Type here what bug you find
On windows 10:
Intro freezes once the end is reached with no way to return to menu
Unable to select any pre-made character
On the character creation page:
Unable to remove skill point, unable to edit name, age, sex
While playing if you look straight down you can see a blue circle and yellow arrow under the player
Hi, I've been following your work for a couple of weeks, I love it and if I can, I will report some issues I found playing. From build 12 to 12.3, framerate and "quality" settings was a "good to go" even on fullscreen mode (1440x900) for my MacBook Air early 2015 (8GB RAM - CPU: 2.2 GHz Dual-Core i7 - GPU: Intel HD Graphics 6000 1536 MB VRAM - MacOS Monterey 12.0.1) but with your latest update 13.1 I saw graphical glitches and frame rates dropping while shooting, even on low quality mode, that is sad to see, but I know it is fixable in a way or another. The AP indicator is stuck in the middle, it is not growing further as it should (this has never changed for me), *bug* if you try to perform an action fast using the vault boy's face to bring the skills tab, the tab sometimes will bug itself remaining on the screen, the action will be executed fast so it is a win for us, but at one price: it will start to go even beyond the negative zone, I mean, all the AP circles that tries to be restored makes you wait a lot of course depending on how much you did this trick and never fill the bar entirely *bug*
I've never been able to talk to nobody or receive the "log" message on the left corner, nor I did find a way to enter Nora, please I love this game, let me know if there is something it can be done about the performance issues! waiting patiently for your work!
I have n int = 3 character and get stuck in dialog often with no apparent way of existing. With the healer, I was able to exit by spamming keys. But in this conversation, I'm stuck, I can re-trigger "so here you are, the chosen one" but not exit.
As long as it doesn't break the game, perhaps a dialog abort feature would be good.
I posted this in the Q@A a couple weeks ago, but din't get a reply, so I figured that I'd ask this here.
First of all, I wanna say thank you for making this. This has a lot of promise, so please, please keep working on it. Always wanted to play one of my favorite games in first person!
I downloaded the win64 version, and I tried to extract it, and I got this error message.
Edit: oh, the image didn't show up.
Basically, I tried to extract it with ultimatezip, and I got the error message: Extract not supported for this file type.
Also, I tried playing the browser version, and it's got some serious issues. I chose to have 5 agility, but it only gave me 5 action points instead of 8, and more importantly, I'll try to move forward, and I'll randomly either move very slowly, or even worse move backwards very quickly, often getting pushed through walls and have to reload my game. Also, the browser version isn't non-fullscreen friendly. Using the mouse scroll will pull me down the website page, and quicksaving will, I don't how to describe it, but it basically pulls me to the part of your browset where you type in website links.
Ok, so good news. I found out that I can actually extract the game with 7-zip. Jonaz O. that's an EXTREMELY important detail that from what I can tell you haven't listed anywhere. Please put that somewhere on your game page: https://jonasz-o.itch.io/fallout2remake3d
Anyways, unfortunately I ran into the same problems with the windows version, and this game is still unplayable for me. I'll try to move forward, and I'll randomly either move very slowly, or even worse move backwards very quickly, often getting pushed through walls and have to reload my game.
I also still only have 5 action points instead of 8 despite giving myself 5 agility.
Also, your enemies feel a lot faster than you, and their attacks always seem to hit you, making this an extremely hard game.
I'd appreciate if I got some sort of response.
Thanks for replying, I was kinda paranoid that you were ignoring me since I made my first comment 2 weeks ago.
Glad that you fixed the movement glitch, but I ask the following again: I also still only have 5 action points instead of 8 despite giving myself 5 agility. Why is that?
Also, your enemies feel a lot faster than you, and their attacks always seem to hit you, making this an extremely hard game. Is that intentional?
Oh, and btw, I was never able to set up half turn based mode, is it not implemented yet.
Also, please put it somewhere on the game page that you need to extract the zip with 7-zip, and not ultimatezip. Most people I know just use UltimateZip. I have both now, but yeah.
Thanks again, and I'll give the browser version another shot.
Ok, so I played through this and got to Klamath.
I'm gonna be honest with you, I think you released the public early access version of this far too early.
This is so little in this game that works right that. Half the time when I try to interact with a person, or a door, or a container, nothing happens, so I'm not sure if I can interact with it or not half the time. I'll also click on dialogue options, and nothing happens. I often can't even exit dialogue, and I have to reload my game.
Overall this is the worst first impression I've been given with any game I've tried on this website. This is essentially a very very bad Tech Demo, that you've profited off of by concept alone. This is sad!
He's not profitted anything, it's free to download and play. It's the only faithful recreation of FO2 on the internet in 3d and it carries the complete spirit and experience of the original. You should be glad you can even try it and not be obnoxious with your comments.
You seem to have problems understanding how to use 7zip and went from comments like "I wanna say thank you for making this" to "I'd appreciate if I got some sort of response" in the same day and then to "This is sad!" in just a day. I'm sorry but are you insane? How could anyone possibly fix any bugs in a day and release a new version? Do you think the world revolves around you and he's got nothing better to do than real-time chat with you incessant comments and focus his day on getting your issues fixed?
Check yourself.
Hey man! Just wanted to say what a fantastic job you've done so far! I've been playing Fallout 2 since 1998 and your project makes it feel like those very first days I got into Fallout!
I do have a bug to report.. Cameron's dialog won't let me pick a choice. I press all of them and it won't accept, close the dialog, or let me fight him. Just the floating head. Any idea of what I need to do?
By the way, I also speak fluent Polish, so let me know if its easier to communicate that way.
The character creations screen appears bugged, not being able to assign tag skills to all options. I was not able to change the character name or age either the menu screen screen in general was unresponsive to all but a few areas. - maybe a sound effect when clicking in an inactive area to help navigation?
so it fixed the audio issue in the first cutscene but my game still crashes and freezes after the cutscene, tbh i have no clue why it does this and it kinda sucks because everything until the game should load works but if i try to skip or let the first scene with the woman end it lags bad then goes black and stays that way in fact i just tried it right now and its still sitting there with a black screen not doing anything
stworzyłem postać z tak niską percepcją że przez to iż wziąłem cechę zdolniacha, nie miałem dość zdolności otwierania zamków, co może być spowodowane błędnym obliczeniem bazowych skilli - baza otwierania zamków powinna być warta 10% + PE + AG, ale jest warta 6% + PE + AG, przez co mam 8% [6% + 2 PE + 10 AG - 10% przez cechę] zdolności zamiast 12% (co, jeżeli drzwi startowe są ustawione na wymagane 10% lockpicka, miałoby dużo sensu dlaczego nie mogę ich otworzyć)
zdolności które mają źle ustawione bazy:
to bardzo mała rzecz i gdyby nie to że nie mogłem otworzyć drzwi to bym jej wgl nie zauważył
Hello! Thank's for that good work. (And that beautiful project)
I noticed this if I start with 3 in agility I can hit twice and.... never again. Whatever how mush time I wait switch from fight mod to normal mode and back to fight mode. Nothing seems to work.
Also I don't know if it's a normal thing since it's an alpha, but save button closes the menu without any effect. Nothing happens when I press load either.
Keep up the good work. Wish you luck on this beautiful idea.
Thank you again. I think what you are working on will be important for many peoples.
Talking heads:
Hi, Simon is here, so I have been trying out the latest version of the game (update 25.2), after completing the trials, have been talking to few NPCs, and when talking to general/common NPCs, it shows dialogue I had previously with someone who is an essential NPC, and it happens that it gets stuck, cannot exit the dialogue with the common NPC because there is no option like "ending conversation" or "exit" etc.
There should be some general dialogue option to be able to end a dialogue whenever you want to.
(I will try to duplicate the error later so could have some screenshots of specific NPCs as proof)
Also some tiles seem to ignore lightning or not have lighting associated with them (this might be something you're aware of) but you can also see the -1 karma hit I mentioned in my first post here. Right now Klamath seems perpetually in this orange haze/late afternoon lightning. (Re-launching the program seems to fix this)