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J の 7

A member registered Feb 08, 2021 · View creator page →

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What a beautiful little game! So peaceful and a cute story! I love the idea with the notebook it reall made the characters feel alive! Also, the art is absolutely georgeous and the Music really adds to the atmosphere!

Very cool game! ^^

Yo congarts! ^^

I hoped someone would notice the spelling error haha xd

I'm glad you liked it, thanks a lot for playing!

I uploaded the Song here: 

The soundcloud link with a free download is in the description ^^

Great game!

Though one time the blocks noclipped through a wall

Still managed to beat the level haha

This is definitely one of my favorite games of this jam and I definetly want to see more of this!

The concept is really nice and I could see some great Puzzles in the future.

Only negative point I'd have, is that the robot could react a bit faster. It's perfect how it is rn and adds to the charm, but can be a bit annoying to have this delay after pushing a button.

Additionally to that, I'd like to have some hotkeys on the keyboard that do the exact same things as the mouse buttons, so that you dont necissarily have to click on the screen anymore. But thats just a small idea I have, nothing necissary.

Anyways, I had a lot of fun, thanks for making this! ^^

(1 edit)

Such a cute little game ^. ^

This Game was very interesting. It reminds me a bit of old RPG Maker Horror games y'know e.g. Yume Nikki.

I really liked the concept and most messages by the Ai were easy to understand with a bit of thinking ^^ (except the one "Paper X Octagon" I just pressed random levers there haha)

I love this Game! It's super creative and fits the theme perfectly.

The sound design was fantastic. Every Try was full of tension and gave me a better horror game experience than most actual horror games nowadays hahaha

I can't find anything negative about this game, its perfect how it is. I mean, some pictures could be a bit easier, but may also be that I'm just too untalented lol

My record was 400k ^^

I'm very happy you liked it ^^

I didn't really have any good Ideas gameplay wise, so I just thought of a fun story that fits the theme. Wasn't really sure if it turned out good, so feedbacks like yours make my day a lot better.

You did first try? Whoa I'm impressed haha 

I'm glad you liked it, thanks for your Feedback! ^^

It's a really nice Idea, the Music is goo, and the graphics are fantastic for 3days. 

The only negative Point I have: You should disable the collision between the Player and the ghosts. (in unity - Edit>Project Settings>Physics2D>LayerCollisionMatrix)

Idk if this is an intended game design decision, but I got stuck on walls multiple times, because all the ghosts surrounded me and I could not move anymore. In the end, I actively tried to get some Ghosts stuck behind a wall, so that I can move properly. 

If this is intended, thats completely Ok too imo, it certainly is an interesting new kind of gameplay, but then at least give the player the ability to restart the level when they are stuck. Just place a retry button on the bottom of the screen and everything is fine

Anyways, I still really enjoyed it! good work ;)

Thanks, glad you liked it! ^^

That Game was so funny ngl

I love this

Great Gae!

I beat all level except 9 on my own without any help and I'm so happy rn. (lvl 12 took a while, it surely was a worhty endboss)

I'd definetly want to see more of this, it was so much fun..

I can't believe I beat level 12 on my own

What am I?

The smartest guy alive?!

(probably just someone who accidentally connected the right wires hahah)

Thank you! :P

Good to hear that you liked it! ^^

There sadly wasn't enough time left to enhance Endless and add some other adjustments.

Originally, I just made endless Mode to test the Mechanics I'd use in Story mode, thats why it may feel a bit repetitive

Yeah I should've really made the difficulty a bit less harder in the end haha, but I'm glad you still liked it! ^^

Thank you! 

I'm glad you like it! :P

Aaaaah thank youu ^^

I'm suuper happy you liked the it!

I'm planning to upload the Music to YouTube and Soundcloud and make them downloadable, I'll reply with the links, when I finally did it ^^

Very nice concept, the Ai is very cute ^^

Sadly, the rocket flew out of bounds so I had to stop playing. Still was very fun! :3

Okok goodgame, but why is Sans there? ;-;

It's a really good game! But I really think the amount of Monsters should be less and slower. 

In my first try, I just ran away constantly and couldn't get to any shop without getting severe damage.. 

In my second try, I knew what I had to do, so I bought a lot of weapons constantly, but I still got crushed at the end, because monsters came from all sides and I couldn't move anymore. So the same problem again..

I still really liked the concept and had a lot of fun! The graphics are fantastic for a game made in 3 days and the Music is really good! ^^

I'd love to see this game in a more polished or even finished state after the jam is over!

Thanks for your feedback! ^^ 

I'll check out your game later, after I slept a bit ;)

Thanks! I'm glad you liked it :)

Good to hear that you had some fun! ^- ^

Thanks! :)

Yeah, I really made the difficulty a little bit to hard at the end. It's still good to hear that you liked the rest! ^^

Thanks for your feedback! It helps me a lot ^^

I'm glad you liked it! :P

Thanks! I'm very happy you liked it

I actually tried to make the difficulty slowly increase, but I think it got a little bit too hard in the end haha

Thank you! ^^

I'm always happy to help People out :P

This Game is really nice. I'm not the biggest Puzzle fan, but I still had some fun! ^^

Of course, the graphics could be much better, but they are good enough for a game jam.

The Music is nice and pretty fitting for the game.

I'd definitely like to see a bit more of this! :)

By far. The best Game.

This is basically a finished product.

Absolutely incredible.

Thanks for your feedback! 

I'm happy that you liked it :P

Thanks a lot for your feedback, Its very useful! ^^

I'm very happy you liked the Music :3

Many of the things you mentioned are basically just there because of the time limit. There just wasn't enough time left to make sfx and implement functions like skipping the tutorial. And animating a rotating earth would porbably take me like 1 day alone haaha.

As for Jeff, Soooo Jeff is controlling the speed at which you drive, while You only need to move left and right. I know it's not as creative as some other games here, but I really couldn't come up with anything else.. ;-;

But in the end, if you had fun, that makes me happy, so thanks for playing! :P

Glad you liked it! ^^

As for the blocks, I don't know, I just couldn't think of anything else... I mean.,.. what would be a normal attack for a microwave? ;-;

Thanks for your feedback