Haha thanks. That's just me saying 'pew!" With different pitches 😂
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Thanks! That's a good idea. The way I programmed the enemy waves also didn't allow for higher difficulty. I can only set enemy type distribution and not actual values. I also wanted to allow different spawn intervals in a single wave so I could hit the player with 1 strong enemy, 10 fast enemies and then some more strong ones. But I ran out of time sadly.
Thank you for your review. Object placement was an interesting problem we had to navigate. I was the programmer and pixel artist while my Cocreator, Nixter, designed the music / sound and built every level in Tiled. We opted to not have any in-engine level manipulation so Nixter could build and test his levels with absolutely zero need for me to get involved. This was a purely workflow decision due to the time constraints of the jam. Unfortunately, this limits the kind of objects placeable to what has already been programmed. We're planning 2 update cycles that focus on gameplay mechanics and visuals so we hope to address the lack of a proper in-game tutorial at that time.
Thanks again!
Thank you for your constructive criticism. I also want to thank you for your time and thorough reviews of every game you've played so far. Unfortunately, the difficulty involved with the permadeath mechanic is a common piece of critique we've received. We're planning two update cycles that will focus on gameplay and overall aesthetic / smoothness. I hope you're able to get your hands on it!
Thank you for the constructive criticism! You're absolutely right that an attack animation would better communicate to the player what exactly happened. I think a lot of improvements can be made generally I'm the art department. Specifically with player interactables.
We're planning two update cycles and hope you'll give the updates a try. They will include new mechanics and features that I believe will address your thoughts.
My co-creator, Nixter, made the music. Funny enough, he made the track after I had done the wizard animation so he'll have to say whether or not that beat was intentional!
Thank you for the review and feedback! I was a co-creator and I agree that some levels were super difficult. We're planning two update cycles and I imagine we will revisit the need for such a harsh perma-death implementation. Perhaps restarting at the current level instead.
The game uses unity's rigidbody physics so there are some tricks you can use to sort of "speed run" the game. You can actually double kill in certain scenarios (level 2) and perform other movement "tricks" to prevent being detected!
There are other mechanics to look forward to so stay tuned!