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4.3 problems:

My NG+ xp crystals got deleted somewhere. I noticed after doing mouse, I had only done mouse and rabbit areas by then.

I can't find the NPC for bigger assets quest despite checking day and night, and the quest location is marked as town of Amea instead of Anemia.

Salamander SP is a bit buggy. The skills that use it will not on the first turn of combat, unless triggered by Dragon Vein, which is annoying because the special item for Salamander starts you with 3. Except it doesn't grant you 3 when doing bosses in infinite dungeon for some reason?

Game will not let you dive in tower despite having monster fish form unless you are actively in it.

Is there meant to be a flower bud in the void of the bunny cave, near boss door?

Sent trail by farm goes north, then goes north by bridge, but i can't find anything after that despite searching whole map.

door to the room with credits scene only appears to check for base transformations? At the very least not all of them.

Play Invitation (gold retriever) triggered supplemental attacks and flurry despite being a debuff.

Full auto with golden retriever has the skills triggered not give playfulness for some reason.

A child in (PAST)Castle seems to have dialogue as if blocking north plains.

Thanks a lot for the reports, since its been a bit sine version 4.3 i firgot most bugs that were still unfixed at that time. I am very sorry for the inconvinience. For future i will make a "already fix in later version" post with future release so people can avoid them more easly and also are aware that i knoe about them.

The first three problems are already fixed in later version.

The fourth, i am not sure, will look into that.

Could be a left over testing object, will remove it if it is still there, thanks!

I will look into that and then report back, once i looked that scents trail up.

It should check for total amount of tf's, will look into it as well.

Golden retriver got a rework in one version that fixed many problem but cant say in which version that was, but definitely will look it up as well.

Yeah full auto is very broken, pretty much does not inckude any skills after public demo, had no time to rework it yet. Will look into it.

And also will fix that.

Thanks a lot for the detailed report^^

This is very helpful!

The bigger assset quest npc is right next to the potion shop near teh tree at night.

The flower bud was still there, I did remove it now.

The scent strail above the broken bridge says west and the one after that north-west, and yes I can see a end point of the trail at the north-western part of the map. So maybe there was a problem in that version, that I fixed already? Sorry can't say for certain.

The door checks if you have 12 total transformations not counting human and maybe kitsune. And if you have the second world fragment. Number could be actually lower in version 4.3, i think i raised that number higher in a later version.

Also fixed the golden retriver bug now.

And dialogue now is also adjusted.

For for all the reports^^


I feel like the most awkward part of posting about bugs in outdated versions is wondering if they have been already fixed and you are wasting time. Good to know some of these were still valid!

(1 edit)

Yeah sorry about that, havent thought about that part at all^^"
That was one of the reasons I original was opposed to the idea of further public versions before the game is finished, since it could get confusing with managing stuff like this.
But there is no harm in mentioning something you find even if it may be already fixed.
If someone is at fault it would be me, for managing it like this, it's hard to keep record of everything sometimes.