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Ilias Iovis

A member registered Oct 07, 2023 · View creator page →

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Thank you very much! Don't get lost in the dreams!

Wow, thank you for detailing the process! can't wait to see the finished game in its entirety, and grab that figma template!

Thank you very much for your words and support! Dropping an idea, a sadistic captain could be keeping St. Saravar's head in a cage (a la pirate bird) or inside a locked chest in their quarters!

Thank you very much! Hope you use it as a follower too!

"inevitable Hardcover Collector's Edition with ribbons and foil inlays". I pray to Verhu this happens!

Good luck with Wasteland Degenerates! Keep up the great work!

holy s.. oops, dont want hierophages to eat this page! Very inspiring "foe"! well done! When you mention "Damage as weapon", am I to assume that the GM can equip the Pillar Biter with any weapon they want?

thank you very much! fixed now! 

Hi, this looks very neat but is it possible to get an english translation?!

Hey! Nicely done, any chance on adding a print-friendly pdf?
Also game question. For uncertain action, you mention rolling 2d6 with 1 or 2 being a crit success and 5/6 being a fumble. Since there are no modifiers, getting a 1 is impossible and if a demon has e.g. 8 BP, a 5/6 that would be a success, is considered a failure? I am missing something? should the crit success be a 2 and a fumble a 12?

Thanks! Scum also need an appropriate place to stay, I guess!

Finally a proper excuse to play a distracted power gamer doomscrolling on my phone 'till the end of times (let's see how it feels now)! Also, "Edgelords Ecstasy" I think there might be another proper "meta"game somewhere in there! Very well done, thank you!

Thank you for everything Dan, the laughs, the emotions, the storytelling, Fhave, now this and fingers crossed for more to come! Would have loved to see an adventure in Half Tales with the gang :'( but one can still hope! Looking forward to the updates and more of your endeavours. 

- A fan

damn, that was fast. either get used books or bring new players to the group. If you can't, I might be able to help out!

Loved the Holy Grenade! What shalt be the number I count to before lobbing it? 

Also very nice touch connecting Jawala with Aldon and the Rotblack Sludge adventure!

In the vein of other Lasers & Feelings hacks, preparation and expertness give you extra D6s so that you can succeed easier/more effectively. 
When a player wants to do something and they somehow prepare for it narratively (e.g. they have done a background check on their foe before they face them or they have gathered the necessary equipment for a stake-out) they get the extra D6.

Same goes for "expert" e.g. an Edgy Hackerman character could get an extra D6 for all things technology related, or the Hardboiled Muscle could get an extra D6 when using brute force or anything strength related.

Choosing a high or low number stat which stands for both wacky toon actions and detective skills denotes which side of your character is easier to succeed. If I have a high number say 5, it means I am better at doing cartoony stuff, so, for example if I am at the side of a rooftop and got to jump across, I can say that I want my character to jump and stretch out in a cartoony fashion to reach the other rooftop, then I use my Toon Antics and "roll under" my high number (got to get a 1-5 result on the D6s I will roll) to succeed. If I have a low number e.g. 2,  I am a better detective, I would have more chances to succeed in investigating a crime scene when rolling over my low number (got to roll 2-6 on the D6s to succeed).

The HQ, apart from adding a narrative flavor, can also help with getting prepared for tasks (as discussed above) and give several advantages (or disadvantages) to the wacky situations that the characters will have to face.

Finally, Prom Invaders is in my hard drive and my One-Page RPG dossier, ready to put it out and play whenever my group wants! Great suggestion btw!

Thank you for your questions!

Hi, any plans for an english translation?