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Incredulous Interactive

A member registered Jul 06, 2020 · View creator page →

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Thanks for playing! Glad you enjoyed it!

Loved it when you googled who’s #2 on Rushmore. Too relatable - We had the exact same conversation during development 😅

Thanks for playing! Looks like your video is set to private, but I’d love to check it out :)

Hi! So sorry I didn’t respond to this sooner - totally slipped past me. Just sent you an email!

This is such an awesome concept; I’m shocked I’ve never seen anything like it before. Tons of potential here. Great job!!

This is such a great puzzle game. Stumped me a couple times, but a little trial-and-error got me there in the end. Very nicely done!!

Found this thread while trying to look up the adjusted score formula. This system makes a ton of sense to me, from a statistics angle. Having been on both sides of the median in jams, I understand the “penalty” feeling people are describing though.

This is kind of a silly solution, but it could be effective to simply multiply all of the final adjusted scores by 20 to change the scale to 100 points. The adjusted score effectively becomes a “percentile” rank of sorts. It’s more of a psychological trick than anything, but the difference in scale might mitigate the direct comparison with the raw score that makes some people feel like they got a penalty.

Wow, thank you so much! Florence was a big inspiration for our aesthetic - I’m happy you noticed! :)


Thanks for playing! And thank you for the feedback! We’ve got a patch coming for the zoom sound bug, among a couple other things. Thanks for playing!

Noted, thanks for the feedback! You can change SFX volume from the Options menu. We’ll look into the sound mix and see if we can find a better balance for those sounds :)

Thanks for playing! A sandbox mode sounds like a lot of fun - good idea! :)

Glad you enjoyed it! All of the photos can be taken with the subject fully in-frame! In the future, I think we’ll make that a requirement, but we figured for the jam, we’d rather have it be too forgiving than too difficult. Thanks for playing! :)

Thank you! We spent a lot of time finding and adapting assets to fit our aesthetic. Melatonin is a beautiful game - I’m flattered by the comparison! :) Thanks for playing!

Wow, thank you so much! I’m happy you enjoyed it so much! Thanks for playing!

Thanks for playing! I’m happy you noticed our accurate geography :) All of the photos can be taken with the subject fully in-frame! In the future, I think we’ll make that a requirement, but we figured for the jam, we’d rather have it be too forgiving than too difficult. We’ve also got some more puzzle-y plans for the Pose Select feature, if we decide to invest more into this game! Thanks for playing, and for the detailed feedback!

(1 edit)

Happy you enjoyed it!

the dad was supposed to King Kong the Empire State Building

Haha that’s actually what we were going for! Glad you spotted it!

Thank you! We put a lot of effort into finding and adapting art assets that fit our aesthetic, and working to build our narrative in a game with no dialogue. I’m happy you enjoyed it!

Thank you for the kind feedback! I’m happy it’s an educational experience. I’m still getting the hang of the Zoom In/Move Back mechanic 😅

Thank you! If we get enough interest, we’d definitely consider expanding it :)

I love this game. It reminds me a bit of Tricky Towers, but I like that this is more meticulous since you can place blocks exactly where you want. I also love the you can nudge your stack around before you drop a block! It made the whole thing more puzzle-y than frantic. Visually, the game is obviously beautiful. The character reacting to your placements in real time is a delight. Absolutely fantastic job!

Really nice looking game! I agree with the other comments that it really needs some clues to be playable past the first level. I’d be interested in giving it another shot if you decide to go back and give it another pass!

Seemed a bit buggy on level 1 and I couldnt pass the level. Seems like a fun concept though! “You got cheesed” made me laugh every time.

This was pretty fun! My first try I completely obliterated the whole block of stone haha. The gravity on the disconnected pieces was an extra nice touch. It would be cool to see that used as a puzzle-y mechanic (e.g. you have a gap in the middle and need to drop some stone into it to make the right shape). Good job and congrats!

A bit difficult to figure out what to do at first. It would be nice to have some onscreen tutorial right at the start. But nice work, and it’s fun to see object-scaling puzzles like this!

Nice work for only 6 hours! The content was a little dense, which I found made it difficult to focus. Spawning fewer items might help reduce some of the screen clutter. Nice work!

Main menu transition jumpscare.

Fun game! It was tougher than I expected, and very engaging. Nice take on the prompt! :)

Seems like the beginnings of an interesting puzzle game!

This was a fantastic interpretation of the theme. There was a great synergy in all of the mechanics– I especially loved that you could shrink the enemies, stomp them, then expand their bodies to use as a heavy object. Really brilliant stuff. My one critique is that the jump velocity was a bit too intense. It would have felt more in control if the jump reached the apex, but in most cases I hit my head against a wall or the top of the screen. And from a QOL perspective, it would have been nice to click to autocomplete the dialog type-in effect. But none of that takes away from the excellent puzzle work and smart mechanics. Great job, and congratulations!

Cool stealth game concept! Simple and effective. Nicely done!

This game was so cute! Your art, color palette, and animations are fantastic. I really enjoyed throwing a stick at the bushes to get more sticks! Good job.

Really fun! It’s a great puzzle, and having 2 scales that you can swap between adds an extra layer of strategy that I really enjoyed!

Wow, nicely done! This is a really cool concept, and it’s impressive to see a game this complete pulled off in such a short timeframe. Great job!

This is such a fun concept for a puzzle game! The art direction and music also set a really nice tone. I’d love it if when you exit the pocket dimension, the items moved back into your inventory automatically. Nicely done!

This is such a cute game! I love the art style and the whole aesthetic. Great job!

I’ve outsourced review writing to AI to save money.

Certainly! I found the short video game about running a game studio to be a well-crafted simulation that balances creativity, strategy, and resource management. The gameplay offers a surprisingly insightful experience into the complexities of game development, making it a fun yet educational tool for aspiring game designers.

So well done, I guess.

(Seriously, though, great job. This is really silly and cute and it’s very fun to play!)

Incredible work! The combination of Tetris and platforming is such an engaging concept, and the amount of polish is super impressive for only 4 days. Nicely done!

This was so cute and silly! I love all the funny little touches, like naming each individual villager. Well done!

This was really fun! I love these kinds of Escape the Room puzzle games, and I’d love to see an extended version of this using more of the scaling mechanic. Nicely done!

This is really cute! I love the art style and the mood you’ve created, and the puzzles are nice and relaxing to untangle. Good job!

This was great! Lots of polish and very addictive. Nice job!