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JAC (Pearlbirth Entertainment)

A member registered Jan 24, 2019 · View creator page →

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Hello, I am Solo Dev with a few game jams under my belt. 

I'm able to do 2d pixel art, Logo Design, Story writing, I dabble in a bit of music and I have a little experience with GDscript.

Here's a sample of my works:

Some of my Music:



Some of my Pixel Art:


If you need me, reply to this and I'll exchange.

I should also put this on the table, I do have Anxiety (Both Mental and Social). If that's going to be a problem let me know ahead of time.

So, I actually can't participate anymore, I've come down with something serious and I need to recover my strength.

Thanks for the offer, though.

Hello, I am Solo Dev with a few game jams under my belt. 

I'm able to do 2d pixel art, Logo Design, Story writing, I dabble in a bit of music and I have a little experience with GDscript.

Here's a sample of my works:

Some of my Music:



Some of my Pixel Art:


If you need me, reply to this and I'll exchange.

I should also put this on the table, I do have Anxiety (Both Mental and Social). If that's going to be a problem let me know ahead of time.

So, let me quell some things.

So, the project is switching lanes...to another PC.


 I am soon getting a new desktop and I have the Godot project backed up so I can easily bring it to the new OS.

I will try to get back on it as soon as I re-obtain every important program for the development (Sfex, OpenMPT, Gimp...etc.)

You also might be wonder why I haven't posted any screenshots, or even wonder If I'm EVEN making a game.

So let me tell you a few things:

I have big fears of plagiarism and I have a bad case of low self esteem.

And these two factors are the reason why I haven't posted-

Well, no.

Actually there's a third. I'm also a bit of a perfectionist, And the game still is not programmed nor built solidly enough for me to thing It warren screenshots.  Maybe I'm just being overly cautious, maybe that's just me.

Either way, the time still doesn't feel right.

But, If you need at least proof I've put SOME type of work into it, Just look at these sprites via this link:


Keep in mind, This game still comes second to my personal life.

And I still need to learn alot more to fully realize the true ideals I have for this game.

Sorry, I'm already with a team with their own Ideal already formed. 

Can't switch now.

I current am In a team of two people, we could use another unity programmer.

Send me a personal Message if your interested and I will give you my discord ID.

Okay, I don't like the fact that I'm posting again but I'm currently teamed with a unity programmer, and We need additional help

I'm requesting at least One more Unity Programmer, One who can do sound effects, and one extra member.

If you're interested, reply to this and I'll PM you my discord id so you can join us.

Sent a reply.

(2 edits)

Hello, I am solo developer.  I've done this summer before in the past and I have done 2 other jams as well. So I have experience with Game Jams.

I can create pixel art, compose music, write characters and plot, sketch concept art and I have some experience with coding in GDscript and Python, However, I get easily frustrated programming, So I would prefer not to take on that task.

I should also mention I have a history of Depression and Social Anxiety. I also have no microphone, so I will not be able to partake in voice chats.

I do use discord, however.

My Pixel Art References:

Pixel Art for my solo project

My Musical References:

The Redbook Album (Made for the Songtember 2021 Game Jam)

My other original compositions

Previous Game Jam projects:

Dunes of Time (Top-Down bullet hell Shooter)

I use Godot Engine. But don't bother asking me to be a programmer for a team. 

I have zero faith in my coding know-how.

1. Hi there! What's your name?

Want to introduce yourself? 

JACPearlbirth. I rather keep my real name private.

2. Did you participate in the last jam we held? If so, what do you plan on doing better this time?

Yes, I believe the last one was Winter Jam 2022?  And I just want to do better overall.

  3. What games are your favorites? Did any of them inspire you, or made you want to make your own? 

There's too many to list, but no doubt I've taken a lot of insperation from them, that I can't deny.

4. Do you have experience with game development? What did you do/with what engine? 

Okay, "Experience" might be giving my self too much credit. But anyway, I started with Game Maker Studio before switching to Godot Engine

5. Tell us about something you're passionate about!  6. What are your goals for this game jam?

I just need the experience, i'm not really passionate.

7. Any advice to new participants?  

Be courteous to your fellow teammate,
Let them know if you got issues and discuss them,
Make sure to write yourself a schedule for each day you're in the jam, but also set it up so you have time for breaks. You don't want to burnout.
And above all else, If it gets to be too much or if it starts getting toxic in your team, don't be afraid to LEAVE. Sure, you might disappoint someone but leaving is more mentally healthier than just sticking around with the bs, in my opinion.

8. What can the admins do to improve your jam experience?  

All in all, I think you guys could keep a better eye on people who may be bad apple, just my two cents.

9. What are some of the past works you've made for the jam? Show off your favorites!  

On the first Summer Jam I did, which was last year we managed to complete this:


10. Got any question suggestions? Let us know for next year!

I suggest a question highlighting any mental or physical issues a Jammer may have, I think it's good to know that info ahead of time.

Sorry, I wanted to get started from the word go, and I don't plan to join this jam anymore.

I'm already preparing for another game jam right now.

Thanks for replying, though.

(4 edits)

Hello, I am JACPearlBirth.

I am looking to join a possible team for this game jam.

I have participated in several game jams before. 

I have skills in Programming (GDscript and a little bit of Python), I know how to compose music, I can create pixel art, sketch concepts and can write a bit, I should mention that I don't actually plan to take on the task of a programmer this time around, as I get easily stressed doing code.

I should also mention that I have social anxiety and I don't plan to be completely competitive in this jam despite it being ranked.  I'm just here for the experience.

You can check my account page here for additional info on my quirks.

My music referrals:

My Pixel Art Referrals:


So...I've decided to put development on hold for a number of reasons:

  1. I've been recently having mental health issues and I am currently in a journey of better self-care, So I have less time to develop.
  2. I feel like I need to improve my debugging and coding optimization. You see, I want to make GDA have the best quality I can possibly get out of it, but I can't do that if the game is a buggy mess, so I need to improve with programming courses. 
  3. I'm juggling whether or not, I should obtain additional help for the game and not development solo, which is a bit hard for me to do.

However, I'm not scraping the idea of course and this does not mean I've given up...I just need to work on me abit more before getting back into the fray.

                               - JACPearlBirth


I'm big on content from 90's (I was born in that era) So I wanted my project to be in the style of songs from video games from this time period. I'm not too confident in my composing skills, but I actually came to like the end result.

I also need to flex the music muscle for my solo game project which is inspired by Sega CD Games.

And to just to reevaluate, we don't have to do exactly 30 songs for this jam, correct?

We can compose in any style we like right?

Does have to be mostly chiptune/MIDI?

So, is the offer still on the table to join up?

Because if so, I'll give my discord tag.

I dabble with 2D Pixel Art and I can compose.

But this is only if you still need someone like me.

I should also mention that I have Social Anxiety and Imposter's Syndrome, which might affect certain things.

If you still need me, I can give a discord tag.

Ah. no harm no foul.

I'll look elsewhere.

Thanks anyway.

So, fredspipa above said that they might have room for me on a team, So I'm waiting for their reply.

If it doesn't work out, we could possibly team up.

But if it takes too long to get a reply back, I'm mostly like going to go ahead.

So, do you already have a team formed, right now?

Well, right now I'm solo developing a 2D Side Scroller Shooter.  So I have some knowledge on how to program a shooter.

As to say the game I would want to make...Basically one that's would be easy to program in such a short amount of time.

okay. I'll wait.

Hello,  I am a Composer/Pixel Artist/Amateur GD Script Programmer who is looking for a team to join. I have some experience with working in a group. Just recently I participated in  My First Game Jam: Summer Jam 2021.

This is the game our team made:


I'm looking for a stress-free environment as well.

I should also mention that I have Imposter's syndrome and social anxiety, which might effect how I respond to certain things.

Anyway, Here are examples of my work:

Music Content:


Pixel Art Content: https://twitter.com/hashtag/GalaxyDefenderAnise?src=hashtag_click&f=live

For more info  on my quirks, check my user page.

1: Is this jam limited to only 3D or can we also choose to do 2D assets?

And 2: Can one go either solo or with a group?

Hello,  I am a Composer/Pixel Artist/Amateur GD Script Programmer who is looking for a team to join. I have some experience with working in a group. Just recently I participated in  My First Game Jam: Summer Jam 2021.

This is the game our team made:


I'm looking for a stress-free enrivorment as well.

I should also mention that I have Imposter's syndrome and social anxiety, which might effect how I respond to certain things.

Anyway, Here are examples of my work:

Music Content:


Pixel Art Content:


So, I haven't forgotten about this project, I've double overtime into the game, we already got some sounds for game working and coded and We also just got done converting a font for the game.  As seen above this text post. Time will tell if GDA will actually be freeware in the future or not.

I'm edging ever so closer to a Alpha Build so I can finally prove to those of you following this. Once It looks like It's coming to fruition, I'll soon start making the game page presentable, which means also revealing the games logo. 

Due to time restrictions, I couldn't make sprites for the stage  and we had to use pre-made assets, hence why the art looks all over place. Had to make some sacrifices to cross that finish line in time.

So, I recently feeling that I was taking too long on my solo project and I made a thread about it, I was told on said thread that joining a group game jam would help me

with that. The problems with this was my Social Anxiety, low self-esteem, the fact that I had to use discord to stay in contact with a team and regularly chat.

Come a few weeks later, I made a game with several other called dunes of time.

Now you will ask: "How did you do it?" and others with Social Anxiety and Imposter's syndrome will ask: "Is it possible to learn this power?"

Well, Here's some tips for those who also are trying to cross that same broken bridge I went through.

1 - Gather your info before starting

As humans, we fear the unknown, how do we combat this? By gathering our info so it's no longer unknown. Look up everything you can about Game Jams, watch tip

videos, make posts asking about the stuff that scares you and get answers you need.

2 - Just getting in

 Starting is the hardest part, You basically have to take a leap of faith and hope you make it. Once you're in you've already cleared the biggest hurdle.

3 - Let them come to you

When you have to join a team, One good thing to do is ask for someone who needs YOU and not the other way around. If they reply to your request, then it's more clear

that they actually need you, because they actually took the time of day to reply to you. This makes it feel like this person is more approachable, removing some anxiety.

4 - If you need an extra push, Get therapy.

This one was actually a big helper, I was able to get some extra help due to already having a therapist prior to the game jam. Tell them about it and how you're scared and

they could lay out some exercises for the big day. Particularly, EMDR Therapy and Visualization therapy were the biggest weapons for me to fight my fears. Ask for those exercises in particular.

5 - Don't join a ranked Game Jam (At least not at first.)

Ranked games are basically contests, Constest mean competition, competition means more a more serious atmospear could possibly mean a more toxic environment in your team and with your social anxiety and lack of Self-esteem. THAT'S A PROBLEM. Non-ranked ones have less at stake, so their environments are mostly more chill. If you manage to make through one or two game jams, then you could try a ranked one, but only if you're mentally up to it.

6 - If all else fails, drop out.

Getting to be too much? Ask to leave in a diginfied and relaxed manner and explain the reasons why. "But what if they hate me and label me as someone who shouldn't

be worked with ever?"  Well, think of this: If you stay and decided to live with the stress that's probably going to create long term problems and sully game jams forever for you and possibly GAME DEVELOPMENT IN GENERAL. If you leave why you still have your sanity intact you'll be much happier in the long run. If you're like me you might be kicking yourself for about a good few days but that will eventually blow over once the burden is off your shoulders.

7 - Remember you're there to LEARN and have FUN

I can't stress this enough. This is the essence of a game jam, to learn and have fun. Remember this, record yourself saying this and replay it over and over.  But just make

sure you do it. Sure your part of the game might look a hot mess but you realized how to manage your time better which was the true objective. To quote Miss Frizzle:

"Take Chances, Make Mistakes, Get Messy!"

I realized there were not enough topics talking about this from this perspective, So I had to make this essay.

Hoping someone else will managed to take this info and take the chance like I did.

Sorry, I already joined a team.

Hello, I'm giving a request to join a team that needs some more help.

My Skillset Includes:

-Being able to compose original music with OpenMPT and/or Bosca Ceoil

- Being able to Make Pixel Art (Characters, Huds, Textsets and Effects)

- Being able to design concept art (Pencil and Paper only, however.)

I also have some knowledge with Godot Engine, But I don't have enough confidence in my coding yet so I would prefer not to be a programmer.

I also have some social anxiety and self-esteem issues, just a heads up.

I should also mention that I do not wish to be a lead composer, artist, spriter or coder. I wish to only be a supporter.

My Music References:


And My Pixel Art References:


So, I know this GJ is made to  be more accessible to first-timers, and I have some Game Dev experiences already. But my above mentioned mental problems makes it hard to join a group and keep conversations. Is this still recommended for someone like me, or not?

So, we've gotten another track finished, the theme for stage 1. This one game me much sass due to tough it was for me to get it sounding exactly like what I wanted to portray for the start of the game. I'm not exactly completely pleased with the end result, but it gets the job done. It has the 90s House Influence, the Early CD Game Audio Influence, and the space influence. Then again, I'm not exactly a master virtuoso so I might just be talking out my backhole.

Besides, got get back to programming the dang thing, you know the most important part of this process?

However, I also have real life roadblocks to deal with this month as well, so I got to manage my time wisely.

I should also note, That I had a rough draft of the engine using Game Maker Studio 2, but when it turned out that I had suddenly had a time limit on the Trial that came left field, I had to switch ships with the free-to-use Godot Engine, basically starting from scratch.

But it's all good, seeing how I'm not even a blip on the map right now, nor is there any deadlines. That is unless some of you are actually waiting for this project to at least release a demo version   (Which you all are probably are not and are eyeing other Near complete games on here.)

- JACPearlBirth

So I finally have come to a consensus on the genre of the game's soundtrack:

Early 90's House and Dance.

A bunch of Synths, Bass-lines, electronic sounds, and voice samples that have nothing to do with anything other than to sound cool.  The works of Cece Peniston, Robin.S, Black Box, C + C Music Factory, Etc. are all inspirations for this game's soundtrack.

Also inspiring me for not just the soundtrack, but the game's whole soul in general is Sonic CD

(Copyright of Sega LTD, Sonic Team)

Since GDA very being is about being a Early 90's CD-Rom Game for home consoles. (And don't worry, No Full Motion Video bullcrap included.) I figure I would go for inspiration from the one of the shining jewels from that era of gaming.

So If you're down with this game, I'll make sure GDA's your cup of 16-bit tea aesthetic wise.