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A member registered Sep 01, 2014 · View creator page →

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The game looks great, guys!

The idea for the game is fantastic! Congrats to the team.

The game is calming, I like that has the ability of a "always runner". Low-poli are great!

Your art is amazing! Congrats to the team!

Hello Furax.

Actually, what you told me are great news for me 

Yes, I am a programmer, but also a game professor and producer. I am happy to know that you are in an art school; I will be more than happy to work together with artists in your institute.

We will meet next week. I'm going now to your Discord channel.

Thanks a ton,


Hello everyone!

I would like to participate in this Jam (Saturday is my birthday!)

Can I participate as a single-person team?

Thanks a ton.

I am unhappy to tell you that we couldn't continue with the development of the game.

Thanks a ton Laval for the opportunity. See you next year!

Thanks L3Di.

Update #3

I had to do some things during the morning, I am going to take the rest of the day to have something done.

(1 edit)

Update #2

We are still thinking of a design for the game. Hope we can get something going!

I'm going to sleep now. We will be back tomorrow.

(1 edit)

Update #1

We are still thinking about the game. We are kinda stuck in the theme.

Reading Discord, I found out that means "Off the Beaten Path", which in our language is "Fuera de lo común".

Hello everyone.

We, René and José, are ready to be part of the Jam.

"Off-road" is the theme. Let's do it!

Hello everyone,

We are a team of (so far) 2 people, a musician and a programmer. We are only missing some key developers, a visual artist and voice actor, for some ideas we are bringing this year.

If someone wants to join, let me know!