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Inuneko Nanita

A member registered Oct 31, 2021 · View creator page →

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Hehehe thank you ^-^ 

I'm sorry it may seem a lot 

Oh no, please don't apologize, I was smiling uncontrollably while reading hehehe. In fact, I should thank you! Since the game is still experimental and I'm not sure which features are good or bad, all the details that you wrote (and time you generously gave) helps me figure out what to fix. It's a very big help, so thank you very much! I'll be taking notes heheheheh xD

Hello~ thank you for leaving a feedback! ^-^

regarding jankiness & camera: 

I'd like to try and fix this issue. If it's not too much of a bother, would it be alright to list and briefly explain the janky parts? Your computer specs and game settings would also help a lot 🙏

regarding lack of objectives and guides: 

My bad Dx More content will be added in a proper demo hehehe

regarding dress up aspect: 

I'm very glad that you find it very fun eheheheh xD

I posted on Reddit and some also think A is evil xD

2-0 for B! Thank you for your vote hehehe

Thank you for the feedback ^-^ I'm glad you think it's good!

Yeah we had the mic really close when we recorded x] Hopefully Audacity can handle the audio noise

Hehehehehe hope you had lots of laughs too! xD

1-0 in favour of B! Thank you for voting xD

I like what I'm seeing. The sword and a healthbar seems like action to me. The map also looks good

Hehehe I'm glad ^-^ Yeah the game has action combat included

Telling from the game's tags this game might not be for me 🤔

Noooo T-T
I checked out your collection, and I'm sad but I think you're right Dx

Still, thank you for giving your feedback ^-^ It means a lot for small indie devs like me

(1 edit)

Thank you very much for trying it out and for your feedback (⁠*⁠´⁠ω⁠`⁠*⁠) I've taken notes! 

Also I'm very happy to hear that you're interested in the game (⁠≧ ᴗ ⁠≦⁠) Hehehehehe


Edit: I've updated the prototype xD

(3 edits)

thank you! (⁠≧⁠▽⁠≦⁠) 

edit 1: I'll be watching your gameplay now

edit 2: 

It is very laggy, I am ashamed (⁠ ⁠≧⁠Д⁠≦⁠) thank you very much for trying it out, now I know about this issue!

edit3: I've updated the prototype x]

Thank you very much for the clarifications! I'm feeling happy~ hehehe

Hello~ I'm unsure if I could join with my rpg game, because I read on the explanation link that Amare is a new subgenre of Visual Novels. 

Then I re-read the jam page and it says "Visual Novels and Interactive Fiction games". It gave me a bit of hope (>v<) I just wanna double check if you'd consider an rpg as interactive fiction? 

Hello~~ I had fun playing the demo, thank you for sharing it! My overall experience is having smooth and responsive controls with stable fast frame rate. Some nice surprises too hehe. Send over a list of some bugs too on Twitter @MatchworkDev

Can't wait to see the future updates!

Hello! I can finally try it! Thank you for this again!

LOLOLOL! Eyepatch guy is my master minddd

Yeah, I admit the battle system didn't get enough action during development process. I didn't have enough time to work on it.

Thank you for the tips! I'll keep them in mind :D

Hehehe sorry about confusing you! But I'm glad you like the weird twists!

Yeah, I didn't have enough time to test it properly. I actually almost didn't make the submission! (coz of uploading time - I reuploaded multiple times after fixing a bug that was found after I already submitted)

Thank you for your nice review!

Glad to hear that! Yeah hehe, I only had about two weeks free time, so I kinda ran out of time for the battle system and other stuff.

I'm already considering it! Thank you!

Hope you expand your Capsule Monsters - Rebirth too! It sometime manage to randomly appear in my mind when I'm daydreaming xD

Hey :) thank you for that!

(1 edit)

Very interesting! Imma check you out on YouTube xD

Edit: AHAHA just watched and you were funny! You love BL!!! I just finished a bl art commission last night xD

(2 edits)

Hello! I hope I'm not late for this x] Here's mine https://inuneko-nanita.itch.io/leont-luvlat-demo2

It's so exciting to watch the jam games being reviewed on a video! Waiting for the day 3 stream!

I'm new to twitch, so I'm finally gonna make an account just for this xD

Amazing intro, very intriguing! The art and music are very captivating and works well together. It sets the mood very nicely at the beginning *thumbs up*

WOOOW, nice CUTSCENE! I love the cat on the roof xD

The caring lady wife is gorgeous!

I love that there's a guy who cares for nature! 

Awesome battle system! 

I like how you animated the enemy as well! 

The attack animations and sound effects make the battle feel so alive!

Thank you for playing and for your feedback, mr husband of mrs slime! xD AHAHAHAHA I'm happy to know you had a laugh out of it xD Hopefully you find a nice in-game-in-game wife if you try it again!

Got it! Appreciate the tips and the things that you wanted to be changed/added for a better experience! xD

Imma go try yours now. I think I tried to play your game days ago but I didn't have a rar extractor at that time xD

Hehehe, it's a pleasure x] <3

Very nice intro! Got my attention straight away!

I love the UI, background and sound of the title screen!

Nice visual and sound effects during the tutorial.

Oh wow! Thriller at the beginning got my heart pumping xD

Nice battle system!

My eyes love the contrast of the characters against the background. It's so easy on the eyes :)

Very mysterious and engaging story! I like the interactions of the three x]

I'm glad you think so! xD hehehe thank you

I checked out some Metal Gear drawing just now, I'm very honoured for my drawings to be compared to then >v< !

I'm glad you noticed! hehehe

Thank you for reviewing (You're an awesome reviewer btw, gotta follow your lead)

Imma check yours out too! xD

Hello Whyms! I made a browser version of my game.  https://inuneko-nanita.itch.io/leont-luvlat-demo2

Hope you have fun!


It's addicting! nyahahah 

(5 edits)

Hi guys. This game is a combination of a lot of stuff, like:

- in-game online dating (swipe left or right)

- choices (what do you do?)

- evolving / vessel hopping (character can change body and class if the right choices are made)

I had a lot of fun making the art and the custom plugins for it. Hope it is enjoyable to play!

Here's the link: https://itch.io/jam/igmc-rebirth/rate/1649512


(1 edit)

Sounds interesting! I'll add it to my list!

You have lovely art! 

Nice concept! I'll be adding it to my list! :D

nyehehehe that's funny xD

Thank you! I'll be adding yours to my list too! <3

Really nice UI, intro, art and so on! :D

  I keep getting Lady Armor xD 

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This is so nice. I feel the warmth of the community >v< I wanna join! I'll go play games here first as well, and then play the rest xD

Here's mine : https://inunekonanita.com/