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A member registered Jul 27, 2017

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Is there still not a way to manually drain cum from slaves? Right now I basically just have to refrain from sexual encounters with slaves I actually want to get anything done that day. I love most of what this mod does but that one in particular is incredibly obnoxious. 

Any way to drain cum from someone? I've got a slave that's apparently unable to move due to being full of cum...

Got it, finally saw the requirement notification the slave description. I'm a dumbass. Thank you!

I have Leo's mod installed so I'm not sure if this is something from the base game that I didn't know about or from the mod, but what do you have to do for the train level up requirement? It's not increasing grade, adding a specialization, or teaching. What do I do to meet the requirement if it says I have to train with them?

Lilith's Throne, a game with very similar themes and content to Strive got blammed from Patreon. Patreon apparently has an issue with fictional characters being used in non-consensual and incest situations and as the creator refused to edit that out of the game, she decided to make the move to another platform. I would highly encourage Mavrick and any other creators of adult games on the platform to start considering alternatives as Patreon is getting heavier and heavier handed with censorship.

(1 edit)

The description may just need updated and this is intentional, but dominant no longer increases max confidence (Put it as my trait for my starting slave). It still says so in the trait description however. Is this a bug or just an oversight on the description?

Edit: And yes I made sure she was at the highest grade before reporting as I know the trait cap increases usually didn't show up until then.

Do you have the potion in your bag or your mansion inventory? Sometimes that matters. Most quests won't register you have the item if it's in your backpack.

It appears to only be available at non-hub areas. So you can't use it in Gorn but you can use it in the Gorn outskirts. I think it's also only available if you don't have an impending encounter ie. before you hit the explore button or before you hit it again after an encounter.

Update: Starting to think most lewdness increases are broken. I've experimented with several things and then saved and checked the slave file. The only thing I've found that actually increases lewdness for sure is the slave orgasmic/fulfilling desires and it increases loyalty more.  Nothing else seems to increase it. Prostitution/exotic whore has no effect, neither does partial nudity rule, aphrodisiacs + no cumming, or any repeated sex actions I've tried. Seems like it just doesn't work correctly right now unless I'm just fucking it up reading the save file.

I'll try the brothel and see what happens with advanced rules, but honestly I'm getting to the point where I'm thinking of just resorting to save editing. I don't really like to cheat at games like this, but given that what I want to do either isn't really possible or is just really tedious through the base mechanics I'm just going to deal if this doesn't work.

Still no luck. Based on looking at the save files fulfilling desires during sex seems to boost loyalty way more than lewdness, and I'm not finding any action that raises lewdness faster.  I'm not using advanced rules at the moment since I'm trying to do it with a starting slave, and anal weather doing it to her or using aphrodisiacs to get her to agree to sex on day 1 and making her do it herself it still doesn't beat loyalty gains. I'm starting to think if you have your starting slave start with pliable you're just going to get devoted no matter what. There doesn't seem to be a way to force lewdness up faster than loyalty.

As a side note, the desires to have pussy used seems to be broken. No penetration position seems to fulfill it.

I can't seem to ever get the slutty trait rather than devoted. Weather I fulfill desires in the new sex system, rape into orgasms, use aphrodisiacs, nothing seems to pump up lewdness faster than loyalty and I always wind up getting devoted.

Specifically, I've been getting my girls bisexual but since apparently any time they have sex they have a chance to lose that trait it keeps getting removed. Is there any way to prevent this?

I almost feel as if the sexuality traits (straight, lesbian/gay, bi) should be on the person when you first get them and unchangeable except through magic or alchemy.