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JET Powered Games

A member registered Oct 31, 2021 · View creator page →

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Gotcha, that might be a funky godot engine bug. Thanks for the feedback!

(1 edit)

Did you run out of battery life? There's little yellow cylinders scattered around the map to recharge the flashlight. Hopefully not a bug, but let me know if you can replicate it and I'll see what's causing it.

Little spooky to have a game run in a command-line like that, but very interesting story-telling method! An interesting little choose-your-own-adventure. Nice job!

Fun game, just very hard to tell depth and where you are in relation to the entities and terrain. Could really benefit from mouse controls to steer and adjust the camera to allow for more precise control. Having the camera static-locked to the character is a bit rough. Overall a good start!

Definitely a good idle-clicker game for getting that dopamine drip. My only critique is to maybe add some polish with more visual flare and fun stuff to look at or interact with. Fun game!

I like the hand-drawn art. Could really benefit from some feedback when eating and some sound effects/music. Does the enemy actual hurt you? Also what exactly is the goal? When I ate all the plankton the timer kept going down and the enemy just stopped chasing me. When I ate the worms the timer just sped up and when it hit 0, it said I won. Really would benefit from some polish and a clear goal of how to win.

The music and sound effects gave me a good chuckle, and the concept is fun. Super easy though to just spam the grow-pellets and get massive amounts of fish without much strategy involved. Could use some gameplay balancing and some more polish but a good start for a proof-of-concept!

Very hard to tell what's going on and with the limited field-of-view it's very difficult to see what around you and where you should go to collect the McGuffins. Very simple, silly art is fun, just needs some more work and polish

Very fun, with a silly artstyle. The chaos and glitches were very funny and surprising. Quick-time events definitely helps keep the player invested. Lovely little game. Could benefit from some more "juice" or player feedback and maybe some additional levels. Would love to play more of this with some more environments and level variety. Good job!

Like the intro cutscene, very charming. Physics seem a little difficult to handle but it's a fun concept. Could benefit from a way to increase the time-left, some more feedback/reaction when being attacked or throwing things, and just some general polish. All said, a fun little game!

Hilarious game. Lovely artstyle, charming and fun to play. Would benefit greatly from some music but everything else is 10/10

Thanks for the feedback! Glad you enjoyed it.

Thanks for the feedback, I noticed in the video you encountered our main bug of massive frame-drops when the monster is close and you're in a building or obstructed. Still need to do some bug-fixing there but hope the game is still enjoyable overall.

Now this just ain't fair. This game is too good to be made in such a short time. Haha fantastic polish, love the voice acting, juice/feedback, UI, all 10/10

Really great concept. I would love to play this game more with some more polished mechanics and UI. 

Very clever 3D physics platformer! I could definitely see this becoming a full retail game with some more polishing.

Art is great! Charming story and style. Gameplay is very rough, the input/movement is a bit unpredictable and buggy. I got stuck when I encountered the first enemy and "died" but was still alive and could attack but couldn't move. It's a good start, but definitely needs some more work

Ah yes I see you are a person of culture as well (
Nice and simple, great idea. Movement is a little hard to control which makes it very challenging. 

I did, but I had to use trial and error to figure that out. Not a bad thing, it just might be a point of annoyance for some players.

I am for sure, I've already finished a second area and a boss fight with  a lot more combat. Unfortunately, I cannot update the game until the Game Jam is concluded and the results are in.

Thanks for playing! Wild to see our game played in a YouTube video. Looks like it was one of the first builds I uploaded, the newest version is a lot more polished with a proper "end"

I think this game is too complex for my monkey-brain. I got completely lost and have no clue what to do to win.
Very pretty though! I like the art and UI. Also the music is nice a chill

(2 edits)

Being able to fullscreen the game would be extremely helpful for those of us with high-resolution screens. The glaring white background of the page and the super dark game make it nearly impossible to see anything. Maybe you could function to highlight the things that can be interacted with to help differentiate between the background and objects.

Love the music and ambiance, they definitely fit the "shadow" part of the theme. I got stuck and couldn't really figure out what to do or where to go after I found some food in the forest. Not sure if there's objects I was missing or what.

Don't forget your GDD!

Great idea for a concept! I got stuck on Room 5 though, it would be nice to have a keybind for resetting the level instead of a button on the wall. I managed to get the mirror stuck in front of the button and now I can't proceed anymore. Also some more direction on whether or not certain objects can be interacted with and how would help a lot with not getting stuck.

Sorry if it's hard to figure out, I'm trying to allow the player to learn themselves and give them hints on what to do with the pictures in the background. 

I do like that idea of having the input stuff be closer to the objects. Great for the tutorial area for sure.

Excellent concept! My only critique is its very hard to predict how effective a spell is going to be and what is actually going on. A mechanic that shows damage/healing in advance of taking an action would be super helpful in strategizing. Also maybe an undo & skip turn option would be nice too. Lovely UI & art with a fun concept. Good job!

Love this game! Nice and simple and fun to play!

Thanks for the feedback. I've been trying different input methods but I do like your idea of going 100% keyboard. I did the goofy character sprites and the interactable stuff, everything else I got from

Oh boy, wonderful physics bugs.. Not sure how to solve that one. 

I noticed that, some weirdness going on with the physics. I think I've got that fixed now. I'll be uploading a new version before the Jam ends.

Excellent advice, I'll work to make it more clear whether or not the projectiles are impacting 

There's nothing else to do just yet. I'd posted this just to playtest the bare minimum platforming mechanics. The alchemy and items are still in-progress.

I do plan on adding more mobility upgrades further on. And I will be working on an options menu that allows for re-binding keys as well as other standard options

Absolutely fantastic. I neeeeed to know how you did the dithering effects, is it through Godot shaders?

Seemed a little unfinished, you can just spam the jump key and get out of bounds extremely easy and there's no real way to reset. Feels like the player is running on ice and constantly accelerating if you hold the key down. It has a really good basic concept, that if you spent some more time working at it, has real potential.

I can appreciate the silly art style, but it just didn't jive with me. Also really needed a bit more of an explanation on how to play and the controls. I had no clue what to do, but I could also just be missing something.

My wife and I loved this one, we really wished there was more levels or some more stuff to do! 10/10
The tone was spooky yet silly and loved the text editor jump scare

Fantastic art & music made for great ambiance, I'd love to play again when things are a bit more balanced and the UI is a bit less buggy. The further to the right I got, the UI was nearly completely off screen. I did start to lose interest when I had to keep resetting but I really think this has a lot of potential!

Intro is a bit long and it's a bit unpredictable how to interact with things. Has potential to be a great project in the long run though