during the Prologue. You cannot level up your skills when an episode is in progress. 

After the Prologue, skill points are assigned when the player completes an episode. How many skill points you acquire is based on your health status at the end of the episode. If you are at full health, you will receive 3 skill points. If you are injured, healing, or recovering, you will receive 2 skill points. 

5. The game won't launch on my device.

  • Check your browser extensions and whitelist the game page. Extensions like Privacy Badger and UBlock Origin typically stop the game from launching.
  • Do not launch in incognito mode.
  • Use another browser. 

6. I lost my saves.

Browser saves are stored in your web storage. If you clear your browser history or cache (or if an extension does it for you), your saves will be lost. 

iOS automatically checks and purges apps’ cache. If you are playing on an iPhone or iPad, this is often the reason you are losing save data. Use Save to Disk to save directly to your device instead.   

7. I can't use the save function with the app.

The app blocks the popup for naming browser saves. If you are playing on the app, make sure Autoname Saves is enabled. 

You can also save directly to your device with Save to Disk.

8. Will there be a non-English version? Can I translate your game?


9. Is there an offline version? Can I download the game?

Not at this time. I will not be offering an offline version while the game is in development.  

10. Will Wayfarer be released as an app?

Not at this time as the game is fully mobile compatible with a browser. I may consider releasing an app version when the game is finished. 

11. Will Wayfarer be released on Steam?

Not at this time. I will only consider that once the game is fully complete and as polished as I can make it.

12. Can I use Wayfarer to train AI?

No. Any use of Wayfarer’s text or images to train artificial intelligence (AI) technologies is expressly prohibited.

13. Can I make a chatbot based on Wayfarer?

No. Using Wayfarer’s text, characters, and dialogue to create chatbots and interactive scenarios is expressly prohibited.