Honestly after a comment thread like this, its not a matter of if, but when/how - it truly means the world!!
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Short answer: Holy fuck.
This is a game that is shamelessly and unabashedly embracing its theme and running with it - and as a longtime hypnokink lover I was absolutely head over heels from the start. The sheer variety of different tropes from the genre was a feast to experience - snaps, clickers, bondage, visual distortions, visors, metronome, drugs, pocket watches, petplay... My god. The multitude of different spirals for the different sectors was a very nice touch as well, and spoke to the labour of love this is.
Gameplay wise my favorite part was: being savvy with genre tropes? Not enough to save you from bad ends. It was really fun to occupy that space of "trying, and failing anyway" in a more sincere way than any other hypno media I've come across in memory. Additionally, the binaurals getting louder as you got closer to a bad end was a great touch - it was absolutely worth getting the headphones out for this.
Unfortunately I did run into bugs - the binaurals not stopping when I reloaded and then breaking when i refreshed the page meant that downloading the standalone version was an inevitability. (Thank god for the save system). More tragically, I did get hardlocked in my first run of the game - all reactions I could take to escape/defeat Iana errored out being unable to find a room. Totally worth the effort to restart and finish the game, but still a pain!
Frankly after playing through this, I'm even more flattered by your kind words on my own entry (and extra sad I never got to implement the hypno character that was intended in it, hah!). Your writing is captivating , this game fully made me stay up way too late on a weeknight, and I'm definitely going to be following you post jam to see what you get up to.
An adorable art style really carries this game - from the character rigs themselves, to the slimes, to the game over screen. All of it has such personality! In game I love the growth/decrease of their bellies while carrying the slimes, and the little internal view that shows which ones you've picked up.
It does feel a little punishing to lose outright picking up too many black slimes when the time limit is so long - it also took me a bit of finagling to figure out the controls, which is a bit of a pain in a timed game. One look at the purple cat slime was enough to convince me to give it another go though - I will be adopting one of those.
Simple, sweet, to the point - it's a great portrayal of the kinks at hand. Super replayable as well - though thats in part because the beginning is pretty unforgiving. My first 3-ish run-throughs were met with a score of 0 and no idea on how to stop the hoarde of people I'd pissed off stop following me . The use of infestation kink to divert said people though was fantastic!
I also think you really played to the strengths of your art style - the little run animations in particular are super cute, as is the game over screen. The sound effect choice was excellent as well!
Ah, my D&D loving ass is such a sucker for a good medieval/high fantasy game. The frog character's art especially has a lot of charm to him, and I love the slapstick setup of the narrative.
Definitely echoing the sentiment that the control explanation did not click with me at all the first couple of runs - the font choice was a bit difficult to read as well which didn't help. Definitely enjoyed sticking through to the end to see both endings though, and I hope the team is proud!
The sheer ambition of how many articles of clothing you drew for this is mindboggling; already well done on that. It took a little while to get the hang of how to actually fish for clothing, and I wish there was an easier way to tell if you'd gotten everything from an area, but the collectathon aspect really hooked me in (heh) and kept me at it. Also I love that you went for a kobold for the main character - they look great in your art style in particular.
Simple, effective, and an amazing representation of the kink - wetting is absolutely not my kink and yet i really enjoyed every second I had in the game. The little details were my favorite part - the variety of the jeering comments were fantastic, and I love that a little wet spot is left on the stage in subsequent replays. My only real critique is that especially early on it's hard to judge the speed that you need to drink at, but it becomes less of an issue as the game progresses and things speed up in general.
Was really excited to play this after seeing your progress in the discord, and it didn't disappoint!
LMAO - hilariously it was actually a similar train of thought that made me get to this idea in the first place; I wanted to see exactly how you could make fishing game and horny game come together in holy matrimony. SO delighted that you found joy in it!
(I've also seen your corresponding jam page review - I'll reply to that a little later but tl;dr I want to get a minor patch out to address it. It was one of those things I couldn't fix before the jam ended, but now I have the time to!)
I have SUCH a nostalgia for desktop pets, and this is an amazing little one - absolutely not what I expected out of a game jam project! The art is also stellar too - Brie is just too cute. Ditto for the pop-up ads - while somewhat unintentional, it was a delightfully hypnohorny moment to wonder what the "delay" slider was for, put it all the way down, and then be bombarded with popups.
Truly I think my only real critique is that I wanted to do more with Brie and mess around in the game longer! The charm of the project is just undeniable.
It's really cool to come across a game that just immediately hits you with personality from the moment you open the page. From the goofy lil' rotating 3D background, to the distinctive style of the setting and characters, to the way the characters themselves speak and act. It was what kept me sticking with the game, even though I bounced hard off the controls - the dual button needed to interact was something I kept forgetting. Also agree with other comments that it would be great to be able to zoom in and see the pixel art better!
Also: I love meeting Dustin. Easily the best part. :D
Awesome game! A great premise, super adorable art (I adore how the cow versions of the characters look!) and the clinking bottles are a great touch. The bottles can be a bit of a pain to pick up - it's not apparent at first that you're locked out of moving the next one until the first one is settled, which reads as unresponsiveness - and the milk especially can completely soft lock the game. An alt win con or a max number of turns would really help.
I'm always so partial to a deck builder though, and this is a great one; I can see myself coming back to it post jam just to futz around with.
Thank you so much! I consider myself a writer first, and I’m pretty damn proud of what’s in the game on that front. The fact that both the cosy vibe, as well as the general writing quality came through for somebody playing makes me absolutely delighted - and i’m glad the gameplay loop hits right too!!