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A member registered Jan 22, 2022

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One display bug: when you’re somewhere other than the garden, the garden items show their current value calculated as if the combo multiplier wasn’t raised to a fractional power. Only once you go to the garden does the display take the smaller combo multiplier into account.

Areas should always calculate “current value” based on what the combo multiplier would be in that area.

Love the new updates.

A bug: if you accidentally press ‘h’ (hide UI) while playing Simon, the game disappears and doesn’t reappear, losing your progress. (This is easy to do on a laptop that has a mouse between the b, g, and h keys.)

(5 edits)

This was fun! It has a very playful and visceral feel to it.

“dresser” or “chest of drawers” or “bureau” should work for the furniture next to the bed:

“donuts” or “tower” should work for the “toy”.

“pennants” should work for the “flags”.

“diary” should work for the “journal”.

I think if you omit that behavior of aces, many people who are used to blackjack are going to be unpleasantly surprised when they bust unexpectedly.

If, in the course of designing more cards for the deckbuilding aspects of this, you decide to have cards that are always 11 and never 1, or for that matter always 1 and never 11, I’d suggest labeling those cards “11” and “1” rather than “A”; if you present something as an ace, people will expect it to behave like an ace.

I’d definitely suggest providing aces with the standard ace behavior, though; in the course of a blackjack deckbuilder I think you’ll want lots of cards with values that change for various reasons.

This feels like the start of something fun!

One issue: the game doesn’t handle treating an ace as either 1 or 11 depending on the other cards you have. So, for instance, drawing two aces immediately busts, rather than giving you 12. Having an ace-3 (14) and drawing another card, and getting an 9, will bust rather than giving you 13.

This is an awesome game!

One minor UI nit: it should be sufficient to drag a die onto any part of a card, rather than only onto the center.

Does anyone have a procedure for copying records from newgrounds to itch? I’d love to preserve my streaks and achievements.

There are some interesting bugs in the inventory handling that suggest a suboptimal implementation.

Clicking on an item doesn’t use that item, it uses the first item of that type in the inventory list. That changes the positions of inventory items before the cursor, which throws people off when clicking several items.

And if you have a huge number of herbs, clicking a cauldron takes a long time.

Based on that, I’m guessing that you search for items from the beginning every time, making the cauldron at least O(n^2).

Clicking an item should remove that specific item, and shift the remaining items up by one. And the cauldron should walk the list, remove all items of a type in one pass, and then add that many of the new item.

This is more-or-less Go Fish, but with the rule variant that drawing any card you already have lets you go again, rather than only drawing the card you asked for. That rule variant makes the endgame much more painful: it’s very likely that a player who has lots of cards will get many turns in a row.

Ah, interesting. I was expecting the buff to be “buff any future Scratch you use” rather than being attached to specific cards.

Is that an intentional design choice? Would it affect game balance to do otherwise?

Discovered a bug. During a game, when the hit button is available, choose the pause option, and then rather than clicking “resume” or “quit”, click in the blank space where “hit” was. You’ll hear a sound as though the button was clicked, and then when you resume, the hit button will be disabled.

(Quitting and continuing is the only way I’ve found to recover from the bug.)

Given the difficulty of obtaining the Old Baseball Card, I was really expecting it to be something powerful, rather than a card that has no effect at all.

Really enjoying this!

The Bouncer is a great boss.

It doesn’t seem like the computer opponent takes Hall Pass into account: I just watched an opponent play Hall Pass (which should have shown them their next draw) and then play the next card which made them bust.

The “scratch” card brought into play by “Terminate the Tower” doesn’t seem to have the same effect of increasing in value when more scratch cards are played.

Using a sleeve on some special cards (e.g. “scratch”) doesn’t work the way I would have expected. I was hoping it’d be the equivalent of playing it at the start of each turn.

The itch CDN is shutting down, and itch is migrating to a new CDN that requires using a new domain. This is going to invalidate save data for all HTML games.

Would you consider adding saved-game export and import, please?

Fun and creative!

Would you consider making it possible to jump to any previously reached picture word by clicking it, to make it easy to pick a better starting point for a word you’re trying to reach?

This was really fun, very engaging, and just flew by.

(1 edit)

Or “Scientists are growing, bird population likely at fault”

Awesome that “Scientists are Geese” worked, though.

(4 edits)

Vortech Research (improve experience growth for every loot) might be a tad overpowered. Got it along with Shrink Ray and loot duplication, and cooldown reduction after every crit, and I now have a 100% crit rate and fire 20 shots per second even before I start collecting gumballs.

After spending all that, my attack delay is now displaying as 0.00, my range is over 14, and my attacks pierce 10 enemies. I’m wondering if it’ll crash on night 20 the moment I start firing.

Update: didn’t crash, but it slowed down massively. By the end of night 20, I was level 1211.

(2 edits)

Crashed on night 20. Probably the experience doubling problem that others have mentioned.

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(2 edits)

Achievement unlocked: beat night 20 without touching a key or getting hit.

Lots of burning earthen orbs, orbs give more experience, orb speed on level up, random ability on level up, and abilities to both get an orb and atomize orbs.

Nothing got through the wall of fast orbs, though it was a close thing a few times when the orb wall moved inwards as the secondary effect of the gain-orb ability.

I also had shot speed on level up and shot damage on level up, which I had lots of fun using on earlier nights, but I wanted to see if I could get through the last night without firing.

Ran into a bug: the path to the Experience Up in the center of the screen doesn’t actually function, and those points don’t act connected.

(2 edits)

Another great wizard run. Atomize to make lots of orbs, burning orbs, more experience from orb kills, lots of cooldown reduction, the double-experience ability, and the reduce-other-cooldowns ability. And then orb speed on level up, magic on level up, and more damage on level up.

By the end of night 20 I had 60 damage per shot.

Just finished a wizard run with 38 damage per shot on the last night, along with more than a dozen orbs orbiting. I got a skill that adds one damage for each level up, and the ability to double and immediately collect all experience orbs.

Would you consider adding a mechanism to go back and re-read story text you’ve previously seen? That would be particularly useful for the arena fighter descriptions.

(3 edits)

Amazing game! I love the mechanics and the story.

One apparent bug: loading the game doesn’t seem to reset equipment/gold/skills, or possibly something is autosaving. I’d like to reload to try different equipment and skills, without having to go through a reroll.

Also, is the Thieves’ Guild storyline currently unfinished? It seems like it stops after the initial interaction, and the Selky Pint becomes unavailable.

Came across someone playing this amazing combination. No apparent ability to do damage, but amazing staying power. I suspect it won against some builds simply by outlasting fatigue and counting on fatigue to kill the opponent.

I managed to do enough poison damage to outpace its poison removal, just barely.

Feature request: Please update the cooldown values based on surrounding items, the way that (for instance) the damage ranges update.

Also, please consider previewing the changes before entering into a battle, rather than only showing them in-battle.

When oriented between horizontal weapons, the whetstones don’t “bind” to the same weapon, suggesting that they won’t combine after the next round. A pair of whetstones that each could affect more than one weapon should always bind to the same weapon so that they can combine.

Lots of fun!

Things discovered the hard way: the Death Scythe’s effect of multiplying poison does not appear to stack, as far as I can tell.

(1 edit)

Very nice art and theme.

Could you provide some help for what the various icons for demon skills do?

Also, some purchases mention wizards having skill points, but I don’t see a menu for those like the demons have.

(1 edit)

I really enjoyed this as well. I’d love to see additional messages in the final fight explaining incorrect decisions (e.g. how you played elemental rock-paper-scissors incorrectly and why the monster won, in narrative terms).

Memes: fun, most people will enjoy them if not overdone, and they’re not overdone here; they’ll be either a laugh or a groan, and either way that’s fun. Charged political memes: not so fun, alienates a substantial fraction of people, they’ll be either a laugh or an “ugh, yeet”.

“Curse of Wokeness: Lose all gold”

Sigh. Was having fun, bailed when I saw this.

Tons of fun!

Ran into a few issues:

  • The fullscreen option makes the mouse cursor disappear, which makes fullscreen unusable for me.

  • It’s possible, if you accidentally switch windows while holding a key down (or something along those lines), for a key to remain “stuck” down. Painful if that key is “move to the right”.

Very nice game!

My current record:

(1 edit)

It doesn’t seem like it’s possible to escape given initial equipment. Escaping initially requires “12 or more”, but offers 2 + 0.75*die, and that can’t possibly make 12. And failing to escape makes it harder (rather than incrementally managing to escape over multiple rounds).

Fun, but the battles with a back-row enemy that constantly attacks seem excessively overpowered; it doesn’t seem feasible by that time to get enough shielding to block the turns in which they both attack.