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A member registered 79 days ago

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Iffen you're itching to get petals really quick, and don't mind a little cheatery, you can always edit a save game^^. Take note how many petals of each color you have, then open the save in notepad (or some such editor), use the search function to scan for the petals by colour, but compare the amount to what you have in your inventory to find the right entries. The save file also has other petals, that are part of loot bags or those in the bazaar.

Check this thread if you don't wanna experiment for all potions:

Female needs the Fertile trait, then nearly every intercourse will get her pregnant.

(1 edit)

Do you have save files from a previous version? Kick those out of the save game folder, then it should work. Game don't like older version's saves in there (cause they've got missing data, like the new races added in 0.17 alpha), or any save file it considers to contain corrupt or invalid data.

 On boot, it scans the save folder and if there's anything in there that it don't like, it just locks up.

Try removing all old save files from the previous version from their folder. The game scans save files, and if it doesn't find what it expects (like the new races added in this version) or if there is one save file with what the game considers corrupt or incorrect data, it just locks everything.

(2 edits)

Need to teach the male the positions you want them performing in by giving him books to read. Then initiate intercourse the other way round. Look at the little thumbnails in the position selection, dunno which way around it was, but the color of the dummies depicted in those thumbs denotes who is gonna be "donor" & who's gonna be "receiver"^^.

Or cheat it and save edit the whole thing. Open the save file with notepad++ or something of the sort, find the section for the character in question (put his name in the search function), then find the "eroMoves" field and add any of the positions you want for that char (like this for example: eroMoves: ["Bend Over","Handholding","Missionary"]; no spaces). 

These are all the positions so far:

"Bend Over"
"Dance 1/2/3/4/5"
"Lean Forward"
"Masturbate (F)"

"Reverse Cowgirl"
"Standing Doggy"
"Blowjob (Rough)"
"Pin Down Fingering (Rough)"
"Pin Down Fuck (Rough)"
"Spanking (Rough)"

(6 edits)

If you cannot click load button, one or more files in your save folder have expressions the game cannot read, or are missing stuff the game expects to find on load. Game seems to scan all files in the save folder, and if even one is not up to par with what it wants, it won't load anything, period.
And I suppose it won't let you start a new game cuz that would make a new auto-save, which would be inaccessible due to the policy of not going near the save folder when there's stuff in it the game won't like...vicious circle, see^^.

I only started playing on this most recent version, but just seeing all the new races added in alpha 0.17 makes me think old 0.16 save files lack a ton of stuff compared to saves from this version. So no, old save files from alpha 0.16 will not work anymore.

Kick all old files from your save folder, try to start a new game, if it works save and see if it loads that file.

EDIT: And Happy new year all^^.

What was your money like when it broke for you, and what room/s did you fight in? 

When hoarding large sums of coins (+100k/+500k/+1mil) on the day market re-stocks, enemy level skyrockets (up to the 1000s when you have 1mil+). Seemed to me that a big level gap between invader & defender breaks combat somehow, though not with regard to the to-hit chances, but damage. Seems there's a level multiplier in play in the background; and with that at work, when you pit a lvl ~1000 invader vs a lvl 50 defender, defender attacks will deal about 0-2 points dmg, while the invader dude can basically one-shot you with a jab.

I did notice that such high-level invaders will also play all their combat anims in one go & REAL fast, only so far it didn't break my game like it did yours. May also be that itz putting too much load on your rig in that situation, thus freezing & breaking combat - this game hogs more RAM/VRAM than CP2077 on all ultra, judging by the speed of my RTXs cooler fan^^. 

And there was one other thread that discussed combat being broken/bugged, but only in certain rooms, though much like you described I think: Freezing OR not being able to target invader, thus unable to win without gadgets. So maybe change the room interior on your defender's spot, see if that helps any. And avoid hoarding loads of coin on re-stock day, take note of invader lvl, if big lvl gap is the issue maybe. No other ideas on this topic, sry.

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Ur welcome. Everyone playing the game should have the potion thread bookmarked; that poster, ladywhiskers, saved everybody here a heap of time & nerve. Even went analogue on that sh*t, PDFed  & printed the list on paper so I don't have to alt+tab no more^^. Nice weekend & happy potion brewing.

EDIT: If you wanna mess with character traits/genetics directly & effectively and are not above cheaty moves, edit the save files. Each char has a field with all the traits you see in-game on the "character sheet", like the physical features (which is the part potions can change), but also stuff that's set on char creation/spawn like personality & aquired perks like "sexy" or "scary".
Best thing about that list, you can use the names on there as-is when editing a save, the physical traits are called the same in the save data as in-game, no clunky ID-number or -code. And if you're so inclined, you can also mess with their combat moves with "learned abilities" (these are also named exactly like they are in-game; "Capture", "Guard" etc), you can add/remove sex positions in "eroMoves" (names the same as the pink & purple books) and their sexual preferences with "eroTags liked/hated".

A bit down, the second list by ladywhiskers. First line. Easy as paella.

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I love the game, even in it's infant alpha stage, but the one thing really bugging me is the names. For such a lewd game, I want seriously lewd names. And in a longer running game, with potentially dozens of minions running around the dungeon, renaming each one individually in the safe files as I'm doing atm would be a serious pain in the neck.

So I'd like to get to the DLL library that generates the names. But as I understand it, before I can even begin to start searching which file has that name list & change anything in it, I'd need to find out what language the game DLLs were originally written in, and then find a decompiler program + matching extensions/ plugins, that can work such DLLs.

And most of all, I'd need a tutorial on the program and how to achieve all of that, preferably one that a more or less code-illiterate person like myself can grasp. So - there anyone with more coding know-how in here who could point me in the right direction?

 Advice would be much appreciated.

(2 edits)

I know I'm a bit late to this party, but apparently this bug is still present. Just ran into the same thing, very annoying to say the least. 

There is a remedy though - if you do not mind rummaging around in your save file a little bit with Notepad++ or something the like. Open the file, find your Keepher character by searching their name. Then a bit further down, just behind their level entry, you'll find a field called "levelUpUnspentPoints" [x]. If value x in that field is anything but 0, your char can't gain abilities. They still collect XP and level, but somehow the reward gets locked out.

I dunno the why's or how's, not really that code-literate, but I've been messing with save files this way since Wasteland 2, and this method works. On next level-up after removing unspent points, it will trigger level-up rewards again as intended. So once you realize itz happening, go do this immediately, otherwise those points pile up and you potentially waste time & effort. 

But while you're already in the save file, if you're so inclined, you can make up for wasted time & nerve by finding the "Learned Abilities" field which is right behind the "levelUpUnspentPoints" and just fill in the abilities you want for your keeper^^. Simply the use same name as in-game, just put it in " ", and note it's case sensitive. Or go a little above into the "eroMoves" or "statusEffects" fields and add whatever naughtyness or attributes/traits you want for your Keepher

If you wanna keep it more random, remove a few levels, add a couple  dozen Crystal Shards to your stack in the inventory section, craft some XP crystals, use em and see what your Keeper gets (I like save scumming that part until most my chars get "Sexy" & "Likeable", but that's just me^^). 

Hope this helps, even belated as it is^^. Happy X-mas, fellow Keephers!

EDIT: Meeh. This apparently works - but only once. After leveling, I found it will revert to the bugged state on next "silent" level-up during shop purchase. Thought I had the solution, but no dice. In any case, the save edits are at least a way to get the stuff one would miss out on, and pick & choose^^.

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Haven't figured out the menu in-game either, but if yer willing to go the cheat route, save editing is rather simple: 

Dig up a tile, make sure it's the only empty tile on the map, save. Open the save file with Notepad or something similar, search for "Empty" (with the "  "), and it will jump right to it. Then find the field "status effects"  shortly after the "Empty" tile designation, that's where all these resource effects go. 

Dunno if there's more, but I've found these: "Mineral Rich Area"/ "Mineral Poor Area", "Fertile Area"/ "Barren Area" and "Inspiring  Area"/ "Uninspiring Area". Enter whatever you please in the "status effects"[] field, ie like this: ["Mineral Rich Area","Fertile Area","Uninspiring Area"].

Note that iffen you slap multiple effects on one tile, every one of those will influence production, even if negative on it's own and seemingly unconnected. As in, build a gold mine on a  ["Mineral Rich Area","Barren Area"] tile, you will get double the yield as compared to a square with only the ["Mineral Rich Area"] benefit. Add any of the "Inspiring" on top, yield is even tripled.

EDIT: Mucked around with the cheat menu a little bit, resources on tiles are not covered in that. Messing with those requires save editing as described above. The "resources" you can add with cheat menu are just the 3 displayed in the top right: Research, Money & Crystals (the ones from altar buildings).

(3 edits)

How are current money value and enemy level linked? I noticed when I hoard large sums, enemy level suddenly skyrockets. 

For funsies, I sunk almost all cash generated over ~150 in-game days into 3 goldmines, all with "mineral rich" bonus on their tiles; they are all lvl 15, at least generate upwards of 10.000/120s. After hoarding ~750000  coins, I got a lvl ~440 NPC in the Tempt Invader tab. After hoarding over 1 mil, I got lvl 1040! Then I did another upgrade round, had only 10000 or so left when market re-stocked, next invader was lvl 23. 

Also noticed the first invader in the Tempt tab on the altar and the first (left in the row) slave in the market will usually be much higher than the rest -if your money is extremely high- or much lower level than the rest when your money tends towards 0. Thought the money score just influenced invasion probability. What gives?!?

Can anyone explain to me how this is all connected?

Well...if you're not looking for anything kinky or lewd - obviously the OG Dungeon Keeper games. Though a bit outdated, these ARE video game classics (Original DK invented the "hand-cursor" & slapping minions^^), and still good fun to play.

(4 edits)

Haiyaa! You are a life-safer, dude! Already geared up to do this myself, went into the safe file,  got me 999 of each color petal & was about to start brewing when I found your post here. These should go in the in-game codex; at least once crafted/found, the recipe ought to appear in there. Or better yet, the brew tab, preferably as 1-click-to-brew items^^.

I actually really liked the idea of puzzling together the brewing recipes, but I find the alchemy system too slow; if it at least had the option to brew more than one unit of the same potion, once you discover a recipe, it would be feasible. But in the current state, it's just too many clicks & too much hassle, more of a drag than entertaining, especially when taking into account that Potions=Character Customization. 

Iffen ya wants a pretty party, makes your Keeper & the servants/prisoners look the part, ya'll need some potions^^!

So thank you veeery much,@Mintsticks & @ladywhiskers413,  for putting in the work & saving the rest of us the trouble,  time & nerve.

@KeepHerDev: When I hit the L key in the open character interaction screen, it changes to a random character. Not from my crew, neither currently in slave market. No clue where these dudes & dudettes come spawning from, but I'll keep my paws off of it. Just in case you reads these entries at some point, I thought ya should know about this. 

Apart from that no bugs, but it be putting even more load on my rig than Cyberpunk2077 on all ultra settings, which is kinda unexpected for a lil' game like this - but fine, as long as it runs stable. And only 1 CTD in the first ~30h playtime definitely qualifies as stable.

Cheers, have a good one & PLEASE keep making this game, Sir! Itz an absolute blast already^^!