Needs more screenshake
Jacob Peltola
Recent community posts
Hey the Stop Motion (Game) Jam is starting up again and will run through the month of May this year! You can sign up right here on!
I've been running this jam for 4 years now and am going to stay very approachable when it comes to art and game development/design help so please feel free to message me on Discord or Twitter!, amidst the coronavirus keeping most indoors with social distancing, I think this could be one of our most active years yet.. so if you are interested in joining, helping others, and knowing more about the jam itself; obligatory web links are posted below.
Join our Discord, follow our Twitter, and bookmark the website for more information as it draws near!
These are games from the previous year that embody the essence of the jam, besides learning something new and having fun of course!
Jamie's Dream(2017)
by @micfaifer and @flyingvelvetlob
dinos & demons(2017)
by @BearInATeaCup
Start The Motion(2017)
by @Local_Minimum
Have a cool idea for a stop motion game and want to share and bounce of it with others? Throw it up on this topic!
Clay Jam(Arcade)
The NeverHood(Adventure/Puzzle)
Space Mates(Rhythm/Dating)
I didn't see any other topics about game jam announcements here so I apologize if you were expecting a cool clay game when clicking on this..
BUT if you like that sort of stuff we're putting together an annual game jam as an homage to stop motion as an art form, we got a lot of feedback last year and everyone's projects were amazing for just 2 weeks of production! (Last years page) With that in mind we decided to increase the jam time to a WHOLE MONTH as many users joined but didn't get a chance to contribute a project!
Please sign up via the info links provided below!
Jupiter Hadley played through all of last years' submissions and is doing an amazing job providing visibility for indie devs!
Info links:
Jam page (right here on!):
Hey NWin!,
Yeah that's fine, You don't have to use stop motion animation in your game/visual experience but there are ways to emulate it within modern cg animation pipelines.
Most computer animation programs tween and blend animations for crisp and realistic visuals but with stop motion frame by frame pictures are taken of a representative physical model, regular cg animation is totally okay to use but if you're going for a stop motion aesthetic staggering your keyframes frame by frame style.
Example post of someone trying to achieve this in Unity3D
Art and shaders can be used to emulate the medium beyond animation as well
As long as your jamming and making something either based, inspired, or strewn from Stop Motion influence you need not worry about specifications!
(is that clay?, yes. yes it is.)
Hey itch!,
I'm putting together a game jam dedicated to stop motion, it's a love letter to an animation technique lost to CGI and modern FX, remember all those weird Tim Burton-y, John Carpenter's horror sequence, and claymation movies like Wallace and Gromit, so come join if you used to like that niche stuff?
DM me if you want to help!(@jacobpeltola)
Thanks! :)
What kind of torture game?, I'm imagining a super creepy John Carpenter version of this game, the sky is indeed the limit all I ask is that you be courteous, considerate, and adhere to the submission guidelines.
Have a cool idea for a stop motion game and want to share it with others? Just throw it up on this topic!
I've appended some clay games from different genres people may be going for to give you an idea to go off of!
Clay Jam(Arcade)
The NeverHood(Adventure/Puzzle)
Space Mates(Rhythm/Dating)