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Some things of note:

The flying drone enemy's multi hit attack seems a bit unbalanced. Sometime it will just keep going, taking out your full party in one attack from full even in normal mode. Having to go through the zone with them by yourself to unlock the manticore is super annoying when they decide to hit you that many times, killing you even if you are defending.

Werewolf defend mission can scale a bit too hard during the defense segment if you get into too many combats.

Skills that retrigger can be a bit annoying because after they have killed everything, they still have to go through all the reactivations.

There is a graphical freeze that can happen sometimes, the game still works, just the graphics don't update. This appears to be a known RPG maker bug that can be prevented by developers somehow. Might want to look into implementing whatever that fix is.

The unfinished stuff is buggy, who would have guessed. To be more specific, the castle has some npcs with incorrect dialog, and some enemies just don't cause combat when you run into them in the same area. Some of the dialog things are the guard in the past causes the barrier removal dialogue before disappearing, and the upperleft room npcs all have the same dialogue as the guard the stops you from going north.

Are the trees to the left of town and to the right of town meant to take you out of the other when you exit them?

I might be doing something wrong, but I tend to not use ultimate because they do less damage then my normal skills.

Using xp shards needs a better way, because using hundreds at once takes forever. And you do end up with hundreds of them

Squirrel park has a cliffside that doesn't have collision. Its the one I am facing.

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I see, I made that attack to have many hits but low accuracy. So you could have gotten very unlucky. Thanks for the feedback then i will reduce the hits by one and lower the accuracy a little bit more.

That is good to know, thanks! I may turn it down a little bit then!

Yeah that is true but unfortunately I didn't found a workaround yet. Sorry for the inconvenience!

Oh that is good to know, haven't heard of it yet but I will look into it. Thanks for reporting!

Youa re refering to teh castle in which you get the secound World Fragment, right? Yeah noticed that today as well and replaced the placeholder text for the Guard. But I didn't knew that with the encounters so thanks, will fix that as well!

Todays patch also fixed the trees, was a mistake.

Maybe hard to say. They scale of the Ultimate Attack stat. I personally hadn't notice them being to weak or got other people reported it but it may be the case. Do you mean All or just some, because a lot of them are at least pretty strong from what I have seen but some may not be balanced well yet.

The new update today added the option to covert exp shards into exp potions at the witches place in town.

Good to know thanks will fix that as well!

Also thanks a lot for playing and finding all this stuff. i will work now on fixing them^^
Hope you still had fun with the game!

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Some ultimates are definitely better then others, that is true. My experience is that ultimate can range from good to absolutely terrible. A factor in ultimates not being great is the the skill leveling system, you use skills more so they level up more then ultimates which you use rarely. At low level I would say at low level ulimates are better then skills, but as skills level up, the ultimates become worse just because they don't level up as much do to how rarely they are used. This makes me unsure how good ultimates are if you use them move, as a level one ultimate does not compare to a level 15 attack skill. Maybe other people just use them more and so it just works out better?

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Oh yeah i can see that point!

I  tried to giving ultimates more stronger effects like double activations, extra hits or powerful buffs debuffs to make them more useful. I also tried to counter act this by making ultimate level bonuses more powerful. A damage skill gets +5% dmg per level. Ultimate skills gets +10% dmg per level. Maybe increasing it to +15% or +20% per level could solve this?

What do you think?


I wouldn't know, I never leveled up a single ultimate in my 14 hours of playing. Sorry

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No worries and I also will keep thinking about about buffing the ultimates^^


I might interupt but I think a good way to make ult better would to make them not use a turn. Meaning that even if they don't deal THAT much damage, it's always bonus damage no matter what.

Interessting idea! I will play around with that and see how it affects gameplay. Thanks for the idea^^

I tried around with that for a bit and I think it makes them too good and unblanced unfortunatly. But still erally good idea!
For now I have increassed the Ultimates Skills power which should make them a decent bit stronger hoepfully.

I will include that in teh next patch!


To be honest, Ultimate are kinda hard to get especially in boss fight since the metter restarts to 0 (that's a good idea btw), i think it's pretty ok if they are really strong (but that's just my opinion).


That also is true, maybe I should increases the ultimate points that are gained from using dmg skills and normal attacks a little bit, so they can be used more often. Yeah definitely agree that they should feel strong!

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I found the bug you were talking about and also added the fix in ym game it shouldn't happend anymore now! Thanks for drawing my attention to it^^

I also fixed all teh other things besides the Defending Quest and Ultimates since those will need more precise fine tuning as well as feedback from others. But I will keep them in mind!

Thanks a lot for the valuable feedback^^