Thanks for playing! Initial tests seemed to indicate that it was the #IMAGE tag refusing to load content beneath it, so we tried a workaround with #CLEAR; perhaps that's malfunctioning in some way? Documentation on integrating images with Ink seems to be limited, unfortunately. But thank you for playing on despite the bug!
A member registered Mar 14, 2021 · View creator page →
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An interactive fiction game about time, cycles, and forest regeneration. And lots of animals.
Interactive Fiction
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A text game about dancing through worlds with your immortal girlfriend
Interactive Fiction
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A text game about old friends, old regrets, and crashlanded ships
Interactive Fiction
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Thanks for playing our game (and not giving up at the bug! We're trying to fix the loading issue but it's currently baffling us.)
Immortality and the ways that affects the perception of time were definitely on our minds while creating this! And we definitely liked implementing that cheeky little time loop as a nod to endless, eternal cycles.
Echo, echo (GMTK Game Jam 2021) jam comments · Posted in Echo, echo (GMTK Game Jam 2021) jam comments
Heads up to everyone who comes to check us out: I'm one of the developers of Echo, echo. Thanks for your interest! Unfortunately, although we finished a playable build, we encountered trouble confirming it was Windows executable and uploading it to itch. We were not able to publish it in time. Sorry about that. When uploads open back up again after the voting period, we'll get the game up.