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Jack Aidley

A member registered Jan 22, 2021 · View creator page →

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Hi Dorinai,

I am interested, how can I contact you?

I really like the way you repurposed the well known chess mechanics to make an engaging puzzle game. Good work.

Fun little game with well paced challenge! I really like the minimalist visuals and the touches of humour too. Good work.

I also had this problem. It doesn't seem to do anything?

Nice, minimalist, little game.

Sadly I found the game didn't work. The shower head just stopped working after the first time I used it.

(1 edit)

Next devlog:


I noticed a small bug - there collision geometry on the tyres seems to be a bit off and several times my shots seemed to get blocked when they went close to a tyre stack.

Great work. Nice concept for a fun looking game.

I like it.

One issue for me: I assume it's all two colours to go with the Less is More theme, but that makes the "trash" you're avoiding not visually stand out from the other things on screen. I'd like something to make them a bit more distinct. Mind you, if that's all that's going to be on screen I think the player will quickly learn either way.

Probably a better idea. Recording and editing a devlog always takes longer than you expect.

Day 3 of my Devlog: 

A short one this time

I have put the second part of my devlog up, rather less just rambling on than the first. There's a normal devlog followed by a more technical discussion of the code for anyone interested in implementation:

One of the main reasons that Quaternions are used in games is because you can smoothly interpolate between them in a pretty sensible way. Have a look at https://docs.unity3d.com/ScriptReference/Quaternion.Slerp.html for how to Slerp, all you need to do is linearly vary your interpolation value and you'll get  a smooth transition between two rotations.

I'm going to try and make daily devlogs tracking my progress.... or at least a few times during the week if that's too much.

I made a thread for anyone to share their devlog videos in.

Over on the other thread, a number of people said they're planning to make video devlogs about their progress with the GameJam. I thought it might be a good idea to have somewhere to collect them together.

Opening things up, here's mine from today, pretty much just rambling on about game ideas:

Please share your devlogs below :)

When you're setting rb.velocity in FixedUpdate that will overwrite anything that happens in Update. FixedUpdate is called before every Physics update.

There's a #game-jam-streams channel on the Blackthornprod Discord server where you can find people who are streaming the gamejam. That said, I think Igor is right that you're better off looking up tutorials or asking questions here or the Discord.