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A member registered Mar 13, 2020 · View creator page →

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Yeah, in hindsight, I should have either gone for a shorter version of Clair de Lune, or changed up the mechanics towards the end. I'm glad that you enjoyed it though!


The sprite-work in your game is very cute and music is really nice! I really liked the chill vibe and the puzzles were very enjoyable!

I really liked the gliding mechanic, and the game in general was quite fun! The music was pretty nice too! I also like the message, but I doubt anyone wouldn't

I really liked this game!

The concept is very cool and creative and so were the puzzles! But I did run into problems with the scale tool...

The music was great! It reminded me of earthbound a little... must be the instruments? maybe...

Thanks! I think maybe telegraphing what the hero wants would probably fix the goal issue and, yeah... my bad for the sounds, who knew adding an extra dimension would so greatly increase the workload!

Yeah, it was my first time using probuilder and it complete escaped my mind that Polyshapes wouldn't have the best collisions... 


I thought it was great! I really liked the music and how it changes depending on the world

Very fun game, with amazing music. But I just held click all the way through instead of keeping up with the beat. With the pink die I didn't see any doownsides, maybe I missed something...

Great game, very adicting. Played it with a friend for an hour straight!

I loved it! The effects are really good, it feels very rewarding to play!


Really love the artwork and the concept is fenomenal!

Incredible! Game of the year!


Thanks for the feedback! I forgot to mention that you could restart the game with "R" 


Thanks for the feedback! :) 
