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Looking for browser and PC games to play and rate!

A topic by IanGoGo created Jan 30, 2021 Views: 1,633 Replies: 179
Viewing posts 1 to 88
Submitted (6 edits) (+1)

Hey everyone! 

This is the 8th game jam I've done and I'm super excited to see what sorts of things you all made! I'm looking for browser and PC games to play from the Jam, feel free to drop a link to yours bellow! 

I've already rated 50 and have some more on my queue still. It may take some time but I will eventually get to your game!

If you have time, please check mine out and rate it too:

In this fantasy top-down shooter, your health is your ammo and your health is being drained by a curse. Can you fight and survive long enough to find a cure or are you truly Out of Time?


Here's mine - I spent most of the time on the art, so it's quite short.


The visuals in this game are so beautiful it's truly incredible. It gives the game a very unique style that I can't help but be truly impressed by. The music also complements it well and gives it this ethereal / dreamy feel that is truly spectacular.

If you wanted to improve, adding checkpoints would be nice. It was also hard to tell where I could and could not walk, especially in the beginning jumping area. Increasing the player speed could also make the game feel a little better.

Overall cool game!


Nice, this is my 9th and here is what I made, a 2d top down shooter:


I enjoyed the filter you have on the game, it give it a very unique feeling that I just love. I enjoyed the variety of enemies and how I could tell them apart by color and weapon size. The screen shake is super satisfying as well. I saw you didn't create the music but it does fit perfectly with your game. The gameplay is good, I was able to win as the heavy and the light.

If you wanted to improve, the cursor on the menus isn't lined up to the center dot and instead is near the top, this confused me at first. Some sort of button to instantly start the next wave could be nice too. Some sort of score feature could be cool too, combining it with unlocking different units could give the game a really nice arcade vibe. Some sort of power-up to temporarily turn you into another class could be fun too.

Also, the game counts down as if there's one more wave after you win instead of just ending, not really an issue of any kind but something that could be nice to fix in a post-jam version. Also, enemies could get stuck on corners or between walls as a group and are super easy to kill when that happens.

Also, any reason why mute and unmute ended up being two different buttons?

Hi! It's great to hear that you all are doing a lot of jams! This is my first! Here's my game (sorry, can't post screenshots atm, but will do later :) )


I liked the mechanic of the game, it has a lot of potential. I saw that you are planning to continue working on this, I with you the best of luck and hope it turns out great!

If you wanted to improve, I think the controls need to be fixed, I was constantly turning the player the wrong direction, making the keys rebind able would be excellent. I also think this could have potential as a mobile game with the simple control scheme of only three inputs. 

Submitted (1 edit)

this is the second game i've finished (by finished i  mean i ran out of time to add more features). The first one i made was for the vimlark game jam.


So I thought this game was a very cool idea, combing a top-down shooter with a factory building game. I don't think I've ever seen anyone try something like this before. I got to round 9 while I was saving up money to build the pistol parts. 

If you wanted to continue working on it (which I suggest you do), I suggest adding a manual or some sort of way to explain to the player what is required to build what. I put down a drill expecting extra money per round, not fully understanding what was needed to do what. I also put down the rifle stamp expecting to build it with just bolts. I also think building items such as health kits and armor would be nice. On top of that, a greater variety of enemies would help too. There also needs to be some other endgame other then 'survive', I suggest getting enough resources to build a rocket or a teleporter to exit the stage. I know all of that may not have been possible to do during the jam, which is why I suggest you keep working on it. I think you have a really good core of an idea that just needs to be expanded upon a little bit more.  

I did run into  problem where the game displayed all the menus super small on my computer. Also, when walking and placing the mouse bellow the player, the weapon glitches back and forth. Other then that I think the game worked as intended.

Overall fun game, I think you have a solid idea you just need to iterate on a little more.


Here's mine! It's my first (kinda) game jam game!


This game was amazing, I was surprised just how many levels were in the game, for a moment I thought that maybe it was infinite and you had some form of procedural generation going on. The gameplay is excellent.  It's one of those rare "just one more go" style games where you think the next run is going to be the one. The dialog was funny, the pirate AI was good, the music and sound effects were perfect. The particle effects on the ships were great and fit perfectly. I even enjoyed the small details like having a red box around my ship to know which one I was. The inuniverse tutorial was excellent too. 

I only encountered one problem, I got the bad ending and was sent to the main menu, I clicked continue and it gave me the good ending. 

Other then that, absolutely fantastic game. If you don't place in this competition it's a crime.


Thank you so much for your kind words! I am so glad you enjoyed it!

I am aware of that bug, but I honestly didn't think anyone would finish it, so with one hour left, I decided to just fix it later. I am so glad someone did, though. I really appreciate it. 


Of course! As I said, I really enjoyed this game and hope you continue doing stuff with it after the jam!


Here's mine and also my first game Jam!


Congrats on your first game jam! I really enjoyed this game, the hits on the enemies were satisfying and the music was good too! I was impressed by the huge selection of levels and number of enemies you included.

If you wanted to improve, I suggest adding some form of screen shake for when the character gets hit, maybe some particle fx on the gui when a heart is lost instead of it just disappearing.


Your game is also nice! Especially i love the particles, but i feel adding more props and a bit screenshake would make the game feel more Alive! it is just too smooth for a fighting game.


Here's mine! OVERHEAT


I liked this game, I enjoyed how the player always rotated to see the boss and how the player health and enemy health were displayed in game as opposed to on a Hud. The game felt intense and had me on the edge of my seat. The boss had a good variety of attacks and was overall really fun.

If you wanted to improve, sound effects and music would be nice. I saw on the game page you put this together in three days, which was super impressive.

Overall, good work!


Here's a small story game inspired by "Alice in Wonderland", Enjoy!


Interesting game, I was able to find two secret apples but wasn't able to figure out what to do or where to go after the title screen played following the conversation with Kev. I went left like he said and just fell through the world, I never respawned and had to restart. It's an interesting and fun concept.

If you wanted to improve, I suggest having a way to skip the dialog with Kev, especially if you have to restart and replay the game.


Here Is My Game If You Want To Try It.


Uploading 3 minutes before the deadline must have been stressful! 

I'm also very confused, you jam page doesn't have the game and the linked page has no game uploaded to it. When you do get the game up, let me know and I'll play and rate it!


the game should be there now! My Jam partner must have accidentally clicked hid this file from being downloaded. :


It still says "The developer has not uploaded a game yet..." on my screen.

Submitted (1 edit)

I know this is a big inconvenience but if you have discord it would be much easier to chat there I am bbomb#3055, it hopefully should be there now though.


DEGENATRON - A fast paced platformer with a twist: Jumping makes your jumps less powerful, while strangely leads to more control.

Here's mine! My first ever GameJam upload and I think I've gone a little overboard with promoting it on these forums xD But I really want feedback so *shrug*

Try it here and please let me know if you enjoyed it and rate :D


I thought this game was really cool, this is a twist I haven't seen anyone do yet with the jump being less powerful over time. I enjoyed how some of the obstacles early on took away your ability to jump rather then just killing you, that was super clever and very much helped with the learning curve of the game! Some of the puzzles were really clever too, I liked how in level 15 you forced the player to not have a jump but still move around. I think level 19 was my favorite. 

If you wanted to improve, adding some particle fx could help increase the game feel while still keeping to the simplistic style. Music would be a nice touch too.

Overall, fun game!

Submitted (2 edits)

My first ever game jam.

Started Making games 6 months ago.


Congrats on your first game jam!

The game concept is really cool and seems like it could be easily tailored towards speed running due to the heavy emphasis on the time mechanic. I enjoyed the wave based survival format with a different boss each round, it works really well, especially for a game jam game! I also really appreciated that you put a button in the lower right hand corner to explain how to beat the boss. That's a super helpful feature and helps majorly to increase the accessibility of the game.

I couldn't get past level 2 unfortunately, I could get the shield down on the monster but couldn't jump on it as it was always in the lava.

If you wanted to improve, I suggest opening up the screen more, maybe have the platforms in the middle rather then up top. Also, falling in the lava could respawn the player with damage instead of instant killing them and sending them back to the main menu.

Overall cool game, I would love to see you expand on it some once the jam is over!


Thanks a lot for your detailed feedback.

It helps a lot. Will further work on your feedbacks.

Thanks again.


Also about that level 2, I guess thats a really bad bug that I didnvt notice. xD

Submitted (1 edit)

Check out Night Keeper, let me know what you think!


I enjoyed the main menu animation. The animation in this game in general was amazing, I especially liked the light going out animation between levels. All of the night time creatures moving around game this game an ethereal mood and was just beautiful to look at.  

I saw you submitted it 3 minutes before the deadline, that's cutting things pretty close!

Some of the puzzles confused me and I wasn't able to get past level 2, but I really enjoyed your game!


Thanks for doing this! Here is my game


Of course!

I enjoyed all of the menu animations, the sliding menus really fit in thematically well with your game. The puzzles are fun and the use of timers with movement really creates some puzzling situations that I very much enjoyed. The puzzles having a score feature adds a lot of re-playability to the game in a very compelling way. The open boards made a ton of room for experimentation that felt very natural and added to the puzzle feeling.

If you wanted to improve. Some form of "perfect score" would be a nice addition to the game, I saw there was a deduction but had no real understanding of how it worked. I also would remove the death counter effect on score, while interesting to know, it's easy to cheat the game simply by dying a few times until you figure it out, then redoing the level to get the better score. 

Overall fun game! I hope you take this idea and expand on it some!





7 minutes before the jam ends, that's cutting it pretty close. 

I enjoyed the premise of your game and the sense of humor it has. The first person shooting feels good and it feels like this game was designed to be speed ran. 

If you wanted to improve, I suggest refining the movement controls some. In my opinion it takes to long to get up to a fast enough speed to give the game that truly fast faced frenzy feeling that I think you were going for. Changing the high score to save the best time rather then the previous time could be nice too. Several of the UI elements, such as on the menu were really small for some reason, specifically the level select stuff.

Overall fun game! Would like to see you continue to work on it some!


Heres mine: a simple little arcade game where you combine boxes!


I like that you included sound sliders in your game. It shows a lot of polish went into even the smaller things you don't see in most game jams. I enjoyed the menu animation, such as the boxes dropping on the tutorial menu, it's a very nice touch! Everything feels and looks great! The gameplay itself is spectacular, the difficulty curve and the introduction of more colors feels natural and smooth. The physics is fun to play with and is both a benefit (staying organized) and a hazard (stuff falling around as you panic and try to get the boxes together.

I would love to see this game continued in some way, maybe even as a mobile game.

I usually try to give suggestions on improvements but I got nothing, this game is amazing! Definitely my favorite so far!


Less Dishes is More - More Dishes is Less by PaddyPatProduct (


I am very confused and slightly concerned by what the sound track of this game is but it's oddly fitting for a game about endlessly doing dishes. I had problems trying to get the water on, it only ever worked once for me, I probably was doing something wrong.

Besides all of that, I kinda liked this game. Fun premise and definitely  the most unique game I've seen so far!


Here is my submission :)


Interesting concept, kind reminds me of the sushi scene in Drake and Josh where they're trying to package sushi and get overwhelmed and have to start throwing it on the ceiling not to get caught. I thought the phone calls coming in was good and helped to spice up the gameplay alot.

Submitted Here is mine :-)


Interesting little game, I thought it was pretty funny and a unique idea. I can picture a crazed botanist, sleep deprived and cold trying to protect a flower by all means necessary and unnecessary. 

If you wanted to improve, I suggest adding some form of wind mechanic or some way to force the player to move around. I ended up being able to stand still and beat all three levels due to lucky RNG. You could also add in other threats like people trying to walk on the flower or animals trying to eat it.

It's a short game but entertaining for what it is!

Submitted (1 edit)

Here's mine, an arcadey survival game: ^_^ I'll also check out yours! <3 Bomb-Out by SxAde (


I like your dedication to the arcade style with just 5 colors and 5 instruments, really helped to tie the entire game together. I kept replaying trying to discover that one perfect strategy and always had a good laugh when it inevitably backfired and I'd launch off the map into lava. This game was a lot of fun and I really enjoyed it.

The only suggestion I have is to make some of the menu elements bigger, it all felt kinda small for some reason. 

I think this game could work perfectly in a multiplayer game with each player trying to survive as long as possible while bombs explode everywhere.

Overall fun game and thanks for the laughs!


Here's my game


This game was incredibly fun! I replayed it many times and was on the edge of my seat for most of it! The music was great, the action was phenomenal and the changing color pallet was a nice touch. Getting the piercing shot and lining up a line of enemies in slow motion felt truly awesome. I am impressed you made a game like this in just a week. 

If you wanted to improve, finding a different way to display the powerup times could be nice. I was too focused on the player to ever check and see how much time I had left. Maybe do something like the shield with all of them and just have it fade away over time.

Overall fantastic game!

Submitted (2 edits)

First Game Jam! Had fun making the art and animating it, I almost always purchase art so was fun to force myself to give it a try lol.  Would love feedback on it!  Been using construct 3 for some time now but never forced myself to complete a Jam.




Cool game with a nice message about pollution. Graphics were nice and I enjoyed how the menu zoomed out to show the level instead of a hard swap happening.

If you wanted to improve, I suggest changing the movement system some, it was hard to control the crab, I was able to just hold A or D the entire time without penalty too. I suggest having the crab not use the pinchers while in ghost mode to balance it some.

Overall interesting game!


Here is my game, it's a roguelike game, hope you will like it. I'll try your game now!


Overall an amazing game! I thought the mechanic of physically using your health to attack was great. Being able to bounce attacks off of all the walls felt good and the rouge-like style of it all helped tied it together into a truly spectacular game. I would love to see you expand on this some and turn it into a full game! 


Hey good sir,

Really appreciate your honest feedback on my game



I really liked how the cannons on day 4 knock you out instead of killing you. That was a nice touch. All of the animation looks super clean and I love the little sound effects to punctuate it. 

If you wanted to improve, the platforming felt slightly off at times. I suggest adding features like coyote time (can still jump a few frames after leaving an object) or if the player is holding a key, to immediately preform that action when ready instead of waiting for another input.

Overall nice game!


Played your game good sir!!


I'll totally check yours out!

Dr. Maniacal's Monster Maker is a game where you create your own monster and use it to slay knights, discovering how Less is More even in the science of monster creation:


Overall super fun game! I like the idea of taking a monster and trying to merge it with others to create a super monster but instead having that completely back fire. The graphics are fun and the story is nice. I also really like that you included an opening cutscene! 

Overall I really loved this game, good work!


Here is my game I will review your game if you review mine. Thanks.


Great game! The animations looked really good, I especially liked the pink cape moving and expanding while in the air. I also liked how screen transitions worked as checkpoints, that was a nice touch. The cake slowing down the player was a nice effect and I actually tried something similar in my game with the "Boots of Less-is-more"

The only problem I encountered was the character getting stuck in a block I jumped into from an odd side angle (see screenshot). I was completely stuck and couldn't move on so I had to restart the game, only to come back and realize I was on the last screen when the glitch happened. It gave me a good laugh and I won't hold it against you in any way! Also the development console was always active in my game.

Regardless, fun game and I really enjoyed it!


Its an endless runner with a neon esthetic and Electro Dance Music.


 I liked the simple mechanics of it being used to facilitate interesting gameplay. The graphics looked nice and when the game got going, was very intense and I was on the edge of my seat.

If you wanted to improve, I suggest having  way to change skins from the restart screen, backing out to the main menu to change that one thing takes a moment and could be streamlined. I also think you could speed up the beginning some to get to the real core of the game.

Overall fun game!


I made this little gameabout a robot delivering oil/fuel with a twist, hope you like it :D


Fun concept! I actually went for a similar concept with my game except with mine you shoot and loose health instead of jumping. Overall the game was fun, it felt responsive and I had fun playing it.

If you wanted to improve, more levels could be fun with some more elements added in, I think you have a real solid core to a larger game if you keep developing it, iterating and finding more unique things to play with. Purchase you can spill oil to make a more slippery surface to gain speed or create a path of fire to open something up. The possibilities are endless and I really hope you continue to work on this!

Submitted (1 edit)

Hey Ian! Here's my game!

It is a wave /round based top down pixel art game where the less health you have, the more powerful you are!


Cool game! I got to round 11. The graphics looked really nice and the screen shake from getting hit felt perfect. I liked the idea of the shield harts that would give you extra protection but keep your power level up. Overall I felt this game was super well designed and I really enjoyed it. I had many of the same ideas with mine, down to the vampire inspired life stealing and getting more powerful the closer you are to death.

Submitted (1 edit)

This is my second game jam! Hope you like it!


Interesting concept, I enjoyed it but I felt like the bolder took to long to be destroyed and lost a few times before I was able to actually stop it. I thought the tutorial was nice and informative and the graphics looked nice. I like the detail of the green goo all over the bolder if you loose the game.

If you wanted to improve on it, some upgrades would be nice depending upon how quickly you get the bolder destroyed. You could turn it into a mobile game too pretty easily with the simplistic controls.


Here's my game if you want to check it out!


I went for the "health is ammo" as well as the "less health = more damage" idea too with my game! I went with the "kill enemies for more health" route rather then stopping to recharge. I enjoyed how you did it though, slowing down to recharge created a ton of tension and felt really good. The visuals are amazing. It felt really satisfying to line up a shot with multiple enemies or to knock an incoming projectile out of the air.

The only thing I found was that the game would sometimes lag if the pathfinding failed, this could be when I was being chased by the yellow guys and they got stuck outside of a boss gate or if an enemy got stuck in the areas collision.

Overall fun game!


Hey ! Thanks a lot, This is my game, its still requires a lot of polishing and we had some issues like UV issues, which caused a lot of delay and this was created in 5 days, Hope you like it :d


Interesting concept! I liked the idea of it and the interactable main menu was cool. I like how the game encouraged the player to go fast by using less fuel and really was able to keep the player in the optimal game state of going fast.

If you wanted to improve the camera controls could be fixed a lot, I struggled to control it and it led to most of my runs ending.


Play my submission here!


Interesting idea, I went with the "less health is more speed" idea with my game some too. I think it's well excecated in your game and really adds a sense of urgency when you are at low health.

If you wanted to improve, sound effects and music would be nice. Adjusting the enemy path finding could be good too, I couldn't get very far because a large enemy would block the door and kill me.

here is mine i couldn't really finish it but the gameplay works kinda so yeah this is my second ever game jam i have learning game development for 4 months


It was short and simple but I still had fun flying all over the screen and killing enemies. I liked all of the settings menus you provided, that was nice. 

If you wanted to improve, I suggest lowing the player speed, when I first jumped and moved I flew way up in the air and got lost.

Congrats on your second ever game jam! 


i played your game too, it was amazing the visuals music and everything felt good and polished too, the damping on the camera was a bit too much but even that didn't felt off the controls and story were really good

next time i will just recommend making a downloadable version of the game though


Please check my game


Interesting game! I liked the emulator style of it and the graphics in general.

I did run into a problem where every time I started, I would spawn on an enemy and instantly die.

This is a really cool prototype and I'd love to see what you can do with it!


I checked out your game and rated it. If you want, feel free to check out mine and leave it an honest review and rating.


I really liked this game! I think the constant struggle between seeing and speed was a very nice touch. I tried to go a "less-health = more speed" thing but I think you executed it far better then I did by adding in a light mechanic. I think the particle FX on the square was nice and the ability to destroy spikes was a delight.

Overall great game!

Submitted (1 edit)

Here you go :)


This was a cool game, the mechanic was simple and I think would translate really well to a mobile format. I loved the music and it went great with the graphics, which looked spectacular!

If you wanted to improve, I suggest you have the energy not drain unless the player is aiming the ball, it would help give the player more time to think about moves while still keeping the pressure on.

Overall fun game!

Let's go !


Great puzzle game with a nice message attached! I enjoyed the puzzles, everything made sense and I had a good time playing it!

If you wanted to improve, I suggest making it so you don't have to re-click move when ever you want to change screens, it wasn't a huge problem but could have helped streamline things alot.

Overall, excellent game!


I'd love it if you played and rated mine!


Interesting game! I enjoyed the mechanics of wondering around and exploring. I wasn't sure whether the cutscenes I unlocked were endings or not, but I had fun while playing it!

If you wanted to improve, adding some particle fx to the character movement or when picking up coins would help the game to feel really good.


Here's mine!


Fun little game! I enjoyed the visuals and the jump mechanic was fun too.

If you wanted to improve, I suggest making the character fall faster, it felt a little slow for a platforming game.


Let me know if you can make it to the end of hardcore mode! 馃榾

(You can turn on practice mode if any of the levels are too hard)


Great game with an amazing premise! Everything felt so good in it, the music, the visuals, the effects, it all felt amazing!

Do you have any plans for it after the jam?


Here's my game: I'd really appreciate your feedback, as this is my first ever game jam :)


Congrats on your first ever game jam! It feels really good, I didn't have anyone to play with, so I felt like I didn't truly get the full experience, I enjoyed the animation on the bullets and the shooting effects lot.


Here's my game - if you give me feedback and a rating, I'll do the same.

Dyzmorphia - a fast paced shooter where you sacrifice life for ammo!


For some reason this game opens as an incredibly small window to the point I can't properly use my mouse to play :(

I am going to forgo giving your game a rating as I physically cannot play it. 

Based on your description, I tried to do a similar thing where you trade ammo for life in my game.


sorry that happened. I think if you relaunch the game it should go into full screen as it only starts small very rarely.


Hi. Please, rate my game.


This is a fun little game! I made it to 967 meters! I like how the fuel indicator is on the car, that was a very nice touch, the art looks good and the game sounds great!

If you wanted to improve, some form of main menu would be nice!


If you want to rate my game, please


It's very cool that you could get a leaderboard to work in your game! I liked the random level generation, it added a lot of re-playability to the game.

If you wanted to improve, I suggest adding some form of particle fx to the player and to the exit to help the player see exactly where they need to go.

Overall, fun game!


This is my submission, check it out:  Its an action tower defense game, where enemies drop more loot, the closer to your HQ you kill them.


Interesting game! I really like the premise of it, I haven't really seen a tower defense game in this style before.

If you wanted to improve, the controls could use some tuning, adding wasd to movement controls would be nice, having two functions for space bar made it hard to get the game to respond to what I wanted to do.


Hello devs! Check out our project.


If you like horror, you can check out my game!


It's an interesting little horror game. At the beginning I was able to walk outside of the map and ended up in a blue void. I like the idea of this game and think it could be cool if you expanded on it some more maybe with different levels with other mechanics.


Here is mine:


Would love if you could check out our game :) A couple of hiccups to avoid are in the description! Hopefully you can get to the end haha Checking yours out now!


Thanks for the warning about the hiccups you mentioned!

I liked the game, I thought the writing was good and really helped tie together the entire game, it was really funny a times. I got to the point where I had to "unlocketh the Stewarts door" but it wouldn't unlock and I couldn't find a key anywhere.

Overall fun game!


Thanks for doing this!

This was my friend and I's first gamejam, but we're quite happy with what we made:


Congrats on your first game jam!

I thought this game was pretty clever, I enjoyed the "more you have the slower you go" take on the theme. The animations looked good and overall the game was fun.

If you wanted to improve, I suggest changing the camera movement, it was hard to control the camera and often times I spent to long trying to fix the camera rather then playing.

Cool entry, check out my game if you get a chance


Please have a look at mine: It's a top-down arena fighting game!

I'll check yours out now :)


Fun little fighting game! I enjoyed the retro graphics and sound effects as well as the simplistic display of power vs health. I tried to so something similar in my game with the less health = more damage idea.

If you wanted to improve, I suggest giving some sort of indication of where enemies are going to spawn. I died and lost a run due to an enemy spawning right on top of me.

Overall cool game!


I'm looking for constructive feedback 

If you think  you can like a game with crafting, I tried to give a stardew valley kind vibe to my game.

I hope you'll find it interesting  :)


I'm sorry to do this but the game lags to much for me to play on my PC, I can't rate it if I can't play it. The visual style did look super good though!


I understand, I'm sorry for the lag, if you can't rate it, I get it. Thanks for trying it anyway :)


Here's mine thanks in advance


Fun game! I enjoyed the mechanics and simple visuals. I enjoyed the swap between sizes and re-jump mechanic, it took some time to master but felt really good. 

If you wanted to improve, I suggest shortening the respawn timer with the black screen effect, it took just a little to long in my opinion.

Overall, fun game!

Submitted (1 edit)

Would love for you to play,  rate and give me feedback on my procedurally generated roguelike where losing health makes you stronger.


Interesting game! I enjoyed the mechanics and the turn based nature of the game. I went for a similar "less health = more hp" route with my game. I'm usually not a big fan of turn based games, but this one was really fun for me. I enjoyed the old school graphics and the simple sound design.

If you wanted to improve, I suggest modifying the random generation of the maps. Level 2 was super long for me, level 3 and 4 then both had me walk into one room off the spawn then into one other room to leave without fighting any enemies. The game also crashed when I reached the shop screen. I also took some cheap hits in doorways when I didn't realize an enemy was coming through, some sort of indicator one is coming or just not having them spawn like that if the room they're coming from is unexplored could help a lot. Those changes plus some music would make a phenomenal game.


Here's mine, my first ever game!


Congrats on your first ever game!

I enjoyed the premise of it. Less health for more speed is something I did in my game too. I like how you had to gain enough speed to break through some walls in the game, I felt that was really clever and a nice twist on it. I also liked the animation on the cube, how it would close it's eyes if it was flying by very close to spikes, that was a nice touch.

If you wanted to improve, the indicator to fire was kind of glitchy, sometimes it would bounce off of walls, other times it would just phase through them, it also didn't show up when on breakable walls for some reason. Some sort of tutorial would be nice, even text on the background of that first level would help.


Thanks for the feeback. Next time I'll make sure to add a more clear tutorial!


Hello, this is my game, would love some feedback, thank you!


Cool game! I liked the mechanics, I thought the 'less party members = more damage' was a nice twist on the 'less health = more damage' route many people, myself included took. The art was fun and very unique. I enjoyed all of the different attack animations on the heroes. 

If you wanted to improve, I suggest fixing the GUI scaling, my screen is large so I was able to see all of the menus, even when they were not suppose to be on screen. I could also see around the fade to white and fade to black boxes. The gameplay also got very repetitive and had no sense of progression. Making waves of enemies with a shop in-between or even a high score would be cool.  Lastly, health bars on the enemies could help to make the gameplay more informed, I could never tell what enemy was lower on health to focus on.


I love to get roasted

Win Port

WebGL Port


Can't really get anywhere with either version of the game, I'm forgoing rating it as I don't have anything to really base it off of other then running around and endlessly talking with people.


I'd really love to hear your thoughts on mine if you have the time :D


This game is absolutely beautiful in it's visuals, probably one of the prettiest I've seen in the jam. The music fits perfectly and all of the little sound effects, like jumping on platforms is perfect as well. I wish it was longer and had a better conclusion to the story, but for 1 week, that's entirely understandable! I hope you keep working on this and turn it into a full game, I'd happily play it again!

The only improvement I could suggest would be to make the platforming a little more fluid through something like coyote time.

Great game overall!


heres mine, hope you will like it :)

Rate Shooting Mania by AgentXMan for Blackthornprod GAME JAM #3 -


Interesting game, I like the concept of trading health for better weapons. I also enjoyed the physics of the player character flopping all over the place.

If you wanted to improve, some sort of wave based or score based gameplay would help give the game a lot more to do other then just sit and click. You could do different levels and maybe more or less complex environments. 


Hi there this is my game:

Fully playable in browser!


I think this a really cool idea, I haven't seen any other game do a similar take to this in the jam. I liked when it had the level mirrored on both the top and bottom of the screen, I felt like that was a really cool effect.

If you wanted to improve, I suggest making the top and bottom levels differ in some way to force the player to have to guide two separate characters through. Forcing the player to make jumps or wait for a platform on only one side could result in some very interesting gameplay.


Here is mine action-packed stealth game with a twist. You are never able to see everything, the faster you move, the less you see. It's a game of tactic, do you want to rush, but risk getting caught? Or you want to go slow and scan the surroundings first? The choice is in your hands!  You can play it in browser here:


Fun game! I liked the simplistic visuals and the instant restart upon being caught. The menu animation was super good as well.

I did find a bug where if I slashed an enemy close enough to a wall I could actually fly out of the map and get stuck outside. Other then that this game is incredibly polished and incredibly fun!

Overall amazing game!


would be cool if you could check out me and my friends first game jam (its a webgl) that we are quite proud of. Hope you enjoy :)


This is a really fun little game! I like the way the gameplay mechanics force you to prioritize the red-core enemies over the blue ones. The music also fit perfectly with the visuals.

If you wanted to improve, I suggest adding shadows to show where the red-code guys are going to land, I got crushed and he just kind of bounced off my head. Make an enemy landing on you an instant kill and that would make it super intense. I also suggest adding a way to shoot upwards, a number of times the blue core ones would be to high for me to hit. Lastly, when the ship is loosing altitude or gaining it, you should have the clouds in the background move up and down to reflect that change. 

Overall great game, with a few small changes, I think this could be amazing!


Please play mine thanks in advance


Already played and rated


I'd love some more feedback on my game :D


Really cool idea! I like the stress the game puts on the player to keep in the air as long as possible. The feeling of flying through the air and slashing up enemies feels great and is a lot of fun!

The only thing is I had a hard time telling where enemies were in relation to the player and had to entirely rely on the indicator to figure out what was close.

Overall super fun game!

Submitted This is my game. Please check it out


Visuals on this game were really amazing and I thought the concept was super original as well. I felt like the music and enemy design was super good too.

The only improvement I can suggest is some sort of damage indicator on the enemies, I had no clue if I was one shot or twenty shots from taking them down.

Hi ! This is mine , is my first BTP game jam , it's kinda visual novel game.


My computer keeps freaking out and removing the game from my computer, I will unfortunately not be able to play or rate this one. Sorry.

Submitted (1 edit)

PC game incoming!

Rate R.E.D by JakeAAwesome for Blackthornprod GAME JAM #3 -

Edit: added screenshots


This game is beautiful! I love the simplistic visuals and the idea of bringing light to a dark place, the red rain effect was also super cool. The fact this only has two, well, now three ratings is a tragedy. I can tell a lot of work went into this and I truly hope you continue this in some way, or expand on it some. 

I think it would have done better if it was a webGL build instead of a downloadable game. I think another title could have helped too, R.E.D. doesn't convey enough to make people interested in playing.

I did encounter a few problems, I hit the first red portal a few times, figured I couldn't do anything to it then kept running past and later had to restart because I couldn't light up the next area properly. I also fell out of the 'Don't' room and got stuck.

Overall this is an incredible game and I love what you put together, I just wish more people got to experience it! 


It would be great if you can rate my game. Thank you. Play City Level first.


Interesting idea, I like how much mileage you got out of so few actual level designs. 

If you wanted to improve, I suggest taking away control when the character dies, a number of times I died, was able to reach the end and glitch myself to the next level. I think you also need to explain some of the mechanics more then just the level title. On a number of them I was very confused what to do or what I could do.

Overall an interesting concept.


Here's my game, a roguelike where health takes up inventory space.


I like the idea of this game, having health take up inventory space. I like that it starts up from a command prompt, I think that's really cool. Unfortunately I had an extremely hard time playing or even figuring out how to play. For that reason I am going to forgo ranking it as I feel I can't be fair in my rating if I can't really play. 

Submitted (1 edit)

Thank you for your feedback. I assumed this problem would arise since I decided to scrap any sort of tutorial in order to make more content and add SFX. If I could have changed anything about this jam, I would have added a tutorial. For now, I can throw some instructions on the game page (which I hope is allowed). I'd be glad if you take another shot at my admittedly confusing game after I add some much needed instructions. Thank you.

Edit : You'll find the instructions on the game page's comments or the jam page's comments.


My game's here


This game is super fun and feels like a true arcade game. I like the idea of the virus multiplying and raging when there is only a few of them left. Everything felt really good, I also liked the weapon swapping mechanic, this game overall feels very polished and I really enjoyed it.

If you wanted to improve, I suggest having the score do something like unlocking the other weapons for the rotation, that would give the player a sense of forward progressing and a reason other then getting a high score to keep playing.

Overall super fun game!


Here's mine, It's a 2.5d graphic style based narrative game.


The graphics are really beautiful! I loved your use of lighting and the contrast between the pixelated characters and the background. It all looked super good.

If you wanted to improve, the UI all came off really small on my screen, I suggest adding some form of UI scaling to the game. 


Hey. Would love to see your feedback:


Saw that was your first game jam, good job! I really liked the animation on the bees behind the honey and how you had one show up and wait a moment before chasing after the player. The music was really nice too.

If you wanted to improve, I suggest on having a high-score screen instead of just restarting the game, I know I got more then 34 but don't know what my actual final score was. I also suggest adding in some additional enemy types to help switch up the gameplay some more.

Overall, fun little arcade game! 


Hey please enjoy my game, I hope its to your liking.


Interesting concept for a game! I liked the gameshow vibe and the overall feel of the game.

If you wanted to improve, I suggest showing images of the items your looking for either at the beginning before the level or by hovering over the words. I also suggest giving each object a rotation to jump to when picked up, I had a lot of trouble finding the knife and even picked it up before but didn't recognize it as it wasn't on the small edge. Lastly, I suggest playing into the game show theme more and making up some prize for the player based upon how far they got instead of just going to an end menu. You could even make it a little system where you keep playing the game show trying to get objects or skins for your character.

Overall neat concept!

Submitted (1 edit)

Here's Mine, I'll also check out yours right now!


Fun game! It was like a bullet-heal but instead of dodging bullets you were dodging food. I really enjoyed the concept. I especially liked how the character's sprite changed during runtime to reflect the health level, that was a nice touch.

If you wanted to improve, I suggest having the final score on the end screen, I have no idea what I finished with score wise. I would also suggest you show where people are going to spawn, most health I lost because someone spawned right on top of me. Lastly, a little more animation on the character could have helped. If you didn't want to make any more sprites, you could accomplish this by just rotating the sprite back and forth and spawn smoke particles on the feet while they move. That's the style I went with in my game and I think it worked well.

Overall fun game, it gave me some good laughs!


Hey, I hope you enjoy me and my friend's browser game:


I like your game! I went for the 'shoot and you loose health mechanic ' too. I enjoyed the screen shake and the quick flash of particles when a triangle was destroyed. I also appreciate the controls on the back of the tutorial page, a lot of the 50+ games I've rated don't even have that. I thought the game played well and was fun.

If you wanted to improve, I suggest making the power shot go through enemies, I think that would help it feel even more satisfying and encourage the player to line up cook collateral kills. I also think the triangles that shoot should have some form of indicator that they are going to shoot to make it easier to dodge.

Overall a really fun experience!


Have Fun!


Interesting game! I enjoyed the story and the feeling of progression throughout the game. I like how you reused the boss as an enemy later in the game as well as had different types of projectiles. I was a little confused by what the graphics meant but I enjoyed it overall.

If you wanted to improve, I suggest optimizing the game for speed running by putting the enemies on a timer of when to shoot and adding some sort of high score based on time for the main menu.

Overall, fun game!


Mine is a browser game, and I'd love to hear your thoughts about it!


Hi, I am gonna play your game right now. Here is mine KeyKey. I hope you enjoy it and thank you in advance :) (PS: In the game you can use a wave bomb holding your key and then releasing it,  in the KeyKey page you can find some help and a video if  you have troubles with that, but no worries it is really simple).


Hi there! 馃憢 if you feel like having a go at another 2D platformer, I made a momentum-based one with speedrunning in mind! Far from perfect in design and programming, but I鈥檓 happy with the art and music side of things. 馃槂

Thanks in advance! 馃憣


I dont know if you are still trying out game but,

I would really like some feedback!

Submitted . Its my first game jam and it was fun but the WebGL on this page dont work but on this: Sadly only in the download version the sound effect and music work. Have fun!


Interesting game, I liked how all of the zombies had health bars, it made it really easy to focus on who to kill. I also liked how the turrets could damage the zombies but mainly aimed at the player, that was a nice touch.

If you wanted to improve, I suggest some form of UI scaling. All of the menus appeared super small on my computer and it was hard to tell what most of them did.


Thanks for the great feedback!


Give it a shot would love to hear what you think!


Interesting game, I was able to win with a score of 18,000 (no idea if that's good or bad). I haven't seen that many space shooters in the jam so far. I was kinda confused by what item did what and didn't want to look away from the screen long enough to read what it did, I suggest adding a list of them to the 'help' screen to help better inform the player.

Overall, interesting game.


That's a good suggestion. We definitely need to work on making it more clear what each item just by looking at them. Thank you for playing! 


Here is my Game:

I hope you will like it :)

Submitted (1 edit)

Mine is about a monk who kills his worshippers:

Late answer but here is our game. It's hard autoscroller game.


Please check out my FMV Game guys, People seem to like it but because its downloadable people are put off and we only have around 40 ratings. if you fancy something different please please give it a try


Here it is. My first game jam game: