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A member registered Apr 12, 2020

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Well well well. Somehow, I got memory violation error during 3-6 boss fight. Console message is quite informative: `Unity Engine: Memory Violation error in object 0x623f72ba`. Fun-freaking-tastic! 3-6 is a wall for me. You feel like you're finally winning? Here, take this `F U` Unity error. 

All I can say, boss had patched field and number distortion mods. Maybe chainmines also, dunno. I had mines counter lens and column reveal stick. I just opened a questionable cell, so, it might be something about counting 3*3 explosions on void patches. Or not. It's totally not about free RAM as I had slightly more than 8Gb free.

That's all. Good luck backtracking bugs with this!

Reviving is just a typo. Revealing, i meant.

Boss rooms are surely unpredictable, as they should be in roguelike games. But. With this mindset you'll reach the wall much faster. Floors are small, and that's the problem. The game difficulty rises too fast and more things depend on sheer luck. Not only in rewards, but in mines also. Right now, the only winning strategy is to be damn good at minesweeper. It's not a bad thing itself. It's just that those who are damn good with mines are small in numbers. And the rest of players, who are mediocre, are being overwhelmed too fast to just rage quit the game. 

So, you need to make levels bigger to get them involved. And you need to create a few winning strategies for them, to compensate for their lack of skills. With this in mind, you add different builds, like (just press anywhere) tank, (mark me half of mines) ranger and etcetera. Still, you also want to prevent any of this builds from being silver bullet. So, you make boss modifiers like "Rolling snowball" (0 initial damage +1 damage for every exploded mine) or "Rogue earth" (some cells can't be flagged), which target one exact build at the time. But you don't want to just kill player "because of F U, that's why", you wanna let him struggle. Even if player dies, you wanna let him feel "Damn, I was this close to victory". So, you allow players to spend some reward on insight status, which allows to see some of the boss modifiers (and, also, hidden rooms/paths). And add some items that allow players to somewhat compensate the weakness of their strategy. You make the items weak enough to be ignored most of the time, yet common enough to be prepared in floor's time period. Players should feel like they have a chance. 

You also want to let experienced players to take shortcuts to higher floors faster. Say, let them have high risk hidden path. You can make it in a funny way. Say, make the first floor to consist of half-solved puzzles. And let player to pass hidden path if he unmarks and explodes 2 marked mines. Or something like that. 

Also, can you please make an outline for open cells a bit closer to background color. As it is now, it stands out too much and make it harder to concentrate on numbers. Especially, if one have astigmatism or other health issues.

Turns out, any boss fight ignores Hawk eye.

Nay, don't have seed. Extra damage is reasonable yet never mentioned. Say, showing "x2 damage" on map screen in tooltip should be enough. 

Also, reviving one (or more) of boss modifiers would be great. Say, one for free and more for extra relics\artifacts. This'll make bigger maps more reasonable.

It's not just weighting. It's "chain reaction"=1, "extra bombs"=2, "chain reaction"+"extra bombs"=5. Because it takes a lot of preparations ore one big chunk of luck to survive this combination. 

Also, make artifact item a button itself. It's VERY strange i can't activate it by just pressing it.

It still does not answer the question, how is it possible to open mine on first click with hawk eye.

In your case, there's at least one bug, which explodes not only mines, but any number cell around. This number cells does not spread activation, but counts as damage. As a result, by exploding 7 (61 то 54) bombs i'm getting whooping -22 hit on 3rd level with 10hp at max... 

And, yeah, chain reaction should be less destructive. 3*3 damage is overkill. Even activating 3*3 zone around mine is quite painful. I guess, some boss modifier combinations should have more value than each of them apart.

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WTF? I got to 3-6 boss, it has like 61 bombs. Having hawk eye, I open random cell and get overkilled by chain reaction of 27 bombs.

A assume, you wanted to freak the shit out of player by changing "empty field" cell effect with "mine cell" without actually killing one. If so, you failed miserably. 

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Yep, I broke it. And it broke in quite a funny way. Why?

I expected the distance between tree branches to be limited. Or, at least, to be logarithmic from tree level. It was not. Seems like it's quadratic. That's why this branches flew away in a hilarious way.

Oh, was I boring? Sorry.

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F12 (or Ctrl+Shift+I) -> Console -> Switch context to game frame  in combobox (default: top) -> Find "self.water" variable -> Set it to 1e999 to get +Inf -> Powerclick Water button for 10 seconds with 500 clicks-per-second -> ... -> PROFIT!!!

Don't worry, as far as I know, there's no legitimate way to grow tree this much without cheats. Well, not in the next few decades, at least. But still, it's kinda funny to see all your scripts going wild: tree grows this far with no affection on environment yet as soon as you build castle, shader becomes black-and-white. Yet, without any population, game events do not progress. And as soon as you get ~some~ workers, events go fast forward to bad end. 

Also, winning battle 1 vs 287 with Powerclick is kinda lame, I almost feel sorry for all those poor souls who tried to beat it with their pure skills.

well, things went a little wrong way...


(2 edits)

Also, I understand how you use crypto for trade and botfarm for upgrades. But it makes little to no sense IRL. You expect crypto to be kept and botfarm computers to be sold to Cozy Bears, Lol. Because who's in his sane mind will sell his old rig together with his wallet? Or even how do you lose half of your botfarm by just installing software? Did old poor Core2Duo simply melted in process of installing KoboldAI?

What makes sense is to make botrig just usual resource to buy with Bitcoins (you'll finally get outside of useless coins<->chars loop) and make hackers sell branded Altcoins instead. And use this Altcoins to unlock and upgrade (hack) games, computers and programs. With final upgrade "Hack - now every clickerhacker player is also playing clickerhacker in background".

This way you can implement not only reset, but different types of resets "botfarm only" - "botfarms and bot upgrades" - "botfarms and upgrades and game access" depending on whom you sell to, Fancy Bear or Cozy Bear or Panda Bear. Different types of upgrades - and maybe even different play styles like Quantity vs Quality.

Seems to me, you have memory (object) leakage in "double char" green char effects. If spawned enough, you can even archive "AFK" effect by just turbo clicking.

It's most likely about culling. Options like glDisable(GL_CULL_FACE); might do the trick. It's if you actually want to support something as old as GeForce 2**\3**, Intel HD 3000 and Radeon HD 4***. I wouldn't complain if you don't.

I tried the game from my office PC (Ryzen 2600 + GeForce 210 GS) and it went totally out of hand. Good thing nVidia driver didn't fall due to GLES3 usage (as it usually does in Unity\Godot games). But old GPU users still has to suffer. And oh we surely do! 

It didn't even take 20 minutes... I guess, it's better than some other clickers "You need 1e6 times more clicks to advance. Work, slave!"

I wish there were mouse only mode

Yeah, you never know where will you find another clicker =\

You would never guess where will you find another clicker...

Hint: Try Pause-Resume your darn-slow research. 

Ugh, bugs.  If you kill bat with healing number by thorns damage, ui locks, preventing you from progressing any further.

But why? There's Animation class for action sequences. (Check it out, in Animation there's almost any action possible.) And AnimationTree class for FSM with better (C++) performance and many other options. And both visual and gd code edition supported.