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A member registered Dec 28, 2017 · View creator page →

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Hey there! Thank you, Im glad you liked it! 

Hope I won't disappoint ;)

(2 edits)

Build 0.1.4 released!

Play it here!

  • Changelog:
    • Gameplay
      • Fixed a rare bug with combat turning the screen all black (what the f%$#…)
      • Fixed bug with Larvas and their line of sight (again…)
      • Improved fog of war! (some walls were acting weird but i told them to stop!)
      • Added sound detecting mechanic: if you’re hiding, you can now listen for nearby enemies! (still working on this…)
    • Graphics
      • Completely revamped the user interface (and it’s sexy!)
      • Added skill animations (most are placeholders still)
      • Changed mouse icon
    • Combat
      • Added basic new weapon: the turret (yeah baby!)
      • Added ability to move 1 tile per turn during combat (also allowing you to get OUT of combat!)
      • Enemies gain experience points and can now LEVEL UP during battle!
      • Changed how ARMOR works
      • Creatures now have more than 1 skill
      • Added side pannel that shows information on all creatures in combat
      • Larvas Eggs now only spawn 1 larva per turn
      • Larvas no longer need to move 1 tile in order to enter combat
      • Larvas may now reproduce without neighboring other larvas (still thinking about this one)
      • Reduced missed bullets spread angle
  • Known Bugs
    • If 2 enemies enter combat at the exact same time their side panel wont show up
    • The HUD shows messages at the wrong times
    • Mouse pointer may switch image at the wrong occasions
    • Enemies may not use their first ability after receiving the Burning condition

Hey there!

Build 0.1.4 is out and it addressed most of the issues you pointed out.

If you find the time to test it again I'd really appreciate it!

Thank you!

Love the concept of a bubble spitting lizard! I enjoyed this one even though I'm a platformer noob xD

Nice little game!

(2 edits)

Build 0.1.2 released!

Play it here

Major changes to combat system & game HUD

(2 edits)

Hey man! Thanks so much for trying this out!

So, about the combat, I have actually been thinking about those same issues lately, namely:

  • the player taking turns between each enemy 
  • not knowing your exact health (and your enemy's) and your attack damage (and your enemy's)
  • not knowing your hit chance
  • your enemies not missing any attack

I will be addressing these in the next version though.

About the time not being stopped for enemies outside combat, I do think it adds to the pressure of the game. I might be wrong though.

Maybe it'd help if I just slow them down a bit... What do you think? I'll play with it next version also.

Thanks for the feedback! 

(1 edit)

Hey man! Thanks for playing!

Funny thing, today I've actually added the blood effect to the enemies too ;)

It'll be up on the next version, along with some new cool stuff.

(4 edits)

My name is João, and I'm currently working on a project (temporarily) called Space Game (-.-')

build 0.1.4: [Play here] 

About the game:
  • Gameplay
    It's an isometric game where the player will control a character that completes missions on various planets and spaceships.
  • Story
    The game should be an open-world game where the player decides what to do and when to do it with many different places and activities. Not sure there will be any kind of story mode.

Current status: 

As of build 0.1.4 there's 3 enemies and a test level where the player can try out the combat system.

Working on:

Right now I'm working on the combat system.

Gameplay video: