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Jester Great

A member registered Mar 28, 2018 · View creator page →

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Wonderful! Thank you for making this!


This was a lot of fun! I played it with my kid and they loved driving around pushing the shopping carts and barrels :D

The gameplay was fun and I didn't encounter any bugs! It was a shame that losing takes you back to the first level so you can't do risky plays in later levels. The basic mechanics worked very well.

(1 edit)

Fun and easy to play! The first moments were my favorite, after the first few enemies and getting the hang of the game it got really easy, especially when I realized you don't have to use the asteroids to destroy enemies. When I limited myself to only use the asteroids it was more fun! Good job!

Wonderful! Easy to understand gameplay, fun level design, consistent art style and funny physics. I really enjoyed it!

The game was easy to understand and I didn't encounter bugs during my playthrough. Very basic gameplay but the game was nicely tied to the theme! Good job!

Thank you so much!

Thank you! 😂

Thank you! I'm happy that you got a positive experience from it and not just uncomfortable 😄

Thank you! I agree, some progression and rising difficulty would have been nice, we were planning to have multiple customers and slightly changing conditions but we downscaled so that we can finish it in time.  Very good feedback!

Thank you for trying out the game!

I'm sorry :(

He do! Thank you for the constructive feedback ;D

Awesome! Short and sweet, well designed levels! Nice effort putting in full intro and ending 👍 

Maybe make W also a jump button in addition to spacebar?

Super fun idea and I like the style a lot! I like how quickly you can scale your size and keep plowing through! Controlling the camera with mouse would be super nice📷🖱

Thank you!! And thanks for the awesome picture :D That's officially the first piece of fan art 😂

Thank you so much! ^.^

Thank you!! We were laughing a lot making it xD

Thank you, I'm so happy you tried it out!!

That would be the best! xD

Fun game! Fun sounds and cute style! I like that you didn't make the puzzle pieces too "picky" so that you can grab them from quite far away so the levels feel like playgrounds where you can throw stuff around if you want :D good ending too!

Improvement ideas:

- Add drop shadows so it's easier to climb ramps without falling and also to see where the blocks will land when dropping them

- Faster grow and shrink, it's kinda annoying to wait even a full second when you hold q or e.

Fun game, thank you for the experience!