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A member registered Sep 28, 2016 · View creator page →

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(1 edit)

Hi guys! First, I would like to thank you all for the amazing support I've received here in Without it, One Strike would never become a reality.

Second, I would like to invite you to visit the One Strike Steam page:

The game release is getting pretty close (probably in the end this month/start of the next month), so, stay tuned for more news!

There are a few details to implement before the Steam release, but it will probably be finished by the end of this month or beginning of the next.

Also, If you want to get your hand on a very early demo and see what it all about:

webgl, please :)

This game is awesome! Looking forward to the updates!

Sorry for the delay! The final version is about to be released, if you could wait a few, you can play it on Steam :)

Thanks a lot!

Pretty neat idea and implementation.

I really love the design of the ninja, i can see you turning this into a great game!

Great game! Amazing art and polishness!

I liked the concept and the graphics!

Some music would be great to give some more atmosphere. Also, the player collider seems a bit to large!

I had tons of fun with this one! Just amazing game, music and sfx.


I really liked playing this game. At first sight it will not impress you. But when you start playing, all you want to do is play some more.

This game is a falling game + Mario + Arcade + Ghouls and Ghosts mixed together.

The objective is to get far down as possible, trying to hit over an enemy on your way down for combos. To control you fall, you can go left or right, o use a double jump either to get to some monster and continue a combo or to start a new one, jumping over enemies.

If you hit enemies sideways, you'll lose some clothes (lives) until you die, turn into a skeleton, just like Ghouls and Ghost, pretty fun!

The sfx are good and fit well.

The music is pretty cool as well.

Amazing gamefeel. I love the music too!

The gameplay is good, but there are a few thing you could easily do to improve the overall gameplay of the game:

1. I don't think that paralax is needed here.

2. Powerups are pretty generic and lifeless. Sometimes is hard to see where the clocks are. And if they appear outside the screen, you can't know about it. They should be larger and animated, probably glowing as well. They also should indicate better when they will disappear.

3. The cat should be bigger.

4. You could change what attacks the cat to make more sense, maybe some dogs or even granny:)

5. Instead of just platforms, you could use some garbage cans, tires and such...

What i like about the game:

1. The background is pretty cool.

2. The music cool as well.

The puzzles are excellent! It's really cool and well implemented the mix between the platformer and puzzle genre.

Pretty cool game!

He is pretty unbalanced right know! I want to finish the other characters to see how they play together and then, work on balacing them.

Thanks for playing!

I've been working on an AI for enable single player mode! I'll be releasing it soon!

For some reason, my game got featured! :)

Amazing game! Good choice of colors!

Hey, thanks for taking the time to do it. I'm really glad you like it!

About the inputs, it was not designed to be like that. I have no idea why is that, if unity just take an input at a time...

About the control screen, you're right! I'll fix that in the next update.

Thanks again!

Super Skater Kid Review

Oh my, what a fun game!

The concept is pretty simple: You're a bold skater on a suicide mission to be the best avoiding bicycles, jumping over cars and collecting coins. While you do that, you can and should be even more daring and perform radical maneuvers to win more points.

The music and sfxs are perfect for the game. Also the presentation.

The gameplay is where this game really shines. Its super fun jumping over cars, doing tricks and avoiding bicycles at the same time. The level progression is very well thought. Even though the game is difficult, you want to play more.

Where i think you could improve:

- Its kinda hard to see when the skate tricks are finished and sometimes you lose lives wondering why. A more visual effect could better tell this moment (maybe a action circle?). This should give the player more control of the jump and to better decide when to do a trick. Also, the maneuvers could be more flashy, its hard to see what he is doing since you have to pay attention to what is coming next.

- Background looks rushed.

Overall, i really think you should continue developing this game.

  • Music: 5/5
  • Visuals: 3/5
  • Gameplay: 5/5
  • Design: 4/5
  • Overall: 4.25/5

My game is One Strike:

If you gonna review this one, PLEASE play with someone, since its a 2p game.

(1 edit)

Thank you so much for the review!

I've tested to background with another tones and the darker one was still the one that made the samurais more visible. About the mid color for the faces, you're right, but this will be resolved after the jam, since i'll continue to develop this one, but this time, with no color limitations :).

I'm so happy you've enjoyed the game! And also happy that you could figure it out what the game was all about and the feeling of playing it.

I agree with you that this game needs a Win Screen or something like that, took note for a future update.

You are right again, the sfxs could be better and we need some music, also noted for a future update.

Thanks so much for the compliments, I won't be updating the game for the this JAM anymore, since i've already started working on new content that won't be ready by the end of the JAM. So, the next steps will be working on a full game with new characters and some other features.

You can follow me for updates at:

Thanks a lot!

(1 edit)


A very well made game. It reminds me of Lemmings with a new layer in the platformer aspect of it, making the game pretty interesting.

The graphics are good, not exceptional.

The sfx are fitting and the music is pretty great.

Overall its a very fun game, i would totally play it in PlayStore.

  • Music: 5/5
  • Visuals: 3/5
  • Gameplay: 4/5
  • Design: 4/5
  • Overall: 4/5

My game is One Strike:

If you gonna review this one, PLEASE play with someone, since its a 2p game.

(3 edits)


I really liked playing this game. At first sight it will not impress you. But when you start playing, all you want to do is play some more.

This game is a falling game + Mario + Arcade + Ghouls and Ghosts mixed together.

The objective is to get far down as possible, trying to hit over enemies on your way down for combos. To control you fall, you can go left or right, or use a double jump, either, to get to some monster and continue a combo or to start a new one, jumping over enemies.

If you hit enemies sideways, you'll lose some clothes (lives) until you die, turning into a skeleton, just like Ghouls and Ghost, pretty fun!

The sfx are good and fit well.

The music is pretty cool as well.

For the next review, if you have someone to play with you (2P game only), try my game:

if not, try my friend's one:

Thanks again :) Much appreciated!


Thanks so much for the review. I really couldn't find HOW to change the game to 2P. I looked more than once :(.

If you don't mind, it would be great to test it with another player. (Please, do :D) That's where the game really shines, in my opinion :)

Points system is being developed at the moment, unfortunately i couldn't implement it in time for this Jam.

The next steps will be create at least 3 more totally different fighters.

Can you suggest a new game for the thread to continue? you didn't suggest any :)

Hi Guys, i've been working on a few improvements and some bug fixes for my game:

and i would like to know if the changes i'm working can be published and still count for the GBJAM5.

Thanks in advance!
