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A member registered Aug 05, 2018 · View creator page →

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Hey! You should receive the PDF shortly. I have to accept every purchase manually and hadn't gotten around to it yet. Thanks for your interest in the game! :D

Really nice game, I'm having a blast trying to complete the whole course!

I've encountered a bug more than once, in which my turbo meter still showed one of the little circles, yet it still worked as if I had no more boosts. Similarly, occasionally the race would end with the timer at 01, not at 0.

Really neat little system! Really liked the way armor is handled, and the way ranged attacks use Wisdom is very clever, as not to overcrowd Dexterity. However Charisma seems to have been left out of direct usefulness, which makes me want to write something to address that! Again, congrats! =D

This is AMAZING! Thank you for sharing!

These are absolutely brilliant! Thanks for releasing them! :D


I have a doubt about the licensing. This pack and the other ones are tagged as CC BY-NonDerivative, but as the license goes a game using these assets (for example, simply scaling them for the UI) would be considered a derivative work, so it could not be shared. Is this the intended licensing or perhaps just not redistributing remixes of the icons? Thanks!

This is simply awesome, thank you!

Faaala meu bom! Manda um e-mail pra contato[a] please? A gente vê por lá ;)

(1 edit)

Great game, I really enjoyed it! Just wish it were a bit longer, hehe.

I found a bug in Puzzle Mode where the number of moves remaining is not shown after selecting a new board from the pause menu. It appears that it's just a graphic glitch, as I did run out of moves and failed the stage.

Here's a picture:

Thanks for this awesome game!

Que isso, bro! Haha!

I believe all is resolved now. Again, sorry for the late reply!

Really glad you liked it, much appreciated! And there's more coming along! ;)

Hey, jgascon! Thanks for your interest in the game. The only way to accept payments that I could set up is to manually accept every one. You should be receiving the link soon! :D

Maaaan, I just realized I never released it! Let's hope I still have the source files after the HDD crash...

Hope you enjoy the game!

Yay, got it! You should receive the files shortly :D

Hey there! It all boins down to the fact that PayPal is the only payment method I was able to set up, and those have to be approved manually. Sometimes it takes me a while to get around to it - I'm sorry for the inconvenience!

Hey there! No worries about posting here! Have we resolved the issue yet (since the emails do not include the username, hehe)?

Thanks for playing! :D

The high difficulty came from us having run out of time in the end, basically. Perhaps it would be better to have a full-fledged level with predefined inputs in a more puzzle-oriented way.

Thanks for playing! We actually found it rather easy to complete the game, though, haha!

Thanks for playing! As for the theme, you are "playing as the console", not as the player. Kinda wonky, but we found it amusing. :)

Thanks for playing! Yeah, the game is really hectic as it is, we ran out of time for balancing and refinements, basically. The reset button idea is really good, will keep it in mind if we ever expand upon this. :D

Thanks for playing! The difficulty was "on purpose" since we had no time for refinements! XD

Crazyly detailed and evocative art! Will use for sure!

Fala, meu querido. O Itch é pra isso mesmo hehehe! Eu vou subir a digital em português aqui nos próximos dias, mas a física ainda vai entrar na loja da Coisinha Verde. Soon! \o/

Oops! Thanks for spotting it! Will correct it in a future update. :D

Hey there! I'm really honored you liked Space Wizard! :D

You got it right: just come up with a situtation based on the current scene number and type, optionally using the features and gear tables to get some more ideas. It's basically playing screenwriter, haha.

I will translate Space Hunter soon, as well as the upcoming Space Soldier!

As for SMALL, I guess Tiago will make it available soon.

Está mais perto do que imagina! :D

Thanks! That is indeed a great ideia, I'll see if I can add it. :D

Puxa, fico honrado demais com as palavras, mano! Posso garantir que vou continuar produzindo. ✌️😁

Que isso, haha! Mas fico muito feliz que tenha curtido, bro! Se rolar gameplay, adoraria um report! :D

Thanks for the feedback! :D

As for the interface, it should default to no interface at all - I'll definitely look into it. You can however change it with F3. 

I really enjoyed this! The sound design is solid - during combat each hit is really a punch in the gut, very satisfying. It took me a while to figure out the secret passages, and that's really nice. Also very cool are the small touches like camera panning and particles. Nice!

Thank you!

Thanks! It was fun trying to cram as much as possible in this. :D

What a nice little game! I had fun fumbling with the keys, and I see myself challenging some friends in the future. One thing that annoyed me a little was how loud the music was at first (I was playing at night, it woke my wife up lol), but that's really minor. Well done!

Just wanted to thank you for the Sprite Exporter! Had been looking for a tool to convert my sprites, but all the other tools had issues with the second DMG palette. This is just what I needed. :D

Man, I'm SO using these! :D

Great, I get it now! Thanks! :)