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A member registered Oct 26, 2023 · View creator page →

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never mind, I was just being stupid. Great tiles! 

Thank you so much for this tileset! I am having some trouble here on which is which. It comes with 4 files here, one is the tileset itself, the other 3 are atlas tilemaps for floors, high walls, and low walls. 

In terms of placing the tiles, I'm having some trouble which tiles belong inside or outside.

All I can say is beautiful. This was such a stunning game. The atmosphere that it provided was amazing. There were times were I thought I was actually playing a game made by a full studio. I honestly just found out about this and just the cover alone made me want to check this out.

Amazing work!

Thank you!

I like the look of this game a lot! I'm actually going to make inspired by this!

Really like the look of this! What's the license on this asset pack? Was wondering if I could modify it to the style of my game that I'm making. 

Thank you for the suggestion! My idea with the light and dark theme is mainly to establish that connection with the player or the player to establish a connection with the theme of the game. I don't know if this is to harsh of a topic on here but like some other games that explore mental health, I to want to do this. As a person who suffered from depression in the past, the light and dark theme is something that I want to really reflect in the game. The dark is loneliness, sadness, despair, and fear while the light is comfort, joy, faith, and courage. 

Sorry if my explanation is not well thought but that's where I want to head with this theme. I went with the good will fight bad trope because hope (light) is like your mental warrior trying to defend and fight of against your dark moments in life, at least that's how I see it. Now in terms of the bird protagonist or bird theme, that was something that I just picked on since birds symbolize new beginnings, hope, freedom, prosperity, peace, and joy.

I know it's not a lot right now but I just wanted to project my idea. Like the other day I was thinking to myself that the game should follow kind of like animal themed or something. Like Hollow Knight, Hollow Knight is a bug themed metroidvania which executes its environments perfectly.

So I am starting to design the protagonist and I quickly searched "light warrior" or "warrior of light". The images I got was a figure with wings, which would make sense as like light is directed to divine or hope which was what I was going for. When the wings came up I was like maybe I could do the game bird themed. Maybe bird themed is a little cheesy at the moment but I feel that it could have a lot of potential gameplay wise.

Hi there, 

I have been stuck in coming up with fresh ideas for my next game and have just potentially found an "ok" concept. A few days ago when I was brainstorming ideas for my next game, a friend of mine told me to focus on a central theme that my game can follow. A theme that I always wanted to do was light and dark. 

I like this theme a lot as not only can the gameplay surrounding this theme can be unique but also can allow me to connect personally with this theme. I have been playing tons of indie game lately and I noticed that most indie games portray emotion. Strong emotion that it actually allowed me to connect with the characters and story at a more personal level. 

With the theme light and dark, I was thinking in creating a game where you play as like a light warrior or a chosen person of the light. As a chosen person of light, you are tasked by returning light to a kingdom that has fallen into darkness. I am currently writing the story of this. 

Please do give me some feedback!

I was wondering if you could please provide me the color palette. I really like this style!

Planning to make a 2D P.T. like game in either top-down or isometric perspective. I will have to choose which perspective will work best in terms of gameplay though.

Please give me feedback on whether this is a good idea for my next game!

Thanks for the comment Magicsofa! I had actually forgot that I added keyboard input in the game as it was just used for testing :P

I did cater the game to be played with a controller for better precision but I will probably go back and add proper keyboard input to the game. As for the save-points, initially when creating the game I had check points at the start of every room, so that when you die it would not be a significant deal, like Celeste. But then the check points had a huge bug that I discovered after I was close to finishing the game and since this was my first game I honestly did not know what to do, so I chucked the check points making it much harder definitely. For the level selection, levels 2 and 3 are disabled. Once you beat level 1, level 2 can be played, and once level 2 is beat you can play level 3.

I apologize for the many imperfections of the game, but I do thank you for your feedback! This comment means a lot to me, thank you!

Yea I saw! Thanks for all your help! :) 

Very nice and simple game! The design of each level was thoughtful given that you could only jump up. Was definitely challenging but enjoyed it none the less.

Feel free to try my game, Beneath, and tell me what you think!

Nice well crafted game! I actually liked all the different characters you meet in this. Definitely has that VVVVVV vibe to it which was a nice touch!

Feel free to play my game, Beneath, and tell me what you think!

Very Nice! I really love the design of the game and how you can keep your momentum when going through those green gravity flippers! The level design and overall aesthetic is what makes this game really shine!

Feel free to check out my game, Beneath, and tell me what you think!

Hey thanks for the comment Magicsofa, that's ok if you don't have a controller, and yea the size is 100mb because of the soundtrack. 

At first the music files where .wav format and took almost 2gb of the game so I had to convert them to .mp3 which took way less space but yea 100mb is still quite larger.

Awesome! I guess I'll accept the request of the bundle then.

Ok, for the bundle title I could only come up with "Retro Challenges: Puzzles & Jumps" or "Retro Mindscape: Jump, Solve, Conquer!", you can choose between the two on which sounds better or don't use any of them. 

For the description area of my game, put:

  • Plunge into the mysterious depths as you seek the buried escape pod beneath the planet's surface
  • Hand crafted levels and boss chases
  • Controller support
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I did not receive anything from itch, so I found this on the Co-Op Bundles section: Once the page is created you'll have to get each participant to approve it by having them head to the page of the bundle. You'll have to send each of them a link, they will not be notified by So it looks like you have the link of the bundle.

Ok then, you can set up the bundle.

Yo thank you AllenMLewis17,  anything will help. I have considered posting on reddit and will most likely do it (even if I get random downvotes). 

Regarding making a bundle, how does this work? I am totally fine in collaborating with you but since this is my first time doing this, how does this work?

Yo Magicsofa, I absolutely love this game. I like the progression of the game and how each room has great puzzle design. When designing a puzzle game, it is important to have those "ah" moments for the player. I definitely had those "ah" moments. 

Please check out my game, Beneath, and do please tell me what you think!

So I released my very first game last week on Monday. Up till now the game has 30 views which is awesome but no downloads. I don't know what I'm doing wrong here. Is it because the price of the game is too high for it's level of quality or is it just not worth it. 

(1 edit)

Hi There!

Just recently released my very first game, Beneath, a small and very simple 1-bit platformer about an alien who plunges into the depths of an unknown planet and needs to find the escape pod to escape the planet! 

This project took me about 3 weeks to complete and is by no means perfect, but I hope that everyone who gets to play "Beneath" can enjoy it as much as I have enjoyed making this project!


Upon releasing my very first game here on itch "Beneath", I came up with  a new idea for my next game. Lately I have been fascinated with liminal spaces and their comfort and yet fear about them. I am thinking in making a liminal spaces horror game, psychological liminal horror to be exact. 

I want to explore the effects on the mind when a person is stuck in liminal spaces, forever alone with nobody but themselves. Now this is a totally random deviation from what I'm taking about (I'm just throwing ideas) but recently I watched a video from Forge Labs playing a Minecraft mod pack called "From the Fog". The link to Forge Lab's video:

Basically it adds Herobrine to the world, but the psx visuals really gave it that 'scary' aspect to it and made you think that someone was watching you from a distance but you couldn't really tell. I really liked the fact that the game played with your mind in terms of hearing things and seeing things, it gave it that psychological touch to it and really loved it.

I was thinking in doing something similar but with liminal spaces, and instead of having something watch you, nothing is truly their. It is just your mind playing with you because of the spaces themselves. I'm just throwing ideas here so that I can come up with a solid direction for my next game. 

What do you think? Feel free to brainstorm with me a throw some of your ideas here!

(2 edits)

Hi there, I'm IndieQuantum and I have just released my very first game "Beneath". "Beneath" is a very simple 1-bit platformer about an alien who crash lands on an unknown planet. Plunging into the depths of the planet, your mission is to find the escape pod beneath the planets surface. 

I really liked the clean and simple look from 1-bit games and was a look I was really going for. Yes the game is not perfect and not as good as most platformers out there but I hope the game is enjoyable enough for everyone to play.

Play Here!

Since this is my very first game ever made, I hope that everyone who plays "Beneath" can enjoy a good experience as much as I have enjoyed creating this game!