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[ ! ] Need a Team? Check this out! Sticky

A topic by lysander created Jun 08, 2021 Views: 9,137 Replies: 279
Viewing posts 1 to 98
Jam Host(+3)

Team Finding

Making a game all by yourself can be a daunting task. Joining a team helps make the workload manageable and connects you with other people who share the same interests. If you're looking to team up with other people for this jam, here's the place to do it! 

Looking to create a team for your game concept? Post a pitch!

Say you've got a great idea for a game but you need some help accomplishing it. Here's your chance to pitch your idea to other jammers! Bear in mind that the bullets below are not rules but suggestions for what to include in your post in case you're not sure where to start. If you are someone looking to join a team, skip to the section below.

  • Introduce yourself! Include any basic information you wish for people to know. I.e., Name, timezone, pronouns, etc. Or go all out and give your entire life philosophy; it's up to you!
  • Your game concept! It doesn't have to be fully thought out and realized— your team is there to help you flesh out ideas. However, it's best to have a working idea of your game ideas and goals so it's easier to find people to fulfill the roles you need. Images may help get your ideas across, so don't be afraid to use them!
  • What skills you have/roles you need filled. Say you know how to code, but need art assets, or vice versa. This is where you describe what kind of skills you have and need so others can apply to be a part of your team. Include stuff you know how to do, kind of know how to do, and are willing to learn.  Also include engines or programs (for any use, be it art, music, game dev, animation, etc) and languages you are familiar with or specifically require.
  • Preferred method of contact. Communication is one of the most important things in a team, so having a clearly established method of correspondence in your post is essential. We suggest creating a group discord server for ease of organization, but do whatever works best for you. 
  • Other stuff! Anything else you need to let others know, or anything you'd like to say! If you need ideas, consider communication styles, schedules, non-game goals, level of polish, etc.

Looking to join a team? Reply to a pitch!

Below each post, there is a small reply button that looks like this.

If you see a pitch that interests you, hit reply and follow up with your skillsets, maybe a portfolio, programs and tools you're familiar with, and contact information. It's that simple!

Team Tips & Tricks

  • Communication is key! If you have concerns, frustrations, stress, other commitments, it is your responsibility to inform your team so they can help resolve the issue or accommodate. Most of these tips can probably be summarized as communication.
  • Can't do your part? Tell your team. If you have real life obligations, let your team members know so they can either lessen your work load or find someone else to help out.
  • Stay focused! Working together can be fun, but make sure you get things done! This is especially tricky for teams who know eachother well; sometimes the camaraderie can be a distraction.
  • Set clear, manageable goals. This helps everyone stay on the same page and facilitates productivity.
  • Dealing with stress/illness? Putting this one here for myself since I have this issue as well. If you have a history of health problems, whether it is physical or mental, please be up front about it. No one will blame you for needing to take it easy!
  • Use productivity apps/ file sharing sites! There's a plethora of resources for effective team/file management. Google Drive, Dropbox, Slack, and Trello are just a few of them. A list will soon be added here for anyone who wants to give them a whirl.
  • Again: file sharing. Mentioned in the point above, but important enough to warrant its own point. Using a file sharing service like Dropbox enables everyone to work on the same things at the same time as well as allow real-time updates. An artist can stick assets into a shared folder, thus allowing the programmer to instantly access it. Making changes is much easier too. Highly recommend teams do this!
  • Frustrated with your group? Nothing is perfect. Even with people you get along with, you're bound to have conflict. Keep a cool head and remember: even terrible game jam experiences have value. Be willing to carry on and don't give up!

Hey everyone! I’m a professional musician that’s new to game development. Let me know if you’re looking for a composer or sound designer to work with. You can listen to my music and find out more about me on my website

Deleted 2 years ago

Nice, sounds cool! I can definitely help with that.


I would like some music!


Cool! What are your ideas so far? You can message me through my website, it goes to my email. Or add me on Discord En-Kay#2011

Deleted 3 years ago

Hey, I did code for like 0.5 years in unity but I think that I am understanding and knowing what I'm doing (but i can't use discord)


Hello, I can do 2d art and game design both , If you are interested I can do it for you


hey can you make me an pixel art walk and run animation for the character I made? I would really appreciate that :)

pixel art ?

I can help you if you use unity, but i am mostly into the code instead of level design.

sorry I didn’t see your reply speak to codekeys to join 

oop sorry I just now saw your message :(

hi I am CodeKeys if you want to join the team then join this discord server

I can do background music if you need one

Deleted 3 years ago

may I?...I'm a newbie too...You can check out my art level on my profile

(1 edit) (+1)

Sent your works to our producer, I will respond you when he looks at your works.

Edit: I'm sorry to say, but he responded no... Don't be upset, I believe you can find other team or create your own game

no problem..... thank you.....sorry for the trouble

Deleted 3 years ago

2d or 3d brother?? if 2d check out my game to see my art level and if 3d i can

Deleted 3 years ago

Hi! Can we contact in discord/guilded/private e-mail about your skills? I have a team of four people and we need an artist. My discord is tacoguy#6813, guilded: __tacoguy and e-mail:

Deleted 3 years ago
(2 edits) (+1)

Hi everyone, I'm a composer and sound designer in Canada, I've been doing music for theatre for years and looking to branch out into some games. I've got lots of content/sfx but more importantly can build you a cool and specific sounding game pretty fast. I'm new to this world but wwise is similar to Qlab, building sfx and cues is my thing. Send me a genre and I'll create an OST worthy sound design. 

I've also a binaural dummy head mic and have been itching to build some binaural sfx with some foley recording.


I don't really have an idea yet, but i MAY need some help with music and sfx(i'm terrible with audio)


Ok, keep me posted Caleb and I'll see what I can do to help.


sorry i've already accepted a music designer... maybe you can help with another project in the future


Can you make some music for my game? i'm working on a game for the jam about a fox who is escaping a facility. it's a pixelart game, and i need some music for it. how long will it take to make the song?


Hey Caleb, what do you need? A looping track, theme, or anything else? How long and what kind of style?


looping track. style: retro


length: longer than 15 seconds


Hey Caleb, where do I send it? I've got something for you to try, very retro.


What do you usually use?

(1 edit) (+1)

Email, wetranswer, google drive, drop box. Whatever works for you.

and I'll email it over


could we do google drive?


Hello, I am a studying a bachelors degree in music, and specialize in neo-classical orchestral music. Vibes ranging from knockoff Disney to Knockoff Star Wars. This incredibly beautiful portfolio showcases some of these vibes:

If you want to make use of my vibes, I will gladly produce you some vibes.

"sounds like the music from that Barbie movie" ~ my mom

Hey all! I'm a current aspiring developer, I'm pretty much a complete noob in terms of skill, but I've messed around with a handful of small projects on Unity, most being 2D though. I'd prefer a team of mostly beginners who can take the time to learn as well as experienced people who have some patience.

Not looking to be super competitive by any means, just looking to have some fun and learn, you know? Discord would be the best option for communication for me though!


Hey I am Tanmay, a Intermidiate Unity Game Designer and Programmer, I read your post and interested work with you! No problem if you are a beginner, I was just like you when I started. I am also not too experienced.

Participating this jam ! If you wanna join me, you can join my discord server:

hay i would rather just go by rollercoaster but i am a beginer  who likes using unites bolt to code in because i can see how the code works in real time and visulise it better. also i like to come up with ideas like game machanicas. but i mainly want to learn while making a game from scratch. and the reason am messeging is because i would like to be in a team with you both.

Can we work  together plzz.I ama programmer from unity. If you want to see my projects the search for CodeKeys at

I want to have fun! either.

hello I am an artist I can do art but not coding



can Enter


hey can you make me a pixel art run animation for my game I think you are from Pakistan I am also from Pakistan!

Hey if u still need a partner i never touched unity before i want to use it with bolt

will definetely think about it

you are in let's have fun

join this discord server our teammates can hang out here

hello my friend I am also interested to work with you I am also a complete begginer so I do help as much as possible. How to contact you??

you are the last member to join and don't bring anyone else. Join this discord server

why no replies????

ok bro


join the discord

bro discord link expired

try this link

do you have discord


Hello, I'm Lightningg25! I know a fair bit of coding in several languages and I am also an aspiring VFX artist. I've never had experience making a game before but I would love help out with coding and/or making art assets!

Hi everyone, I do pixel art using aseprite. I am making a game on my own using RPG maker but then I have no experience working in a team. I can work on all types of game :)

My artwork ig:

Hey I am s intermediate Unity Game Designer and Programmer, I was looking for a artist for this jam and my commercial indie game project.

If you are interested you can join my discord via this link:


I am looking for an animator who can animate my 2d pixelart character so can you?

(1 edit) (+1)

Hello I am a Intermidiate Game Designer and programmer in Unity and C#. I am doing this jam plus I am making my own Commercial  Indie game. 

I needed a pixel artist to join me. (Below 18)*.

Anyone interested please reply so that I can give further details.

i am pretty new to pixel art so is it alright if I can use this to practice.

Hmm can u share any art piece you made (don't worry if it's bad)

You can join this server mate ☺️.

I recently done with a jam I can join the team 

what you good at

Hello I am a pixel artist can I join and I am just 13

Hello everyone, I am Intermediate Java programmer and I know how to code, but I suck in art so I am looking for an artist. I didn't develop games before but I am planning to use libGDX for development. You can contact me on Discord (SoftScratch#5629) or on this website. Thanks!

Deleted 1 year ago

Hi. Can you find me on discord so we could talk?

Hey man, you still wanting more members? I've got experience in design and art if so :)

Hey! Message me on Discord, pls SoftScratch#562

Hello everyone. just started using Godot. its my first game engine so I don't know much. I would appreciate anyone contacting me on discord for us to work together. i think it would be epic.

id be down to team im a very new pixel artist but i feel somewhat decent whats your discord bro?


did not go through

sorry. its Mightydragon#4320

hi, could I join your team I also use Godot and I'd love to join your team I never worked in a team so sorry if I cause any inconveniences.
I wouldn't say I'm very good at coding but I look forward to working with you if you accept.


Hello!!!! I'm Dark Kara! I'm a newbie here but I'm excited to learn as much as I can through this! 
I'm in Central Daylight Time so just a light thing to know if anyone wants to team up.

I've had a light idea in my head for a while. Just a fun point-and-click game but the style and story inspired a bit by Meow Wolf creations. 
I love drawing and enjoy creating assets although I'm not very good at pixel art, coding, or music. So if anyone wants to help in those fields or has any better ideas please don't be shy to ask and join! 
The best way to contact me is on discord which I'll share with anyone who wants to join a team with me! 
We can talk more on how we can share our files and come up with better concepts for the game! 


Hey would you like to work with us? were a team of one programmer and one 2d artist (me). :) joiin me and we conquer the world kekw

(1 edit) (+1)

I've always wanted to rule the world!!!!!!!! 

You can dm me on my discord. if you have it Dark Kara#3819


im 【Limit Break】#2026 on discord i sent you a friend request

I want to join plzzzzz. I am a programmer from unity.

Hello! I have a degree in Game Design where we mostly did programming in Unity, but I also did level design. If you still have room, may I join?

Hi there! I am a composer, and would be interested in joining your team. :-)


Twitter: @sam_vandersluis

Discord: Samotica#0297

Submitted (1 edit)

Hi yes hello! I just check out your music and it is absolutely amazing! I especially love your "winning streak", "Adventure is calling" and even "Town mayor's words" They are all soo good and I want to include them in my game that I have only been working on for myself ;-;. And I would love for you to be the first recruit, plz tell me you aren't taken? I've also added you on discord!


My name is Lev, I would like to find a team for the jam as sound designer and music producer.
I just finished a sound design course for FMOD Studio and would like to bring the knowledge to real work.

I have 8 years of experience in music production and 4 years in linear sound design for film.

Languages: RU/EN/DE/NL

Please contact me if you're looking for somebody like me. Thank you!


hey there, I'm learning about coding, if you like, we could team up

Hello! Thank you for replying.
Let's talk about the details:)
Telegram: @levkitkin

(1 edit)

Hey there im a new dev who is still figuring out what i want to do i aspire to be a decent pixel artist and want to build a team for this jam so i can improve and better myself and my skills dm me on discord Bootleg1089#7682 if you want to team up and sketch up an idea for this jam

hey  i am looking for a team i am a progmamer from india i have done many jam before also i am desent at music

(2 edits)

Any Gdevelopers? I would be ok to team up with anyone as I feel I could learn some trick along the way. The only tricky bit would be collaborating I think we could probably do this smoothest with Extensions (which is as I understand a nice clean reusable method of game design). I live in NZ so time difference could be annoying, but I have delivered on most of Game jams this year and although fairly new keen to build momentum.

I haven't entered this Jam yet as would prefer a team experience - let me know if you are keen.

p.s I haven't figured out Discord yet so if anyone is up to educating me... well that would be cool too :)


Is it okay that a 9-10 year old can help?


sure do you use Gdevelop? I haven’t entered any new jams yet but if you have one in mind I can team up. 

You may even be able to show me how discord words lol

Probably best you work with other younger ones. I am more than happy to try and give advice or help if you are using Gdevelop and get stuck (that’s the only engine I have kinda learned so far).


Okay, fine with that. Just been looking for a partner for so long for this game jam


and yes I do use GDevelop

(1 edit)

Plz I need someone for a game jam I am making a game named 3d racer.Guess I need some UI design touch ups for my game and good ideas.this is my project's link

this is the game jam link

Ifanyone is interested plz join me before june 26th. And this is not my game jam.I am just participating in it.

hey there, i'm a learning about gamedev, more specifically about Game Maker Studio, and I alredy have quite a knowledge about the engine.
I'm looking for any 2d artist or someone to work with the sound effects.

if anyone is interested plz contact me:  porta#5291 (discord)

(1 edit)

Hey I'm a sound designer / musician do you wanna work together.

sup, I'd love it, now we just need an 2d artist

add my discord : porta#5291

Deleted 1 year ago

Hey all!

I'm a sound designer / composer looking to add my skills to a team. I've never participated in a Game Jam before, but excited to give it a go! I'm quite new to interactive audio - I have taken some online classes in Wwise, you can check out my reel here:

Based on the west coast of the US. 

Hit me up!

a.roussosound#2120 (discord)


weould you like to join our team of 2 2d artists and 1 programmer? 

yeah sure! Hit me up on discord or email me with more info plz.

Discord: a.roussosound#2120

May I join your team?


Oops sorry wasnt really active for a bit

ill send you the details right away!

thank you so much

Submitted (1 edit)

oops i though you were alex rousso so i sent im the dm and not you but i would need your discord please. We would have worked in godot though.

I just work with unity and little bit ofCore.Can you give your discord so that I could join with it.

I am a programmer from unity.

Hello! If there is room available, I'd be open to join. I just downloaded unity, and watched a little tutorial, but I'm a complete beginner. I am pretty fluent in javascript (p5.js). If you are open to letting a newbie join your team, please reply!

(1 edit)

We are ready we just should  have fun. There are only 2 of us 1 pixel artist and a basic programmer.Join this jam

are you from campk12?

join this discord server our teammates can hang out here

sounds good thanks

hey! what's up check the discord server there are some informations


Hi there, the name is Auritenko, Auri for short and I'm an illustrator and concept artist based in Sweden looking to add my skills to a team. I've never participated in a game jam before but I sure am exited!

In terms of skills I've got about 6+ years of commission experience as well as 4.5 years worth of schooling in art and graphic design, together with some knowledge in UI design and marketing. 

Examples can be found here:



Contact me either on Twitter or on Discord (Auritenko#1004). I look forward to hearing from you!

Can we join and make cool games plzz.I want to hsve fun either.I am participating in this gamejam

plz lets make game for this. I am working on a game in unity for the jam, this is the game

this is not complete yet let's join together and complete it.


I am an 2D artist if we will work together we will need a 2D game


we can use the 2d game kit in unity.

what is it

It is a game from unity I have Lets work on it.

You Can use whatever art editor you like.

Let's participate in this jam

the thing I want to say that I dont know 3D 

(1 edit)

then we can make a 2d game for the jam


ok I will contact you soon and can you create some pixel arts for an rpg game? I started working with programming that game.

I am an American programmer! 

Reply and give me some instructions!

Hello! I am newbie game designer,  i don't have much experience but i really want to learn! I would really like to find a team, so if you're interested in me, hit me up in discord or here.

elden soul#8224

(1 edit)

Hey would you like to join my team I am looking for a level designer for the jam here is the discord link if you want you can join but I only need a 2d level designer  

Hello, is anyone available to start a bit later, I can only start from the 31st June unfortunately. I am a beginner game developer in Unity and C#.
You can check out my games here:

Hey David - I don't really have a team yet, but if you're ok with me starting without you and collaborating near the end (31st), I'd be open to team. I have just downloaded Unity, and therefore suck, but if you're open to working with a newbie, please reply.


Discord: Mowat #1353

Hi, thanks for the response. I think I will pass this jam and get into the next one. thanks a lot anyway.


Hey i'm Chris Looking to Join a team as a Unity programmer and Pixel artist. I have worked with Unity for roughly a year and half. I've participated in 2 game jams and I want to use this jam to work with a team and grow as a developer. Add me on discord if you would like to have me on your team :D TheMentalSheep#6257

can I help I am a pixel artist

Deleted 3 years ago

Hey add me on discord TheMentalSheep#6257 if you're looking to learn i'd be happy to help i'm working with another programmer and an artist we'd be happy to make somthing fun and teach at the same time

Whoops! I forgot to delete this as I already have a team! sorry for the confusion.

(2 edits)

Hi guys! Im mostly new to programming but i have practiced a little in scratch, I am currently trying unity and godot and have used scratch for 4 years. My art programs of choice are Procreate for regular art and piksel for pixel art, I don't really have any ideas for games, but I really like top down shooters if you wanna contact me then my discord is discordModBad#1304

Deleted 3 years ago

Hey everybody! :) I'm a programmer looking for a team. 

I work as a Software Engineer for a big company (not in the gaming industry),  but I'm looking to get more into game development in my free time. I figured this jam would be an excellent place to do that! I've messed around a little bit in both Godot and Unreal, but I would still classify myself as new to game dev.

Mainly just looking for other passionate folks to learn and build with! Feel free to reach out here, or hit me up on Discord (CaptainKitten#4747)

Hope everyone has an awesome jam! 🎉

(1 edit)

Hey I'm a amature musician would you like together in the jam?  

Potentially! Right now I've only had you and a sound designer reach out - would probably want to lock in an artist and a least one other solid programmer before committing to anything :)




can you make me a music

for my jam game?

I already have a team sorry

I am a pixel artist need a coder

Hello all!

I am looking to contribute as a writer/narrative designer! The game does not have to have a complete story. It can be things like lore and dialogue as well. I'm a total beginner, but I have written things other than games. 

If you're interested in working together please send me an email at or contact me on discord (smagby#5211). I'm in the US Central time zone. Would love to work with you and can't wait to see what you all create!

Hello! I'm fairly new to game development and currently learning Godot engine. I'm a 2d animator and would love to join a team. This is also my first game jam :D

Here's a sample of my animation and art style

Hello everyone!

my name is EJ, I am a music composer and sound designer looking to help out a team with their game audio. I’ve worked on some indie games before and working on my skills with audio middleware such as FMOD and WWise. You can check out my recent work here:

Send me a message here:
Discord: EJ#1396



Let's participate in this jam

Hi, everyone. I'm a composer/sound designer (been a musician for a long time, kinda new to the SFX thing) trying to take part on my first game jam! I have some study/work-in-progress tracks here If anyone needs music/audio, I'd be more than happy to do it!

Hi everyone, 

I am a composer/sound designer who would like to join the team and contribute to the project.

I have never participated in the Game Jam before but would love to get a chance.
I did a few game projects before, and I am using FMod of implementation. 

I also focus on recording real instruments when possible.

You can check out my showreel here:

Feel free to contact me on discord: Dora#5920

Looking forward to hearing from you!


hi my name is Yair and i am a game developer.

our game will be pixel art(check our other games

i need a sound composter

if you want to join the team email me( or DM(yair89999#5719)


Hey u wanna work together in the jam? I'm a sound designer/musician looking for a team

Hi, I'm a composer looking for a team.  I'm somewhat new to game jams though not new to games.  You can hear samples of my work here:

My website.  My IMDB.

You can reach me at charlotte [at] charlottemcmillan [dot]com.  I'm also on Discord at Charlotte#9252



Do you have a team yet?

I'm a programmer. My game page is . If you are interested in my game style. please reply or Discord at bastation#7205

Are you looking specifically for chip tune music in this case?  


No, I am not. Chip tune is just one of my favorite. But you can choose the music that suits the game.
BTW. I will use HTML5 to make a game, the overall look is the same as any game I've ever made on

Sent you a friend request in Discord. (Sorry for the delayed reply.)

Deleted 3 years ago

Hey! I'm newbie to Unity too. But it will be a pleasure to help you. I know a little bit of C# by the way..

Sorry! This post is outdated because I’ve already found a team which is pretty full. Sorry about that! I’ll delete this post to prevent more confusion.


ok cool

Hello computer_crafty i'm also a noob

(1 edit)

If you wanna join me then dm me in discord


(1 edit)


I am a sound designer looking to get involved with game projects as I am currently building up a portfolio and would love to be a part of a team. I've done sound design for short ads, along with some music production in my school projects. I've also implemented audio on two game levels in Unreal Engine 4 and am familiar with sound cues, blueprint visual scripting, sound asset management/implementation, and music implementation.

Hi! i really need a sound Designer 'Cause I am terrible at music. Please reply if you're willing to Assist me. Thanks! 

Hi everyone!

I’m a professional musician and a music producer,  really involved in the glitchy and ambient side of electronic music. I like to play with samples and noises trying to create very rhythmical Beats.

I leave my SoundCloud and YouTube links here, so that you can understand better what I do. If someone  need a Composer/sound designer, I'll be happy to join the jam!!

Thank you!! Ad


Hello! I'm a newbie Gamedev to Unity and want a Music Designer.. I'm really terrible at music designing.. I am making a game(completely different from the Jam) and want some music. If you're interested then you can reply.. Thanks!

Hi!! Of course I'm interested! Do you have in mind something for the music, or can I see  the game somewhere? I saw the "CubeJumper" in your page. Really nice!!  Is that a kind of rythmic game? I'm a newby too  in this platform. 



Actually I kind of needed someone to create the music. As I don't have any music creator and I am hiring for the Jam

Perfect! Here I am! I asked because I understood that you needed someone to create music for a game "completely different from the Jam"!

Then will you join?

Yes!! Just, it's my first jam, and I'm trying to understand how will work, talking about organization. We'll discover soon!!Looking forward!!

(2 edits)

Yeah. It's my first jam too. It will be very to nice work with you. Btw, Do you have discord

Yes, I just sent you a request!!

(1 edit) (+2)

[UPDATE]: I have found a team already, please disregard this post]

Hello, My name is Chewy (20), and I'm interested in joining my very first ever Game Jam!! I am an artist, currently studying illustration at university. But I wanted to try my hand at 2D game asset making. I'd love to find a team that's looking for an artist to join their ranks and make some cool games! I've dabbled a bit in pixel art, but I'm still a beginner at it. You can view some of my work on my portfolio website below:

Let's make some games and have fun!


a artist looking for a team

(2 edits)

Hi guys. My name is Vova (27) and I would like to participate as a programmer. It would be cool if could learn new stuff and practice my English :D. I have been working as a game dev programmer for 3 years and before that, I had been working as a backend programmer for 4 years. So I am quite an experienced programmer and looking for a team to make some games. I use Unity at work but ready to use Unreal Engine if you don't mind me learning as we go. I know C# quite good, but again, ready to use C++ with UE if you want. I participated in one game jam before 

A crucial part for me is the ability to communicate by voice because I would like to practice my English at the same time as we make a game. My timezone is UTC+3

If you are interested dm me kriper#4491

I added you on Discord! I would like to perhaps discuss working together!

Deleted 1 year ago

hello, i'm kinda good at pixelart and programming but need a sound designer. looked at your work, and would like to work with you once the jam starts!!!!

Deleted 1 year ago

ik the jam hasn't started but i've been working on a game(completely separate to the jam) and i need some music. consider helping?

Deleted 1 year ago

details: fast-paced, 16-bit, pollution

Deleted 1 year ago

That was great!! i'll import it into my game when i have time.


is there any way i can download it?

Deleted 1 year ago



And here's proof i gave you credit just look in the description


also tysm

Submitted (1 edit)

about how long would it take, too? i think i put too many replies XD

Deleted 1 year ago

pls join my team you seem like a amazing artist


Hello! i'm a unity/C#/python developer, and i'm terrible at music. would anyone like to help with that? i'm in Pacific Daylight Time, and i'm not amazing at pixel art either so may need help with that. planning to think of an idea once the theme is announced however...


Heya, I can help you with music. Do you have discord? :)


yes i have discord. sorry though, already found a different sound designer :/ i may contact you for another project if i need a sound designer in the future :)


Hey everyone!

I'm a programmer with some experience in Unity (C#), and a couple other engines and programming languages.
It would be cool to work as a team and if you have an engine I'm not familiar with, even better as I enjoy learning new things.


Hello! Do you have a link to any of your past work?



I've made this during a coursera course:
I'll try reuploading some more if you'd like to see them)

Hey! I'm new to game designing and developing in Unity. I don't have a lot of experience, but was curious to Join a Jam. Also this is my first Jam. i really need a Coder and music Designer 'cause I don't know how to make music and I also have little experience with Coding in C#. If anyone  wanna join me, it will be a pleasure. Thanks

You have discord???

Hi I am a pixel artist looking for a team.

Deleted 3 years ago

I haven't. Great. Let's talk in discord? My : maschiaT#4793

Could I still join you? I really dont have a lot of experience tough(it would be my first game jam), but I'm also programming in Godot(and have a little bit of experience with piexel art and music etc.)

Deleted 3 years ago

I need teammates i'm a noob (I can somethimes do things on my own) and pls help me

What do you help with ? I'm a programmer  whom is a gamedev noob, but i have exprience with game engines

ook i'm also a gamedev noob.who's still learning how to make a metroidvania.

i am also an begginer but would like to join you both for the jam 

ok 😊 my discord is theunk#3225

I'm Hwoai#0593


I'm new to making games, but I have a fair amount of knowledge of several coding languages, I love making art as well, and I am studying to be a VFX Artist/ Tech Artist. I would love to help out with any coding or art assets(2D or 3D) and I'm eager to learn! Please let me know if need someone like me on your team!

Deleted 2 years ago

I'm also a noob


hey zait, ive got coding and art experience and would like to join, but can't seem to find you on discord

Join the server ???

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I am newbie in code scripting 

i have  alpha version of my game that i  'll submit to the jam 

 but it will  need some hard work

Deleted 3 years ago

Hi I am a pixel artist. Wanna form a team?

Wanna join your team 

mail me:

Deleted 3 years ago

I can but i making my own game lol 

Deleted 3 years ago
Deleted 3 years ago

Hello! I'm a 2D artist, are you looking for one? Here's my portfolio:


Hello I need a sound designer for my indie game called Casper the ghost and I need a game consultant too or a game programmer, pls reply to me if you are ready discord link here - 
anyone can help.

I need a music/sound maker for my game hero kid


Looking for a team to collaborate with. I'm father of two and a job to attend so I do not have a lot of time. However I will be on holidays during the next couple of weeks and I am trying to find something to enjoy. I have some experience making games. This is not my first game jam. My main expertise is with Unity, but I have also used UE4. I can do game design, programming in C#, Java, C++, GML, ..., and 3D graphics using Blender.


Deleted 3 years ago

Same as the title if there is anyone then pls reply or join my discord server if you want to talk to me or contribute to any of mine future game or this one it opens hi to anyone like programmer, designer, sound designer, etc we hope that our journey stay long


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I've never developed a game before, but would like to learn. I want to make a fun 2D game with a pixel art style in GDevelop. I accept any kind of idea for my game and any help or advice. (This is a project of mine, so I wont be able to spend ages every day on it)

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Hi guys   I am Ishan and my Time Zone is IST - UTC + 5:30 well  it   doesn't really matter I am ready to work with people from all around the world also I am a programmer who is looking for - a musician , an 2d artist( a vector artist )  and a level designer. the musician just need to send the files on the discord server , the artist needs to animate the characters in the engine and the level designer needs to transfer the levels as scene and we will use use unity collab to transfer files and trello for task management  and discord for commutation. Sadly I won't be available in the starting 2-4 of the jam but I think that 10-12 days are enough to make a good game .  Also I only need one people for each category. Here is the discord link   -

Hello! My names Kyle and this will be my first jam!

Im a 3d artist working with blender and unreal.
I am looking to join a team as an artist on a 3d game.

I am familiar with concepting, blocking out, modeling, unwrapping, texturing, building shaders, and animating
(beginner level rigging/weight paint knowledge).

I am open to realistic or stylized projects.


Hi! I'm a French Ue4 (or 5 eheh) programmer and I know blender very well.  We are 3 currently in our "team" with other people creating the story and some concept art and the last one creating assets and programming too. Do you have a discord? If yes mine is pielloy#7989. It will be easier to communicate with this.

Submitted (1 edit)

Hello Iam Petr. 
 I started learning unity few months ago, I completed 2D unity course a few days ago so I know most of the basics for creating 2D game. And before I go on unity 3D course I wanted to try  my first GameJam and would like to be in team with someone.
My discord is FFZ MlekonCz#4233


Hello, I'm giving a request to join a team that needs some more help.

My Skillset Includes:

-Being able to compose original music with OpenMPT and/or Bosca Ceoil

- Being able to Make Pixel Art (Characters, Huds, Textsets and Effects)

- Being able to design concept art (Pencil and Paper only, however.)

I also have some knowledge with Godot Engine, But I don't have enough confidence in my coding yet so I would prefer not to be a programmer.

I also have some social anxiety and self-esteem issues, just a heads up.

I should also mention that I do not wish to be a lead composer, artist, spriter or coder. I wish to only be a supporter.

My Music References:

And My Pixel Art References:


If you dont mind you can join me and one other guy. It is for me and him first experience on game Jam. I will be programming and he will be focused on sounds. 
If you dont mind working with not that much experienced guys you can contact me on discord FFZ MlekonCz#4233 On what you will be doing we can discuss it later if you will be interested in joining us. 


Can you join me?


Sorry, I already joined a team.

Hello, I'm a beginner-intermediate Unity programmer with a masters degree in comp.sci. This is my first game jam and I'm looking to join a team.

I know this is late. I hope i am not too late for the party.  I would love to join.  I have always wanted to take part in a game dev and a jam.  I have worked in theater and film for years.  I play with sdks for fun.  I have many daws.  i am a foley artist and composer.  I can test, I have many ideas in my I would love to bounce off anyone.  i have some pretty interesting mechanic ideas.  I love horror, comedy, and weird stuff. I love to help develop atmospheric environments. whether that is through sound or prop placement.  I would love to help any team. preferably horror or surreal based work.  I'm 35.  next jam i hope to program my own game.  I have programming skills and lots of ideas. I'm a musician and a poet not  a visual artist.

Hey, I like your skill set :). Do you have a portfolio site where I can listen to your works?

nope.  To be completely honest I am 35 years old and am completely starting over. somewhere out there are shows and bandcamps and soundclouds of my old work but it was nothing serious at the time.

like this is my sound cloud

i did all these analog highly inebriated

most of my stuff was lost to homelessness and drug addiction in my 20s. notebooks. diaries. recordings. hard drives. all my gear.  im in a process of self discovery and rebuilding at the moment

was my last serious project with my college roommate

(2 edits)

some light programming from a show i won an award for

here is a recording of a song i wrote called the robot song

Thanks for sharing your songs :). We are not a good fit though tbh... I wish you the best in rebuilding and finding your path in life!

would love to play your game and give you any feedback and report bugs and glitches i find. (im pretty boss at breaking things)

i also have fl studio producers edition with all the plugins so i can make any sound effect you want, do synth work etc, sound edits. and i can record audio have condensor mics and daw equipment

Hi guys, I am a somewhat experienced Unity developer based in Germany and I am looking for an artist and a sound designer to team up with. 

Hello! I'm a 2D artist, are you looking for one? Here's my portfolio:

Submitted (1 edit)

Hello everyone. I've been using Unity for few months now, and I'm looking for a teammate ("even if you are a complete beginner") so if anyone is interested hit me up on discord  XRubic#7644. For everyone else who's just passing by ("hello to you my friend").

Hi I was wondering if anyone needed a BP Programmer For Unreal Engine 4, I've been working with the engine for 1.5 years so definitely reply to me if you need me join your team well basically I'm looking for a team.

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anybody need me to some coding in c# for there unity game I can only do 3D games and UI  (I've been doing Unity for two years)

Good day, fellow jammers!

I've been a Unity gamedev for about a year now. I love jamming and would love to experiment with some  cool ideas.

Being an intermediate programmer myself, I absolutely don't mind anyone joining me! Either you are a total newbie or an experienced developer - all are welcome.

For communication, I primarily use discord.

Engine/Language: Unity/C#

Hello! I'm a 2D artist, are you looking for one? Here's my portfolio:

Hey, my name is Gurren. I've been programming C# for a few years now and I really enjoy it. I'm looking to join the 2021 My First Game Jam as a way to continue refining my skills. Also I'd prefer to only work with serious teams that have at least some experience.

Discord: gurrenm4#2395


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Hello yall, I’m a guitar player, eletronic music composer and beatmaker from Brazil, still new to game development. I have composed for theater and a few web ads. You can listen to my most recent works at:  and here (this one is for fun):  Let me know if you’re looking for a soundtrack or fxs. I ´ll be glad to help. 

(1 edit)

Hi Everyone - I'm a programmer from the UK looking for some people to participate in a game jam with - artists, game designers, ect.

My main area of expertise is HTML5 games but i also have experience with unity and i'm working on my own 2d game engine written in C++ / lua.  For a game jam i'd want to ideally use unity - but I'd also happily use something else.

Here's a link to my github page:

I've got a few game concepts  we could make - Guide dog simulator,  Crazy icecream van, analytical lab tycoon,, google maps battleships,  plus many more gems such as these ;)

email me on

Hola! Sound guy here, from Brazil. DJ, guitar player, eletronic music composer. You can get to know a bit about my work here: and here: Game addicted, but new to game audio . I´ll be glad to help iIf you need soundtrack or FXs;


Is it okay I can partner with you?

hey, I guess. what are you up to?


A action platformer.

nice, lets do it

Hello! I'm a junior 2D Artist from Poland. Here's my portfolio:

I'm looking for programmers/game designers/compositors to participate in my first jam! It would be nice if you have some ideas already. I'm really interested in making a small visual novel/dating sim, but other types of 2d games are welcome too. 

If you are interested, respond here or to my discord MILFhunter123#4702



Messages in discord failed to send for some reason.
I'm interested in working together (if you prefer discord, mine is Vovsan#8599 )

Hi, my name is Max! I am a classical composer/performer, and I was posting here hoping to reach out to someone that is looking for sound design/ music design help for their project. I'm currently in school for both composition and performance, and have taken classes on sound design as well as dabbled in it as a hobby, I have been performing with reed instruments for 9 years, and have been studying composition for the last 3 years. I am fairly flexible, and just want to take this as an opportunity to learn and get a foot in the door for video game composition! 

Feel free to reach out to me on discord (Baba Skadoosh#5526) with inquiries or questions. Have a good one!


We can talk


I'm using GoDot for half a year. I'm thinking to make a top-down game.

Awesome! I just added you on Discord, get in touch with me there and I can get back to you ASAP. I'd love to hear what you're hoping to do and how I could possibly help you with it!


Do you have a SoundCloud or something like that?


Is this message for me?

i need an idea i use scratch (yes its visual scripting) i need an idea for the game  i need a team too any takers?

i need an idea i use scratch (yes its visual scripting) i need an idea for the game  i need a team too any takers?


Hi I need an animator for my 2d jam game so I have made my character I just want anyone to animate it because I dont know how to animate pixel art characters :)

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Hi guys! My name is Jen and I'm a narrative designer. I actually have most of a team fleshed out for this jam, but we still need at least one more person to really get the ball rolling.

We have two artists, an audio composer, and a narrative designer (me) - but we need a programmer that is familiar with the software - or willing to give it the old college try!

The game's premise will essentially be: a human passing star falls to earth and must somehow find its way back to the night's sky.

if interested, message me on discord -  my handle is :  trash-panda#6005

Submitted (1 edit)

Hello people!

My name is Divine Ejiogu, I'm nine years old and I have been doing game development for 1 and a half years. I have been working on a game still in alphas for this game jam and I'm hoping that anyone is available to make a soundtrack for my game and some sounds for winning and losing. I would also like if someone could help me out making some backgrounds.

Thank you and goodbye!

PS: If you need to see the game you can see it at (

(1 edit)

Hello everyone !

It's a bit late i know but if you need a 3d artist i can help you.

I do poly modeling in maya, soft poly modeling in Zbrush. I also know rigging in maya, texturing in substance. A little bit of all of that.

I work fast so it's not too bad that i'm late to the party, i want to gain experience working on games and someone tipped me about this website and the jams.

I'm french so GMT+2.

Here is my discord MrEloda#0166 hope i can be of some use.

Hi, I’m a composer lookin to join a team! I’m learning the basics of Wwise currently, and I dabble in a lot of genres (jazz/rock/ambiant/etc), but I mostly make folk-ish action music somewhat similar in the style of touhou or undertale. DM me if you’re interested! Here’s a playlist of some of my music:

I can also do character design, though I can't create assets since I do art traditionally.


Hey man,

I've been learning GoDot for half a year almost. I need someone who can create music.

I've talked to a person but he never came back to me 😂. So, if you want to give a shot I'm here. My discord account: adib#4250 

Hi, just sent a request on discord!  my username there is shibashibaren



I am looking for a artist for my game Moskol Sunday! The game is a pixel game so yeah!

Contact me at @MumkinDev on twitter or!


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Hey I'm new to this forum, but I'm a student of music production in Ireland and would love to join a jam and compose music for a game! I have spare time and love video games so I'm looking for any excuse to participate! 

My discord is jiminijunk#1045

Jam Host

Hi there! The jam is currently not in session, but if you visit again in January we'll be hosting the Winter 2022 jam! If you fill out the form located on the jam's main page, you'll get notifications for when the jam next goes live.

Hello, my name is Miguel (you can call me Flynn too) and I'm from Spain (timezone is GMT+1)! I'm a newbie in Programming (I use Unity) & I'd like to deepen my previously acquired knowledge starting with my first Game Jam. I also want to learn working with other people and manage to finish projects, since my mental illnesses sometimes prevent me finishing them. I want to improve in general! I don't care if the game come up being a complete disaster as long as we learn new things and we learn to also work with a team, which is the aim of this Game Jam. Currently I'm also a Game Designer, in that matter I have a lot of knowledge, way more than programming and I am working on my first commercial game. I always work as Game Designer & Programmer, I have to be working on both so that would be my role in the game jam.

I'm looking for a team, especially for a composer (and audio designer) and artists, maybe an experienced programmer who would gladly help me improve! I don't care about the genre of the game we will make as much as it makes sense with the whole Game Design, so you can join me regardless your preferences. But not gonna lie, I'd like to make a rhythm game, so if there's someone who knows how to use FMod and do some programming with it it would be great! But we can do another thing, it depends on the theme. I want to make the best game possible :)

That's all, if you're interested don't hesitate to let me know! :)