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A member registered Apr 05, 2020 · View creator page →

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Thanks! Honestly the 2 mages animations are not related, however there is an audio cue (coin flip sound) just before the evil mage swings his scythe! You can see him start to wind up his scythe attack over a few seconds and then he will swing. When he decides to wind up his attack is random within 12 seconds of his last swing though

Thanks! Yeah i surprised myself with the amount I was able to get done with the time i had! Now i keep working on Leg Day lol

Fire af mang i love how u did the hands lmao

(1 edit)

Thanks for playing!

Appreciate the feedback, yeah the game really should have a more clear tutorial, bunny hopping is kind of confusing as an intentional game mechanic.

I definitely struggle with balancing difficulty in the platofrming games I make lol, I have had this happen in the past on another game I designed the levels for.  Il figure it out eventually lmao

thanks for your time!

Thank you for playing! Checkpoints were intended to be included in the game, however We were unable to add them sufficiently because I had a power outage prior to the end of the game jam! I believe there is one checkpoint on one of the routes on level 2 if I remember correctly. That was one thing i really wish I got added in time!

Appreciate your time, thanks for playing!

Thanks for playing! yes it was a dev build unfortunately we had to rush to get it out due to power outage!

the hotdog stand is the end of level 1, you can talk to the customer again to let him eat his hot dogs.

Lots of things ended up unfinished such as:

-Levels leading you to the next level

-The character in level 3 being completely changed last second due to a bug,

-No escape pause menu to let you get back to the main menu or your settings in a traditional matter.

However I am happy with the results we ended up with, our first game jam ever, and our pipeline we used for asset creation went smoothly with a relatively small amount of issues barring the character on the last level. I appreciate your time, thanks for playing!