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Hi im 14 and new to programming any tips for a first game jam?

A topic by bagels4two created Jul 25, 2021 Views: 763 Replies: 19
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Its my first game jam lol any recommendations for engines or really any tips? I was thinking of going with godot and keeping it a simple 2d game.

Submitted (3 edits) (+1)

Don't do too much, you can do things you don't exactly know about yet - but it's a good idea not to do anything you have no idea on how to do especially if you're new.

If you think you can do it; do it, else; don't - not yet, wait for the end of the game jam.

Otherwise it will be hard trying to complete your game, and it's likely you won't at all (btw, most of this applies to you only if you're new, people who have worked like this a lot usually can find the way and do it within the time frame). The main thing you need to remember is to not overscope - and you should say this to anyone like you, because everyone does - at least once, most of the time it is in something like this with a short deadline. Finding out the things that you can do within the timeline should help people for everything they do.

And don't push yourself too much, especially if you're not the type who stays up in the middle of the night working - then getting an hour of sleep (I'm not exaggerating). If you can't handle pushing yourself really hard, then don't do it. I've gotten myself stuck in a really bad loop, now whenever I'm working on something I'm staying up stupidly late.


I'd agree with most things blakeb1 mentioned. One then I'd like to say though is, it is important to stick with things you know (like blake mentioned), but you can also turn a Jam into an opportunity to learn something small! The reason being is, Jams push you to make something and push you out of your comfort zone. This is a fantastic reason to learn something! Maybe you think you want to make a game like flappy bird. Well then you'd have to decide: "This is a pretty small game, so does this give me time to make my own art??" And for a jam like this i would say yes! So this gives you a reason to learn pixel art! 

Hopefully that made sense and good luck on the jam!


I've been leaerning programming since i'm 10 (now i'm 13).I never tried godot so i don't know how difficult it is to use it. but i'd recommend unity because it's what i've been using and for me it isn't difficult to use. or, if you don't like regular programming, you can use bolt visual programming! and there's a lot of tutorials from brackeys about most things so in case you need em, you have em.  i also agree with what blakeb1's suggestion. One thing i got which helps me a lot in game jams is to plan first. planning helps quite a lot so you can know what to make and so you can schedule when you're going to do it. i'm not much of an artist myself but i also agree with pandaman02's suggestion about making your own art (unlike me who always uses simple shapes). I learned a lot from game jams, mostly time management and coding efficiently. as long as you got a playable game up, you're already a winner.

Just Push Through, and give everything some time

I suggest unity and it's easy to learn and use it only took me like a day or 2 get used to it

Thanks! I will definitely give unity a go!

yeah definitly

i use godot personally unity takes up to much space and ram

if knowing cooding then unity but if you do not know then Gdevelop

Thank you for the recommendation!

nice to help


You actually dont need much coding knowledge to use Unity. Their version of C# is very different to the real language. All you need is patience to look through the documentation.

Don't overdo yourself try to make something small and not complicated try to pick up a few new things and don't rush it.

Try to prototype before hand so you can see if the mechanics work the way you want them too. Have people around you try and test out your game so you can get their feedback.

Me too i only have about 6 months of expirience in Unity, hope i will do good.

wish you the best!

(1 edit)

it's better to go in your way, i meant about indie game development. I'm new to unity but I know about stuffs like this! Unity is a good option! If you know c#, the best. Orelse, try bolt!!! It's drag and drop, very easy!!!

Orelse try bolt! And music: Make your own. Orelse look in web, it's ok! It's according to your mind that makes the best games. Your creativity must touch the players mind! The theme is what it counts! The player also expects it! got it?

By the way, I'm still studying unity and if I'm late, I'll use

Listen you have 22 days you can learn unity 3d easily and it will be even better if you have an experience with c# learn unity and we can team up i am also 14

I’ll consider teaming up but yes I’m gonna grind to learn the unity version of c# because I have 0 experience with unity lol

To manage in the time period I suggest saving your basic scripts like Player Movement or a simple Combat script and if you need these features - import them into your game! Even partially they can come in handy and save time!