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A member registered Nov 10, 2020 · View creator page →

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Thanks!!! You got a spot on top 3?

I'll be very happy and proud if you use my game as a showcase!

Happy that you have some fun in it! 

I'm not planning add more levels right now.

Thanks for the feedback ;)

Your sound assets make it better!!

Sim, mas parece que é por causa da tradução, jogar em ingles não gera problemas.

Depois do termino da jam vou corrigir esse problema :)

So happy that you had some fun in it :D

This game was made for you! Thanks for this jam!!

Thanks for playing dude! Maybe in a future some more minigame show up.

Ps: I'm the current top 1 in every game yet

Godot is life

Nice entry!

I think add more mechanics will be interesting, also, zoom out the camera could be cool, the game window its pretty small.

I liked the cat animation ;)

I loved the effects and post precessing, very beautiful!

But this game has just 2 minigames, unfutunetly...

Also the pong game is very laggy for some reason.

I's like to know what shaders you use in this effects, I liked it so much

Beautiful entry!!

Perfectly matching the jam theme.

I struggle a little to get control, but after a while I get it. I also didn't fully understand how scoring points work.

Nice game!

I loved the menu animations, and the game juice in general! 

I didn't understand what is the infos for on right top, and also they were over the hishcore label, so i couldn't see my high scores. 

Also, the art and colors are stunning, beautiful game

(1 edit)

I used again, i loved your sounds!

Farm World Cup

And again, i love this font man! It fit perfectly to cute style games.

Check it out a new game with this incridible font

Your work its awesome!!

I used this pack in my game for a jam, and add You into the credits section.

I used the free version, but if I win the jam, my first action will be purchase the full version!

I'm very happy that you liked!!

I'll try to beat your scores haha

Unfortunately, don't have a mobile version


Ajustado!! Vlw pela tentativa rapida heh

Primeiramente obrigado pelo tempo, e espero que tenha curtido :D

Eu dei um grande foco em progressão de dificuldade e polimento do game, alem de melhorias no tutorial (após outros feedbakcs).

1. O indicativo do sol ser um botão ja existe, sendo um texto acima da imagem do sol, se isso não apareceu pra vc, eu fico curioso em saber o pq, talvez alguma questão de cache do navegador que não deixou o jogo atualizado.

2. As cores acho que isso fica mais de gosto mesmo, escolhi uma paleta menos densa e chamativa, por ser um jogo relaxante, não tenho muito experiencia em arte tbm, talvez possa melhorar.

3. Os textos de instrução fica uma linnha tenue entre chamar mais ou menos atenção que os outros texto como botoes. Eu teste mais em fullscreen, talvez se jogar em tela minimizada tenha dificuldades mesmo.

Agradeço demais pelo feedback, sucesso!!

Your work its awesome!!

I used on my game Cozy Island, fit perfectly.

You are on the credits page :D

Your work its awesome!!

I used on my game Cozy Island

(1 edit)

Glad that you liked!

Yes, I thought about giving some visual instructions or some text, but it would be more intrusive than I would like, but yes, an autocomplete could fit this game.

Thanks for the feedback!

Thanks!! The colors are like that to convey a calm emotion, vibrant colors didn't suit this type of game in my opinion



Really beautiful game! Arts, environment, animation, particles, everything is incredible!

The gameplay becomes too easy after half way, as I had collected so many items, the game over was almost impossible, so perhaps balancing the item spawns would be an improvement.

Nice entry, I loved it!

I really put a lot of time into the polish and the game feel, and your feedback made it worth my effort!

Thanks for playing, I'm glad you liked it!

Cool game!

Movement is a little imprecise, and there is a bug when jumping while running that throws the player far away.

It's a very short game, adding more levels is essential for your game to be remembered.

Good entry and good luck!

Nice entry!

The movement its very hard and slow, i'm sure if your increase the acceleration on the player, to respond faster to the inputs, the game will be better.

Also, give the option to move with WASD, instead of move toward using W, its a little weird this kind of controls.

But I LOVED the sound of death, it was very unexpected, very funny haha

Nice game!

I have some sugestion

1. Game screen its very small, dont use a fixed size for the game, use a auto scale screen size.

2. Add a range to weapon, i just stay by side of the water, and didnt move so much during gamplay, just press and hold click, while aim the enemies.

3. Add a better feedback when enemies got hit, like a knockdown, ou damage text poping

But i had some fun playing, thanks for your game! 

Nice entry and good lock!

Nice sound effects and music.

Need to add something to connect the first scene with the second one.

Also, the first scene finish very quickly, maybe add a spawn for some enemies there.

The second scene its a boss if a undertand, it was ok, but if the had some extra moviments or shoot something on the player would add more dificult.

The last scene may be cut, I only see the word 'YOU' at the end

Simple and fun game!

Nice entry!

I suck at this game hah

1. I felt a little lost at begining, the attack and damage inst very clear.

2. A think add a safe area where the enemies cant go will help to undestand the game with more time

3. The weapon are really hard to get for me

But nice entry!


During my playtest even me had some difficult to complete hah

Maybe you will try again later, your progress is already saved

The concept is cool, but the gameplay its a little weird.

its hard to escape for the enemies and shoot them at same time, because the movement is using de mouse and the aim as well. Maybe move with WASD, and the vision direction change together with the movement, while the mouse stay free to aim and shoot, seems a nice improvement.

Nice entry, good louck :D

Cool game!

The movement is very float, i think need some ajust in it.

The sound effects combine with the art style, well done, nice entry!

Really fun game, by far one of the most fun to play submited! I laugh so hard at the end hahaa

Also, adding a secret to collect all start was a nice idea, i pushed myself to collect all of them!

Keep making awesome games!

Unfortunately the game doesn't run =/