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A member registered Sep 17, 2020 · View creator page →

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The overall movement (dodging especially) feels really fluid. Makes you want more content so that you can use the abilities to their fullest!

(You still should've used Godot)

Hamburger Collection Simulator 2020 is looking pretty good, I gotta say.

Don't worry, I'm just joking around. The bug didn't affect my enjoyment of the game, and debugging time is a luxury that's hard to afford at jams anyway.

(1 edit)

To clarify, none of the game's dialogue is ever advanced by time--it's all dependent on very specific key presses!

Edit: Well, "all" is not technically right. Most dialogue changes based on relative player position. I meant the key presses are for when you get stopped.

Rated a star for every potted plant in Rui's house.

...Seriously though, I really liked the charm in all of the interactions! Also noticed a feature where Sen appears to magically bind you in place if you talk to her at any point after speaking to Bera.

Bee DLC when?

As someone who's never played through a visual novel (excluding Ren'Py's tutorials), I'm probably not the greatest judge of the genre. That aside, the vivid language kept me reading, and the choices in background and music were very fitting! If only "Werewolf" wasn't in the title, the plot could have been more unexpected.