Web build works; still would recommend downloading the game for the best experience (intro, better graphics, stable FPS)
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Here is some family friendly content for your YouTube channel:
Rate R.E.D by JakeAAwesome for Blackthornprod GAME JAM #3 - itch.io
Trust me, this is the most twitch friendly game you could possibly play
Rate R.E.D by JakeAAwesome for Blackthornprod GAME JAM #3 - itch.io
here is a screenshot:
I actually even changed my sleeping schedule to make this game )
Rate R.E.D by JakeAAwesome for Blackthornprod GAME JAM #3 - itch.io
PC game incoming!
Rate R.E.D by JakeAAwesome for Blackthornprod GAME JAM #3 - itch.io
Edit: added screenshots
But can you play this game?
Rate R.E.D by JakeAAwesome for Blackthornprod GAME JAM #3 - itch.io
I made a game. You need to protect red cube. Invisible guys will try to steal it. Check it out!
- Free hints
- No loading screen
- No escape menu