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Jean-Marc Studio | JMS

A member registered Dec 28, 2018 · View creator page →

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Very cool tower defense perfectly fitting the theme and very beautiful visual !
Good job !

Hello, you can play my game :

I would be really happy to get some feedback on it :)
I'm going to play yours !

Very interesting take on the theme, perfectly fitting it
The game part itself is really well made and has a every interesting style !
I guess the only thing missing was to start with a pre-trained network to already have a "smart" behavior and then see it getting better, because unfortunately all I saw was randomness getting a little bit less random before I lose..
But really well done for achieving such a good result and that short time :)

Hello, I would appreciate if you could rate mine :

I'm going to try yours :)

Nice puzzle game, the game design is well thought to add one mechanic at a time, nice work !

Nice puzzle game, the game design is well thought to add one mechanic at a time, nice work !

Hello, my game is :
9 ratings at the moment, I would be happy to reach 10 at least, thank you :)

Thanks for playing :)
I'm happy you enjoyed !
I tried yours, very cool game , I enjoyed a lot that there is probably lot of different ways to solve the puzzles , well Done !

Hello !
Here is mine :
And i'm going to play yours now :)

Salut, merci beaucoup pour ton commentaire, c'est constructif, ça fait plaisir à lire.

Nous avons designé un playerbehavior plutôt nerveux parce que le jeu a vocation à speedrun. Ceci dit, tu n'es pas le premier à trouver le gamefeel un peu frustrant donc nous allons remédier à ça du mieux que nous pouvons !

Encore merci pour ton gentil commentaire !

Ohh, merci pour ce commentaire, ça nous fait plaisir !

Navré pour le bug de plateforme du lvl 3 : /. J'espère que tu as quand même apprécié :P

Merci beaucoup pour ces encouragements :). Mais par contre on l'a fait en 2 jours comme tout le monde il me semble ^^.

Merci ! ça me fait un petit guili au ventre quand j'entends que notre gameplay est "profond" :D.

Joke of course ! Merci de ton commentaire, ça nous fait plaisir :)

Merci pour ton compliment. On a eu un peu de mal à équilibrer certains niveaux effectivement, je comprends que le jeu puisse être compliqué sur certains challenges.

Encore merci ;)

Merci pour ton retour, c'est vrai que ces deux éléments font un peu tâches dans l'univers néon que nous avons produit.

Je comprends ton ressenti sur le fait que le saut "bloque" l'inertie du mouvement, on va retravailler ça ;).

Merci ça fait plaisir ;)

Thanks for trying the game :)
What was the trouble about the jump ? You couldn't jump on some platform or you couldn't move well on air ?I tried something custom to handle the physics, and maybe some bug still left on the jump..

Merci pour ce retour :)
Désolé pour le bug sur cette plateforme.. Je l'ai pas eu du tout dans mes tests globaux, j'ai du prendre l'habitude de toujours être à un endroit safe, mais en tentant différente position à l'instant, je tombe aussi.. Ca sera à corriger pour après la jam. Merci d'avoir continué à essayer et d'avoir pu voir la suite :)
Oui je pense que ça peut être très sympa à speedrun une fois quelques soucis corrigés, y a pas mal de petite optis (sur le chargement du gun ou autre) et de petits cuts. Mon PB est de 5min20 pour le moment ^^

I see the potential of a puzzle game like this, with a display of all the information: robot controlled, number turns before losing controls, etc.. And maybe reducing the size of map to make it a slower game with less possibilities and force players thinking between 2 moves (at the moment, I'm just playing without any pause, because I can't anticipate what can happen next..)
Good luck if you try to continue it :)

Very challenging adversary, needed lot of tries to finally win !
Well done !

Haha ! I'm very happy if this little robot made you become a little angry, that was totally the goal :)
Thanks for your feedback !

(And yes,  I'm pretty sure some people would leave the game, it is easy to give up after some tries and not understanding what happens next, so I'm happy when there are people like you enjoying it :) )

Hi !
Thanks you for feedback, yes the game as an end:
In fact 2 ^^
One that I planned that follows the story, you can see from here 5:50 on this video of full gameplay I did:

One that I didn't know possible, but you can actually win the game, I added a message in that case, but never did it myself, but Merbertmo commented that he won

Hi !
Thanks for playing :)
Oh so it was beatable, I didn't have the courage to play very carefully, so I put an end message in case someone could win
I don't think it's a bug neither, you were just smarter and very patient I think (I tried few times, but always finished doing a mistake..)
If you want to see the normal ending, I did a full gameplay video so you can see the ending cinematic (from 5:50)

Well done again, and I'm going to play your game now :)

Hi, thank you for your comment !

There is a problem with the enigma in elevator, unfortunately too much people get stuck there.. As it is for a  jam, I couldn't test it really, and I guess my logic is not same as anyone else. Only few people could get it alone, and other ones I had to help. I guess a few hints from the voice could have helped you.

The idea of this enigma is that you really have to type the code that the buttons are showing (3096), but when you type 0, it is like typing2, when you type 1, it is like typing 3, when you type 2, it is like typing 4,... eevry number + 2.

So when you type 3096, you in fact type 5218 (+ 2 for every digit and if more than 10, we just keep last digit).

So you need to press -2 for every digit. So globally, the answer is 1874.

It's near the end of the story, you can also quite cut all the story at beginning with just pressing the code even if the voice didn't do the thing on screen. (you will just have different dialogs later if you don't do some at beginning^^)

You did a great job ! I liked it a lot !

The puzzle were very good, the codes were not too hard but not too easy (i bugged for the 3rd one for a long while^^), the fun touch you added was very good.

(But please, you need to do something about text, make it shorter or make it appear totally if the player click, I was thinking of giving up despite of the game being good a lot)

Thanks for the reply, I tried to investigate about a collider problem, and what you say looks like this.

I published a new version where I changed the walls. I hope it will fix the bug. I tried to do same as you said, and no problem.

(1 edit)

hahahaha that's not normal at all ! 

When did you fell off ? Directly when you come inside ? or after a while ? You could make it go or you fell before ?

If anyone got this bug, please, tell me how it happened, so I can try to fix it, that's a major bug..

Très bon jeu de puzzle qui nécessite pas mal de réflexion, la finition est très bonne.
J'ai beaucoup aimé :)

Hi iSeeLT! First of all thank you for playing and making a video out of our game!
I'm sorry that you didn't appreciate it :(. The game was made in one week and it lacks of a lot of things including instructions and feedbacks.
We hope you won't hate us though :)!

Thanks again for playing!

Thank you for your comments, this game was pretty messed up :/. We made the wrong decisions at the very end of the project.
Glad you liked the idea and graphics though ;)

Hi ! Thanks for playing our game :)

you just showed us two bugs ^^ one that you don't even see but that ruins a part of the scenarisation and the other one bigger a lot that doesn't let you finish the game..

First the one when the robot attaks you, you shoudln't be able to do that jump, if you survive enough, the robot will unwillingly open you a path to where you went.

Second one that is bigger, when falling in the box, you should trigger the event for the next part, unfortunately you finish inside the wall and i guess it causes the problem.. I imagine it is related to the fact that you go left after falling in the box.. I never tried that, so I guess there is a collision problem here, if you go right while falling (or normally not touching anything), it shouldn't have any trouble.

Sorry for the inconvenience, and thanks for trying :)

Hi Lewmac2452s ! Thanks for playing! I know that this is not obvious, but you should have tried your traditionnal WASD keys in order to move. Thanks to that you could have watched by the window and maybe see one of the big monuments of Paris. Once you see the Eiffel Tower, you can pretty much know where you are (vaguely^^), there's one monument to see outside before the Eiffel Tower, and one after. If you manage to give at least this info to the police, they will have more chance to find you!

Although we are aware that it was not clear enough for most players :/.

Thanks again for playing!

Hi ProofreadFire! Thanks for playing our game, we're sad that you couldn't experience it as well as we would have wanted :/. We're both French (that's why the game is set in Paris, maybe), so our accent isn't the best...

Thank you for trying at least,
Next game we're working on doesn't have much voices over! Maybe you could tell us what you think about this one. Stay tuned, release is for tonight ;)

Hey BirdmaskStudio! We're glad this experience was rich for you! That's what we are hoping for!
We had fun making this game so  we hope people have fun playing it!

Thanks again for the comment!
One more game is on the run for tonight! Stay tuned ;).

Thanks again for playing dude!

Hello Katyfoo! Thanks for trying the game!
You were supposed to look around you + listening what they're talking about and then give the police good info :). Easy isn't it!
Ahahaha! JOKE! We're aware that the game is very hard and we blame ourselves for that!
Just imagine you're in the back of a truck, you wouldn't do something heroic like jumping on your kidnappers to stop the car would you? Maybe you'd rather try to reach the Police somehow, which you did (well played!). Then imagine you're the police in charge of you, would you think they would find you if you give them wrong info. In order to give them the right clues you need to pay attention on what's outside like big monuments, if you raise your head a bit (by pressing "W") you see a bit more of the buildings' silouhette.

We are totally aware that this is way to complicated at the moment, but thank you for playing it! And for making a video out of it!

Thanks again for playing!

(1 edit)

I really enjoyed playing your games, the last puzzles were very good, not too easy but not impossible neither. It gives me lot of stress waiting new pop to save my buildings, that 8 seconds waiting were the longest ever in my life ^^ !

The graphics and the feedbacks were very good, well done !

I would just suggest you some little things:

- the first levels for me were unclear, I clicked and won, but didn't get why ^^ So maybe guide a bit more the players to understand in depth your game. And I bugged when suddenly all buildings were available when before i could place only one or two ^^

- Sometimes when i want to pause the game, I added unwillingly pop to somewhere useless..

- Is the seconds really seconds ? I felt sometimes that i waited new pop for minutes ^^ I was pausing a lot, so maybe that's why but still. And same about maintenance, it looked like all maintenance and pop were happening same time, and got synchronous strangely, making it be late a lot.

But in anyway, congratulations, it was very good puzzle game :) 

Hi Buirry! Thanks for playing and for making a video about the game! Thank you so much for trying so hard! Your struggle made me laugh so hard although I'm aware that the game is waaaaay to hard for the moment!
Unfortunatly we didn't have time to test it before the jam ends...
The thing is if you give wrong info to the police, they might never find you, so you have to be sure about what you send (I know this is hard!).
Just mention the monuments you're sure about, they're big enough for players to see it ;)


Let's do the trip together:
- 1st clue is the Arc de Triomphe --> The kidnappers go around it, you can see it for almost 30 seconds by the left window (can't remember exactly when this occurs though^^)
- 2nd clue is the Eiffel Tower (that you saw, gg!) then the 2 fellas take a long straight road with the Eiffel Tower by your right side which gives you an idea of where you can be at that moment.
- 3rd clue is the Cathedral Notre Dame (that you also mentioned I think), the end is just a couple block further.

Hello Asephy! I hope you had fun playing our game and we are very thankfull for your comment!
We know the game is hard and we're sorry about this but we hope you liked the experience :)

Thanks again for playing!